TwistedScarlett60 i also found smt i didnt spoted on the comments, so sorry of i missed you explaining it, but i was messig arround with the equient and blessings alot, and Dante, equiped with Galaxian Glaive can trigger Ray who is equiped with Elemental Dancer and Star Gazer.
After dante triggers Galaxian Glave's passive to cast Elementas, Ray will skip the turn order to cast it aswell, loosing her intended turn afterwards, at the same time she can oftenly deal INSANE ammounts of damage. I understand taking bosses down after landing fww lucky rolls to recast Elementas, but its not that, the game shortly freezes, and then you hear the death sound, and if youre lucky the game unfreezes fast enough to see DOZZENS of damage lines, that kimda doesnt make sence, cause few of them will be WAY above the usual damage, and some will be barely half way to the usual damage she deals with elentas. And everything just seems like alot of separate hits were delivered to bosses. The worst i have seen is ot triggering on the turtle optional boss (sorry, forgot the places name). First turn Dante atacked, it triggered Elementas, that triggered Ray to recast, game lagged, for about a second and the boss was dead. Turn one.