i need help with the grand magus battle, what equipment should i have to make the battle possible? cause i keep getting insta-killed by her so i must be doing something wrong
francesca too as it turns out
I wanna quickly write up a post about how to deal with some of the more challenging fights in the game.
before I continue I need it to be clear about two things. first, that there are "ultimate" items in the game that completely ruin the difficulty or challenge in any of the combats, and second, that I consider the colosseum to be "the last thing in the game".
For now, I'll list the fights I am positive are 100% "winnable" without the hyper OP ultimate shop items.
tournament (bottom girl):
These are doable until the final fight of the Ultimate Tournament's last round, because the Grand Magus is at least 10x tankier than L'ightning or Molly, and will outlive and outdamage them every single time. Makes this fight very difficult without ultimate shop mode. Infact, most of these fights are one turned by Bessie+MC's damage... but then you hit an absolute monster of a wall on this fight.
for some reason though, once you've beaten Ultimate Tournament, you unlock a level 90 diamond one named Royal Rumble. i can't tell if the Royal Rumble is made to be before or after the ultimate tournament... but it seems doable in pre-mash gear.
ladder tournament (middle girl):
once again, super ez. untillll you get to impossible fight. Every other fight however is perfectly doable with just normal gear.
monster arena (top girl):
obviously doable, since
this is how you get access to ultimate shop/monster mash items
and of course the showmatch vs francesca is cringe before ultimate shop.
So, for pre-ultimate shop, here are my builds for each character:
Excalibur - It inflicts a DoT, and DoTs aren't damage capped. enough said. Glacial Acid is an option here, but this is AoE... so...
Death Knight - again, inflicts an uncapped DoT. All I needed to see. that, and more hits to cap with.
Nightfall Wall - pretty sure this is just permanently the best in slot option for him forever? basically up to 4m more dps at base cap.
Champion Aegis - i think this got nerfed, but i don't care enough to scour the universe for an upgrade.
Kesia's Blessing 3 - 30% cap. all I care about.
Slime God's Essence - where the hell did I get this? whatever, +1 hit to cap with.
Bessie's Blessing 3 - more hits to cap with.
Power Belt - eh... Nothing else adds much damage, and this ensures you cap on more things.
Just slap everything with omni attack to apply your huge dick dot before you die.
Super Shotgun - this item is so op pre-ultimate shop that ultimate shop has a carbon copy of it that's better.
Sea of Bolts - more hits to cap.
Critical Queen - more hits to cap, and... I like crit.
Overachiever Gauntlet - ok I really like crit.
Blackjack's Blessing 3 - I don't have a problem, you do! (if you can't tell, this is another crit item)
Death Lord - biggie cap.
Tamamo's Blessing 3 - more hits to cap with.
Liada's Blessing 3 - I have no idea if this thing is even useful, but it sounds good right?
this is your DPS. you slap her with immortality and you pound out as much super shotgun damage as humanly fucking possible.
Raven Rod - DoT... Also, whatever, basically adds another hit to cap (not that she attacks often, or hits cap with my build)
God Hand - she actually has a shot at living long enough to be more useful to bessie with this, and gives MC a shot at being alive for a false promise (despite its dubious effectivity.)
Angel Wings - mostly to survive enemy turn 1.
Celestial Ring - convenient.
Gabbi's Blessing 3 - aura of -max HP.
Fae's blessing 3 - she literally just has to live a couple turns, you feel me?
ulti's blessing 3 - MP tanking so she lives! though this might be better on MC...
Lucile's ribbon - OP as fk.
she is an immortality bot. she casts immortality, MAYBE false promise onto herself / MC, MAYBE bravery or some buff, and then fcking dies while immortal bessie slams out tens of millions of damage onto everything.
pretty straight forward.
once you complete Monster Arena, you unlock the ultimate shop, and more importantly, monster mash.
In the ultimate shop you can get some really stupid items for Bessie. I'm sure there are some crazy picks for MC/Ray too (Black Hole Shield / Spiritual mastery really seem strong), but once you have bessie's killer queen + Big F***king gun (please fix this name TS60, F***ing or F**king.), monster mash becomes a victory lap.
Each monster mash you complete rewards you with like an obscene blessing. there are 11, and I think... like more than half of them are instantly best in slot no matter what builds you're going.
These blessings alongside Big F***king Gun, paired with immortality, just beats everything in the game hands down. I can show final builds and stuff but it's pretty much just obvious once you clear monster mash. everything is dead instantly, as bessie makes a mockery of the damage cap. I killed francesca before my characters got a second turn.