Wow. Wholesomeness overdose.
(What's with the clerk lady though? Is she there, like, for comedic relief?)
Sorry, man. But you know, I think the old saying fits like never before: don't hate the players, hate the game. The one game ending, to be precise.
Yeah, think so too. IIRC there can be even more ridiculous situation were you could do nothing sexual with Claudia and yet get her ending. I'm not 100% sure, would need to recheck, but I think I got this result once and it was hilarious. There are quite a lot of loose ends left unanswered - like what's the "Guild", what happened with Marcello (although at Discord devs said he just run away), what's going on with Chang's racket, would Tombs become Karen's and Leon's bull and so on. And not a single scene with Evelyn, ugh!