Hi nuqqur , to clear things up a bit. I plan to make these mods for content I wanted to put in the game myself. So I basically just split the content to have the base game include the more accepted stuff and have the rest in a mod. Yes you could also call it dlc but I called it mod for consistency reasons. Since I added a modding framework for the game that will be available in the next version, creating a mod is extremely simple. For myself it is basically the same way, how I create events for the game in the first place, with the only difference of putting them in a different file. Only difference is a mod needs an extra file containing some info about the mod version, a unique mod key and some info like author name and description for displaying purposes, to allow the game to register the mod. So for me putting these things in a mod is no extra work, except working to to not lower the amount of content created for the base game.Honestly, while I'm personally disappointed with the decision made based on the poll, it is the developer's prerogative to make a game the way they want to make it. While I question the wisdom of making that poll on F95 instead of as a private Patreon poll, there's clearly an audience for a game with this direction, so for the purpose of making a game that would be popular it may be the right decision.
However, one thing that ticked me off is that on Patreon, the developer said they reached "the solution" for folks who want a more... diverse cast of characters - modding. I can't tell if that's naivete or an attempt to string along people with false hope, but clearly if anyone thought about this for more than a few seconds, they'd realize that this isn't viable for this purpose.
Assuming of course that they don't mean that they actually implement all "mods" themselves (at which point it's more of a DLC, "official mod" doesn't really make sense). It's hard to tell based on their message which one they meant, because with "allow people to add content they are missing" and "why shouldn't I just use it to outsource content" they make it sound like they're not planning to do it themselves, but with "to develop a mod on the side containing the fetish stuff" they imply they'd be working on some "official mods", but give no hint towards co-ed being one they'd work on themselves.
Whether the school is girls only, or a mix is a fundamental difference. It would affect everything, from half of the dialogues to half of the CG. One could consider adding something like this with a mod if the game was not based on prerendered CG. In that case, a mod could make new characters appear on existing scenes fairly easily. But with CG images it would be extremely jarring if this major difference would only be visible in new events added by the mod, and the rest of the game would not make any references to that. To make it actually feel like it's a part of the game, one would have to rerender a lot of existing CG, which is not practically viable because modders do not have access to the scenes and models used to render the original CG.
Also, such a mod would require an enormous amount of work. Which requires someone competent to have enough time and interest in it in the first place. There are only a handful of games on this entire site that have mods which actually add significant portions of content rather than just being minor tweaks or cheat/walkthrough mods. At this point you could as well tell people "you can always make your own game!", which actually sounds less condescending.
So to summarize, I myself export the unwanted content in a mod/dlc, to allow people to play the game without these contents and give other people the means in form of the modding framework/interface to create their own mods in an easy and straightforward way.
So you will still be able to get the content originally planned, you just have to download the mod I provide separately.
Edit: Also to answer, why I made a public poll. I decided to make the poll public and not on patreon is because the decision would be too important and impactful to have a small, possibly biased set of people decide.
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