I would usually call my self an RPG buff as well. Any list of "Most Difficult JRPG Bosses of All Time" is a who's who of bosses I utterly decimated. This is a different form of "difficulty" than any I've experienced in those scenarios, mainly because it just doesn't feel fair.
I had a very similar build a one point, and even went back to try this exact one again. No dice. Level 999, still get 1 shot even with false promise active (the enemies just get rid of it), and can only get 1 immortality off before a party wipe, and since I can't revive a person and have them next in the turn order, and every enemy party wipes each turn, you are stuck with that one party member for the rest of the buff's duration. I also can't do anywhere near the damage cap to many of the enemies.
For example, Life Titan (the ladder boss I got to before cheating). The boss itself goes down just fine, but the elementals it summons are evading all damage from MainChar, less than 1,000,000 Bessie, and Ray is dealing less than 1,000,000 damage a spell (when she can even cast, because despite any debuffs or statuses I am unable to cast anything half of the time in this fight). The enemies are also immune to many tools the player has been given through bessie, like manipulating turn order, blind/sleep/silence, so there's not really any clever strategy I can use because the fight basically dictates that my only option is direct damage and immortality.
It also doesn't help that most problem enemies are dodging 90% of the attacks and are dealing pecentage based damage with every attack. Again, this doesn't count as "Stupidly difficult", it's just stupid. If the player has 99.9% of their tools and abilities taken away, and are then told that the remaining .1% won't be effective, it's not a well designed fight.