RPGM Completed MonGirl Sexpedition [v1.0] [Yeehaw Games]

3.90 star(s) 7 Votes

Yeehaw Games

Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
Hello, folks! With the public release of MonGirl Sexpedition, the last week was pretty busy, so I had to shift the weekly report to Tuesday. Anyway, before we’ll start with the usual changelog, I want you to check out several feedback polls about the new game. Here they are: , , and . Please share your thoughts, this will greatly help me!

The last bits of art should arrive before the release. Namely, Belle’s tease scene in the inn, so stay tuned for a preview. With art out of the way, I think the next release for MGS should arrive in the usual update window, February 14th-16th. As usual, if something changes, I’ll make a separate post to pass the info.

There two new mini-quests along with the usual storyline update. First of all, you’ll be able to get inside minotaurs' lair and talk with their chief. After a bit of arm wrestling, you’ll be able to get new allies against the ogres. The second one will feature the furballs in the kitsune temple. There you’ll get the best kind of reward for helping the fluffy ones :p

I’m done with the home reinforcement and decoration feature for the upcoming update. Now players will have an option to decorate their home with paintings after a small quest from the artist in Bright Meadows. He lives in the house close to Mona’s and will paint portraits of encountered characters and even some kinky moments from H scenes you get.

I’ll use the rest of the time before release for playtesting and preparing the new stuff for the players.

Added new monster girl for Niko forest zone. This time it’s a tigress. Like the werewolf, she will chase Jack and fuck him if he fails to avoid her.

Changed the first dialogue with the ogre guard in the pass to clearly state that players don’t need to collect money for them since some players actually farmed jink for ogres.

Fixed a bug that allowed players to meet Naka in her jump training zone before getting to know her at her campsite.

Jumping skill now properly shows up in the skill menu in the passive skills list. No logical changes for its use.

That’s it, folks! Stay tuned for the upcoming updates!


New Member
May 5, 2018
There two new mini-quests along with the usual storyline update. First of all, you’ll be able to get inside minotaurs' lair and talk with their chief. After a bit of arm wrestling, you’ll be able to get new allies against the ogres. The second one will feature the furballs in the kitsune temple. There you’ll get the best kind of reward for helping the fluffy ones :p
That can only mean we get to fluff their tails!

Anyways, nice game so far, I am excited for the update.


Active Member
Jan 9, 2018
I have a couple questions. First, is this going to be full-harem-only, monogamy, or mix-and-match in terms of the girls? I've never liked full-harem-only as I don't like the idea of having a huge selection of girls, but all of them forced on me, anyway.

Second, the kitsune girl (I think Momo is her name?) on the cover is sort of just poking in from off-screen like an add-on. Usually in logos, that means the character is just an extra/side-character and not actually available. Is that true for her?
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Yeehaw Games

Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
That can only mean we get to fluff their tails!

Anyways, nice game so far, I am excited for the update.
I see you are a man of culture as well ^^ Cheers!

I have a couple questions. First, is this going to be full-harem-only, monogamy, or mix-and-match in terms of the girls? I've never liked full-harem-only as I don't like the idea of having a huge selection of girls, but all of them forced on me, anyway.

Second, the kitsune girl (I think Momo is her name?) on the cover is sort of just poking in from off-screen like an add-on. Usually in logos, that means the character is just an extra/side-character and not actually available. Is that true for her?
Err... I'm not sure I got your question right. You will be able to choose the girls for H stuff and just pick your favorites aside from the story-driven bits. For example, you'll need Mona's help to boot out the ogre tribe from the pass. In order to get her trust, you'll need to work with her and do some of her activities, including an H scene. After this, you can pretty much ignore her if she's not your cup of tea. Or you can "catch them all"

MonGirl Sexpedition will introduce girls to you, but it's up to you if you want to get in real relationships with them. It's more of a sandbox game rather than a strict story-driven experience.

If you are talking about the orange one, yes, that's Momo. And, yes, she's too smol for H stuff and will instead bring cuteness and lulz into the game. Just like the smol gang did in Yorna.


May 31, 2018
How do I go further with the Minotaur quest? All he tells me is to back off when I speak to him. That's all.


Nov 9, 2018
How do I increas Elly's affection ?
Even if I work on her shop it won't increase after some point


May 31, 2018
How do I increas Elly's affection ?
Even if I work on her shop it won't increase after some point
As per the developer update, Elly doesn't have any content. Her progress is also locked as of now, so it won't go further no matter how much you work for her. It will be updated in future i believe.

Yeehaw Games

Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017

MonGirl Sexpedition v0.1.5 is up for download! You can get the new version .

H content

You can get new full H scenes with Mona, plus some lewd activities with her once you get the affection meter high enough and help her with a small task. Yes, these “activities” involve her boobs. No, Lady Dimitrescu and the new Resident Evil trailer didn’t affect this :>

Aside from this, Elly and Belle received their teasing mini-scenes. You will get these while working with them and having high enough affection.

New features and activities

There two new mini-quests along with the usual storyline update. First of all, you’ll be able to get inside minotaurs' lair and talk with their chief. After a bit of arm wrestling, you’ll be able to recruit new allies against the ogres. The second quest features the furballs in the kitsune temple. There you’ll get the best kind of reward for helping the fluffy ones :p I wonder what plans Hanako has for Jack?

Added new monster girl for Niko forest zone. This time it’s a tigress. Like the werewolf, she will chase Jack and fuck him if he fails to avoid her.

Home upgrade and decoration feature is ready! Now players have an option to decorate their home “cave” with paintings after a small quest from the artist in Bright Meadows. He lives in the house close to Mona’s and will paint portraits of encountered characters and even some kinky moments from H scenes you get. You can also upgrade your home to be bigger with minotaurs’ help. Of course, these are just the first steps in upgrade options.

I added the “blackjack-like” card mini-game. If you played Yorna, it’s already familiar to you. You can play the cards with a trader who’s currently stuck at the inn in Bright Meadows.

The second mini-game introduced with this update is arm wrestling along with a new tutorial for it. It’s quite simple. You need to pay attention to the arrow in the middle of the screen and hold the correct direction on the keyboard to score points. The Android version has special buttons for this. I tried to make the game comfy for mobile devices too and would like to hear your feedback on this!

Added several potions to Mona’s shop as a way to increase Jack’s stats for a day. These are available once you’ll accompany her to the forest for some herb gathering. Such potions can be handy for stat checks in some actions and mini-games like wrestling. Alternatively, you can buy these from the rare trader in the deep part of Niko forest or Friday’s stall. But these will be pricier!

Small fixes and improvements

Changed the first dialogue with the ogre guard in the pass to clearly state that players don’t need to collect money for them since some players actually farmed jink for ogres.

Fixed a bug that allowed players to meet Naka in her jump training zone before getting to know her at her campsite.

Jumping skill now properly shows up in the skill menu in the passive skills list. No logical changes for its use.

Fixed night forest ambiance incorrectly playing in some indoor areas around evening and night.

Renamed slot 30 in the save menu into AutoSave to avoid possible confusion. No changes to actual working logic.

Added autosave function to the first transition into the deeper forest area in Niko forest.

Disabled and removed several testing skills from the early builds of the game. No real impact on the gameplay, just some interface clearing.

Thanks to Bauch1234 fixed the bug that allowed players to get inside the deeper part of the forest at night. Using this bug caused the game to freeze over time since the logic wasn’t expecting such behavior. Also, I added soft padding to avoid such freezes in the future.

Added another entrance to the deep forest underground in order to make it more accessible.

Added mandrake root to Ent’s special clearing in the deep forest. This makes kitsune’s quest easier. Otherwise, players would have to use the underground and its rewards.

Aggressive monster girls no longer lose moving speed if they notice Jack right after they wake up from the first sex.

Adjusted some map geometry for a more convenient movement.

As always, if you don’t like something about the game – tell me, and if you like MonGirl Sexpedition – tell your friends ^^
  • Yay, update!
Reactions: Succubus Hunter

Yeehaw Games

Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
Hello, folks! Another release is out, and it’s time to see what I’m planning to do during February -> March period. But before this, check out this . I plan to add such polls every month, so players could pick new looks for their favorite girl. After the poll, the winner will be added to the game and Maggie will help you to change characters’ looks with a dream shard.

Story-wise v0.2 will become the last update before you’ll boot the ogres from their camp and open a path to the rest of the global map. To do this, you’ll need to improve your affection level with girls. v0.2 will be more focused on Elly and Naka, but this doesn’t mean the rest won’t get any love.

From the activities and mechanics perspective, I’ll add treasure hunts. Just like in Yorna, you’ll need to find or buy a map and a shovel. Using the visible parts of the map, players will need to determine the correct location of a treasure and dig it up. I’ll add new types of maps in the future along with new map concepts.

I’m working on several improvements for arm wrestling to make it more user-friendly. First of all, I’m adding a 3-second timer after the players agree to play and before the round starts. This will help with a sudden start where you might be not ready. Also, I’m aware of possible issues where your device may interpret quick tapping as a double-finger tap and open the on-map menu. This can be tricky to sidestep, but I’ll see what I can do.

If you have any other suggestions - please share them and I’ll see if these can be implemented. Of course, this is true about the whole game and not just wrestling.

I also plan to make a mini-update for v.0.1.5 to make the gameplay a bit smoother and fix some hiccups with tutorials and the feature list. Not sure about the exact timing, but it’ll be either in a matter of days or I’ll postpone it to the Master tier release wave to do more stuff. Either way, I’ll notify players about this, so stay tuned!

Also, don’t forget to check if you’ve missed them! I’ll try to adjust my planning with these. The biggest bump on the road is the H scene size since I’ll need to prepare both new logic and texts for all existing H events.

As always, if you don’t like something about the game – tell me, and if you like MonGirl Sexpedition – tell your friends ^^ Also, subscribe to my even if you don’t plan to pledge at the moment. It’s the main news hub and some posts may not be available elsewhere.
  • Yay, update!
Reactions: Succubus Hunter

Yeehaw Games

Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
Heya! Most of the time I don’t make the weekly report on the first week after the release since there’s so little to talk about. But this time I decided to polish the current patron release before fully switching to the new content. Without further ado, you can grab the upgrade for and release waves. So what’s new?

Most of these changes are quality of life improvements, plus I tweaked the mobile version of arm wrestling in several ways.

Adjusted Android buttons positioning for arm wrestling and made them x2.5 bigger. Now, these should be more convenient to press. Also, fixed a bug that prevented using Jack’s full strength in the mini-game.

Turned off the ability to call on-map menu during the arm wrestling mini-game.

Added a 3-second timer before the arm wrestling round starts so players could prepare.

Fixed a rare bug that allowed players to visit the same location twice in the deep forest.

Changed the gold from shops to jink to avoid possible confusion about money.

Fixed stuck Jack’s emotion after getting a level up in any stat.

Reworked tutorial’s text if it was displayed over something big like a girls’ diary. Now the text is high-contrast yellow, so it won’t blend in with tutorial screenshots.

Made the main menu bigger, with a larger interval between the buttons for Android devices.

MGS now properly describes its own features in the main menu.

Fixed affection level tutorial. Now it properly triggers on the first affection level up with any girl.

Aside from this, I already started working on the new Naka’s H scene and maps for v0.2.
  • Yay, update!
Reactions: Succubus Hunter

Yeehaw Games

Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
Heya! wave is up for grabs! Don’t forget to check it out. As for the usual report, let’s start with gameplay bits.

New maps for v0.2 are done and I’m working on mini-games for Naka and Elly that will open their level 2 affection and H scenes. These are mostly done and need several finishing touches and playtesting. As for their H events, I prepared the texts in advance and just waiting for the art to arrive.

Speaking about the art, the first preview is already here, and the rest should follow shortly between this week and the next one. Based on artists’ speed, the next release will receive either 2 or 3 new full H scenes.

Of course, I remember that players wanted to have an option to switch between long and short scenes and I’m working on this too. At the start of the month, I thought that this feature may need more than a month to do since both new and old H scenes need to support it, but it may be real to do this in v0.2. Either way, I’ll try to keep you updated about this.

Aside from this, I’m fiddling with Belle’s work and want to add a new interaction like Mona’s. Just like in the previous case, it will pop up during the working hours players spend with her.

The poll about Mona’s new look ended and looks like players decided to go with “light & lewd” option. It got a huge lead over other options and will appear in the game with the next release. I’ll also prepare the logic to support other girls for the future since these “skin” polls will be monthly.

That’s about it. Making 2 options for H scenes consumes a lot of time, so I’ll get back to gameplay elements once I’ll finish new H events.
  • Yay, update!
Reactions: Succubus Hunter


Active Member
May 16, 2019
Nooooo, male mc instead of female with focus on yuri :(

Will probably check it out anyway, though I will give it a couple more months.
3.90 star(s) 7 Votes