This world is so fucked up, when it comes to depictions of things in games and films/tv shows...
We can see people with heads blown open, brains scattered, limbs torn off, blood everywhere and that is fine... Oh, they'll put a little warning on it saying "contains graphic violence" and "Not for under 17" and shit like that, but show a naked body, or 2 people having sex, or a "petite" person doing "adult" things and suddenly, you're the Devil incarnate and must be destroyed.
And ssjgssj's comment on "western shit" is SOOOO not the case... Just look at japan's censorship laws, and what they allow in their games/films/tv shows, and what they don't. Rape and loli's and such are fine... but OH NO, don't let our innocent eyes actually see the genitals... "fucking idiocy*