I didn't play the first release of this, but I figured what the hell I'll give the 2nd release a chance. Here is my analysis.
-The Renders are pretty nice
-Realistically sized man bits on the protagonist
-Start off rich and powerful
-In spite of Engrish, you can understand what characters mean
-The protagonist is not a relatable person. Nor does he have any flaws that would make him an interesting character. He is a young attractive billionaire that gets all the pussy he wants and drives around in a very nice car. His "problem" is that he gets too much pussy, and can't find love having a lot of "pump and dump" action. I would not view such a life as a "problem", and I would view it as a blessing.
-The Engrish is strong in this game, very strong.
-Choices have so far been meaningless
-Even if it was well written the story is not impressive
-No choice to engage in a sex scene or no
-So this is the 2nd release after 2 months since the first release and still barely any content. In spite of it being "episode 2" it's more like 1/2 an episode