Just finished planting the first crop, and so far I am absolutely loving this. With 2.5 exceptions.
1. The sudden shift in tone when the sex happens. The sudden vulgarity and crudity. It's off-putting, and feels like it was added in by a third party. Plus the first handjob scene seems.. not forced, but as if the writer thought "Awh, heck, all this writing and no lewdity? I'd better add some in, quick!". Just a few more lines of conversation would've improved it, IMO; a bit more build-up, a bit more coyishness.
2. The combat. I can't imagine how obnoxiously grindy the game would be if you're not cheating. It's grindy even when you cheat your health+stamina+ammo to be 1000 (mostly because you need to do it every time you go out).
2.5. The semen looks weird. To be fair, pretty much no-one has managed to simulate ejaculate properly AFAIK, but here it's extra thick and yogurt-y.
Complaints aside, the story and gameplay-premise is great. More than great. At least so far, a sweet and romantic horror-romance-survival game with likable, normal characters? Yes please. I'd enjoy this even without the explicit lewdity. Well, I'd enjoy it more, see above, but still.
-edit- it's 3 AM* and Mia just sucked me off. And tbh I'm not keen on it. It feels... icky. She's basically a child that needs safety and protection. Yeah, she's cute, but.. eh. It's.. it's off. Legal or not, it's all sorts of.. hinky. Not her age, but the situation; I'm a more-or-less grown adult, and she's a teen going through trauma. Offering her intimacy and safety is the right thing to do, but taking advantage of her hormonal gratitude is just wrong. Yeah, she's horny and willing, but it's still not ok. Position of authority, parental figure, difference of power, etc. etc.
*plus wine. Quite a bit of wine.
The story is definitely getting darker, and I assume it'll continue to do so given that VoidTraveler laughed at this post.
-edit 2- Oh, I just remembered! These people are supposed to be adults. Yet they don't know how radios work. Channels? No, channels are just saved frequencies*; just looking at channels 1-9 is useless. Turn the knob that looks at the frequencies, dummy.
*or whatever you call it in your country. AM such-and-such, FM this-and-that. It's not "channel 69" it's "FM 9.69."