In this case almost all the dialogue is kept in plain text files, so it should be easy for anyone using a reasonable text editor. I use Visual Studio Code (which is free, has some nice features in find in replace for multiple files, and works on basically any computer that's not potato based) but you can use pretty much anything like Notepad++ or similar. Notepad or Wordpad would probably not be great choices as I don't believe they support UTF-8 text. (Basically if you open autMessages3_034.txt do you see the musical notes in the text and multiple lines of text? If so you're good to go.)
A few things to understand:
- Make a backup, I'm not responsible if you break your game or save files
- \n means newline (return)
- It looks like for < or > you need to use \< or \>
- Spacing needs to be kept about the same
- It would be good to play through the scenes in question, but I have not done so for my edits yet
- You can put the attached files directly in the scenario folder, but unless you disable the TS_Decode plugin it will use the encoded form (.sl files)
- You must have the decoded files in place to disable the TS_Decode plugin
- You disable the plugin by editing www/js/plugins.js, search for the line that starts with "{"name":"TS_Decode"," and set the status to false
- Be very careful changing anything that isn't obviously speech (and test those changes if you make them)
- Lines starting with ;; are comments, it would be good to use that to explain things as needed
When you're done you can send me a message with a zip file of your changes. I'll integrate the changes into a version I'm modifying now.
I need to change the file extension, I'll re-upload once I fix that.
2nd Edit:
If you have trouble loading the files (which happened to me) you might need to use the TS_ADVsystem,js modifications (attached). Backup and replace in the www/js/plugins directory.