Apr 25, 2019
My guy, art costs a lot of time, or it costs a lot of money. The art looks fine. Considering the devs can obtain them within seconds rather than days of work for one, the backgrounds are more than okay and perfectly suitable for virtual novels. If you hate art so much, stick to text-based games lol.

I'll give you one thing: the AI art characters definitely clash with the rest of the art and drawn characters of the game, but considering there is not much animation with the drawn characters anyway, it's not that big of a deal. The AI art characters don't even look bad. They look great; it's just that they don't really blend in well with the game as a whole.

Overall the narrative is really well done, and your issues with the game have nothing to do with the sex scenes. It's just the actor art for dialogue scenes for only a COUPLE of characters and some of the monsters for combat.
>say I don't like the AI art
>"You just hate art, go play text games lol."
That's so stupid I don't know how to respond to that.

Also the AI art having nothing to do with the sex scenes is not relevant. I did not say anything close to that. Work on your reading comprehension.


Jun 15, 2019
Are these not nice looking? Some of the BGs are weaker, that's true, but this game was also quite an early adopter of generated backgrounds, using them when the technology was only just being introduced. I've made a few improvements here and there since then, and I'm hoping it'll only get better moving forward. It's a lot more flexible than just using stock images, or editing images from google :KEK:
Those two are pretty okay yeah, guess I should have been a bit more specific, there was the village and castle early on. Alright, thats awesome if you improve them, I keep an eye out

For Games

New Member
Mar 17, 2022
Does anyone know how to get all the shock prods to make the mythic weapon in the colosseum? I checked all the shops, but only Mistral Village has one of the components.


Active Member
Dec 8, 2020
I definitely don't think this game is a "pregnancy game". It's just a game that features some elements of pregnancy. It's a monster girl game first and foremost, and while one of the main motives for the character is the need to breed, it's no bigger than the focus of being a hunter, or uncovering the main mystery. So it only makes sense that about a 1/3 of the girls get pregnant when the game is only about 1/3rd focused on that part of the game.
Unfortunately, pregnancy fans are pretty toxic and overly vocal. More than any other fetish on the site. It's very clear to me that when it comes to pregnancy, nothing is ever good enough. "What's that? Only 27 of the game's 75 characters can get pregnant? Garbage game!", as if that at all is a metric for quality, ffs. :KEK:
So it's a fetish I'm going to steer clear of in the future. I'd rather draw feet than deal with the shit I've gotten from the "pregnancy crowd."
i mean, going by the fact that MC needs to breed is one of his main quests, it is a pregnancy game. >_> but that point doesn't matter too much overall. what i'd rather convay is that no matter the fetish there will always be impassioned critics. and honestly you should take the 'critics' as a form of 'positive' feedback. specifically in the way of you incited passion from them, and unless they say otherwise they're probably still playing the game! sorry if any of my previous rants added to the pile. but i tired to give as much positive feedback on the things i liked as much as the things i disliked along with my bug hunting reports.

personally i think that pregnancy should always be included in games involving hetro sex as an option. as the biological purpose of sex is making babies with the pleasure being a mere incentive. so i would urge you to reconsider on this premise and the 'any feedback is good feedback' point i made. but hey, what you make is entirely up to you! hopefully it makes people entertained and happy in the process!

Pink Chaos

Dec 4, 2019
personally i think that pregnancy should always be included in games involving hetro sex as an option. as the biological purpose of sex is making babies with the pleasure being a mere incentive. so i would urge you to reconsider on this premise and the 'any feedback is good feedback' point i made. but hey, what you make is entirely up to you! hopefully it makes people entertained and happy in the process!
The whole point of the sexual revolution was decoupling sex from reproduction. Things like condoms and the pill allow one to control when and if one has kids. Ultimately, social and cultural factors triumph over biology in many ways. And I'm saying this as a pregnancy fan.

I definitely don't think this game is a "pregnancy game". It's just a game that features some elements of pregnancy. It's a monster girl game first and foremost, and while one of the main motives for the character is the need to breed, it's no bigger than the focus of being a hunter, or uncovering the main mystery. So it only makes sense that about a 1/3 of the girls get pregnant when the game is only about 1/3rd focused on that part of the game.
Unfortunately, pregnancy fans are pretty toxic and overly vocal. More than any other fetish on the site. It's very clear to me that when it comes to pregnancy, nothing is ever good enough. "What's that? Only 27 of the game's 75 characters can get pregnant? Garbage game!", as if that at all is a metric for quality, ffs. :KEK:
So it's a fetish I'm going to steer clear of in the future. I'd rather draw feet than deal with the shit I've gotten from the "pregnancy crowd."
I'm sad that the reception of certain vocal pregnancy fans has soured you on the kink. I can understand not wanting to do it anymore in the face of such criticism, but I'm actually happy with the amount of pregnancy in the game. Would more be nice? Sure, but that's 75 girls, adding pregnancy to every one of them would obviously be a lot of work and 27 girls is already a great deal of pregnancy, more than many games have. Ultimately, there're a lot of people who don't say anything, and people are more likely to speak up if they have negative things to say.

Ultimately, I think I'll still follow you since your games have been quite charming and I think I'll get around to playing FWB at some time.


Active Member
Dec 8, 2020
The whole point of the sexual revolution was decoupling sex from reproduction. Things like condoms and the pill allow one to control when and if one has kids. Ultimately, social and cultural factors triumph over biology in many ways. And I'm saying this as a pregnancy fan.
hmm, well considering i see the 1960's as a push back to sexual repression i half agree. reason i say half is because i see our culture regressing more than progressing with today's total sexual freedom. (i live in California, i see a lot of sexual freedom here.) under the game's premise however it does make sense for him to be a total slut. but the draw back is any kids he has outside the village he can't be there for as a father well. (if he doesn't make his clone things) which typically leaves unbalanced upbringing. for an IRL example why do and have people discriminated against 'bastard' in the literal fatherless child upbringing sense? i honestly don't think it's entirely because of the desire to ostracize but in part due to single mother children being more prone to anti-social behavior in the nurture vs nature sense. and while i don't want to get into a abortion debate atm.... lemme just say contraception doesn't always work, and human error is always going to be an issue with literally any topic. there's also the issue of men wanting bareback sex due to condoms being pleasure reducing, and most pill form birth control for women lowering their overall sex drive and occasionally causing permanent changes with long term use. so despite the sexual revolution happening i can't fully say it is an entirely good thing...

with that said, i think it did have some good points to it. first being sex before marriage, while it can and is frequently misused imo, it still can be a useful tool in understanding your partner when seeking a long term relationship. and divorce is a pain in the ass for everyone but the lawyers... it also opened up the door to acceptance of abnormal sex including homosexuality.

but yea, main reason i think that outside of extreme circumstances like the one in this game, being a slut male or female isn't a good thing. outside of fiction i mean! so it's one of those things that imo should be loosely acknowledged even if it's not adhered to in fiction as a realistic grounding point for people to connect to. *shrug*

hmm should we take this convo to DMs? i kinda want to continue it but fear the mods being overzealous with censorship like usual... despite the convo being somewhat related to game content and premises... mods hate debates even civil ones. :FacePalm:
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Aug 4, 2019
My dude, the 500 words per page is ROUGHLY the number of page in a book. It depends on the exact formatting, font size, spacing, if there is decoration, etc...

The word count for Lords Of The Rings was set as an example, not meant to be a true 1:1

Perhaps i should have been more precise tho with the page count. However, my point still stands. 500K words is huge, and largely unnecessary.

And Baldur's Gate is a large scale RPG DnD-based game. Of course, it has a lot of words, you're playing this game specifically for the story and characters. What exactly is it breaking in my argument, except your own?

My point is if the author wanted to create an epic story, using a lewd game for that isn't exactly the best vessel. You will find people that wants an enjoyable, snackable story that can be achieved in a timely manner. Most plays lewds games for the lewd stuff, not for the story it comes with (Although great stories and characters will always be extremely appreciated). Which means you need to consider that in your story approach.

Sure, you could skip the story, but then the story that definitely took a lot of efforts to be made won't be appreciated. Which defeats the purpose of making it in the first place.

Finally, fuck off with the straw man arguments of "sounds like you dont like reading, or math, but prefer that guard number 1 should have exquisite detail even though hes about to become spider food?"

Nowhere in my initial post do I make any mentions of that.
fair enough, using rough estimates to come up with bad math to prove an irrelevant point, since we still arent flipping pages. never argued anything about your lord of the rings comparison. not sure why that got brought up again. 500000 words is a reasonable amount. ive played games with more. ive read entire book series that make 500000, or 1.3 million for that matter, look like hop on pop. so, no 500000 is not huge. I could go through a point by point rebuttal of how the only ways your argument against ai generated background characters being included could be a negative and hypocritical one due to your response to the developers stance on it and your lack of desire for more work to be done on the story (among other things), but since you seem intent on arguing with yourself and ignoring everything i say, its easier to simply ignore each other.

good day, ma'am.
  • Angry
Reactions: GopnikDude

Pink Chaos

Dec 4, 2019
hmm, well considering i see the 1960's as a push back to sexual repression i half agree. reason i say half is because i see our culture regressing more than progressing with today's total sexual freedom. (i live in California, i see a lot of sexual freedom here.) under the game's premise however it does make sense for him to be a total slut. but the draw back is any kids he has outside the village he can't be there for as a father well. (if he doesn't make his clone things) which typically leaves unbalanced upbringing. for an IRL example why do and have people discriminated against 'bastard' in the literal fatherless child upbringing sense? i honestly don't think it's entirely because of the desire to ostracize but in part due to single mother children being more prone to anti-social behavior in the nurture vs nature sense. and while i don't want to get into a abortion debate atm.... lemme just say contraception doesn't always work, and human error is always going to be an issue with literally any topic. there's also the issue of men wanting bareback sex due to condoms being pleasure reducing, and most pill form birth control for women lowering their overall sex drive and occasionally causing permanent changes with long term use. so despite the sexual revolution happening i can't fully say it is an entirely good thing...

with that said, i think it did have some good points to it. first being sex before marriage, while it can and is frequently misused imo, it still can be a useful tool in understanding your partner when seeking a long term relationship. and divorce is a pain in the ass for everyone but the lawyers... it also opened up the door to acceptance of abnormal sex including homosexuality.

but yea, main reason i think that outside of extreme circumstances like the one in this game, being a slut male or female isn't a good thing. outside of fiction i mean! so it's one of those things that imo should be loosely acknowledged even if it's not adhered to in fiction as a realistic grounding point for people to connect to. *shrug*

hmm should we take this convo to DMs? i kinda want to continue it but fear the mods being overzealous with censorship like usual... despite the convo being somewhat related to game content and premises... mods hate debates even civil ones. :FacePalm:
Honestly I'm not that interested in debating this, not to disregard the effort you put into responding to me. Just, I've other things I'd prefer to do with my time.
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Active Member
Dec 8, 2020
Honestly I'm not that interested in debating this, not to disregard the effort you put into responding to me. Just, I've other things I'd prefer to do with my time.
fair enough just thought i'd put my understanding and experiences out there in response to your points. maybe someone else will jump in later.

we could also change the talk topic to sexual ideology/morality if you'd prefer? i think that fits the topic and game premise still quite a bit.

starter question if you wish to engage, what is the point of sex? to me it would be a combination of the ability to connect heart to heart and procreation. as one without the other would be... hmm unfulfilling maybe is the right word? i was thinking self defeating as either version would be a possible act of self sabotage that doesn't build for a functional or happy future. but i think it's still a bit off from how i feel about the subject, as any act of folly is still just an experience to be learned if not taken to an extreme.
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Rodri 0496

Oct 3, 2018
I think that the game has a good balance between the RPG and combat part, the erotic content and the story development. Maybe there is not too much sexual content like in other games, but this one is not only based on erotic scenes, it has many things that make it enjoyable, it is not all about having sex with monster cuties. The story is actually great, the grand amount of text that you have to read does not make it less enjoyable at all (all those guys that complain about too much text should simply skip all of the secondary content and play the game fully focusing on the main path and missing everthing else), rather it gives you a better undestanding of the world you are in. I really enjoyed each part of the game, it is not perfect but you created something truly amazing.
  • Heart
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Mar 23, 2022
I could never understand how people complain about a visual novel (in other words computer picture book) having too many words. It's in essence a text heavy book first, that's what a novel is after all. Pictures second. I, funny enough, found myself skipping/speeding through the scenes towards the end in favor of the actual story. Not to discredit the scenes. They are good, I much rather find out about Eris then spend time with who ever I was with to get their blessing. Feels like everything after capital was just story with extra that was just thrown in. Also it's a shame about the pregnancy crowd being so vocal to put it lightly. Makes me feel ashamed to be apart of that crowd. I feel a dev shouldn't have to change their vision to suit someone else's desires. It's the dev's/dev's team's story not the users. Regardless, if the dev reads this good job. Glad you made it to the end even after all those bumps. I hope for the best in future projects.

Side note. I've noticed that if you level up too much that if you gain a stat over +30 it goes into negatives. At least I noticed this against the life titan. For example if my defense is 750 and I level up 5 times so I should be gaining +37 defense it goes negative so I end up with 713 instead of 787. Maybe this is a feature or my stats are so warped that it's doing this but it's weird.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 11, 2021
I could never understand how people complain about a visual novel (in other words computer picture book) having too many words.
Wordcount is not a measure of content.
Repetition, describing ad nauseam, purple prose that says nothing... Padding and filler.
It is entirely possible to inflate the word count without adding more content. And it gets boring to wade through the filler to get the meat of the story.

Politicians are notorious for speaking on and on without actually saying anything.
Students learn quickly to inflate their essays to meet arbitrary wordcount requirements that teachers levy.
Qidian writers get paid by the word, so every story they write is repetitive to the extreme.
They first say a sentence, then repeat it twice more with slightly different phrasing, or a different character repeats the same thing.

That is not to say that this story specifically is padded with filler.
Just that I disagree with your argument.


Apr 22, 2018
Wordcount is not a measure of content.
Repetition, describing ad nauseam, purple prose that says nothing... Padding and filler.
It is entirely possible to inflate the word count without adding more content. And it gets boring to wade through the filler to get the meat of the story.

Politicians are notorious for speaking on and on without actually saying anything.
Students learn quickly to inflate their essays to meet arbitrary wordcount requirements that teachers levy.
Qidian writers get paid by the word, so every story they write is repetitive to the extreme.
They first say a sentence, then repeat it twice more with slightly different phrasing, or a different character repeats the same thing.

That is not to say that this story specifically is padded with filler.
Just that I disagree with your argument.
Just to add to your point; i always believe that "Less is better" when it comes to story complexity and events specifically. Because in a lot of game designs where the central point of focus is the gameplay, you always want to properly regulate the amount of dialogue and exposure a player gets so that it doesn't deteriorate other aspects of the game.

And i think that's where i personally made the fatal mistake of expecting the gameplay/sex scenes to be the leader of the game instead of the story.

Every time a dialogue line play in these kinds of game (RPG), you (usually) essentially "pause" the game in order for the player to actually listen and take in the information you are giving to them. If you do that often and/or for very long stretches of time, it can lead to a negative player experience because the player isn't able to experience what he wants. And since this game is obviously more focused on story, it can lead to interest conflicts from what the dev intended for you (the player) to enjoy versus what you actually want to enjoy.

I think that's perhaps why some (like myself) complained about the game being extremely wordy. From the description of the game in this page, it doesn't say that most of the events are centered around its storyline. And it's actually not a fault in the game design; it's all about properly communicating what kind of game it is and what it wants to achieve.

The best example is Katawa Shoujo, a game i personally played and enjoyed, even tho it's practically a novel game first with sex scenes being very optional. I knew it was that kind of game in the first place since it was communicated as such, and thus properly placed my expectations as a result.


Apr 22, 2018
And just to add: While i understand why the author doesn't want to deal with preggo stuff anymore due to the negative feedback, i don't believe that's the right course of actions.

I get it, it's stressful and frustrating as hell to get critiqued and far from being a pleasant experience most of the time.

You have to take this negative feedback as a learning experience; why exactly didn't they enjoyed it, what could be done to resolve that, how much of it is realistically feasible, etc... That's how you bring your stuff to the next level.

There's so much that can be learned from it. And negative feedback is where any devs will be able to test out their mettle. You don't give up cooking because you burned a few eggs.
Mar 23, 2022
Wordcount is not a measure of content.
Repetition, describing ad nauseam, purple prose that says nothing... Padding and filler.
It is entirely possible to inflate the word count without adding more content. And it gets boring to wade through the filler to get the meat of the story.

Politicians are notorious for speaking on and on without actually saying anything.
Students learn quickly to inflate their essays to meet arbitrary wordcount requirements that teachers levy.
Qidian writers get paid by the word, so every story they write is repetitive to the extreme.
They first say a sentence, then repeat it twice more with slightly different phrasing, or a different character repeats the same thing.

That is not to say that this story specifically is padded with filler.
Just that I disagree with your argument.
Word count isn't a measure of content, I agree. There are far to many ways to bloat content. But my comment wasn't meant to be taken as a word count equates to quality. It was meant to be taken as a statement at my confusion as to why people complain a computer book (Visual Novel) has words. An alternative comparison is like complaining a date loaf has dates in it or a hot coffee is hot.


Mar 29, 2023
I have no plans, no.

Original Main Menu theme was AZALEA remix by Sewerslvt, Desert City theme was Homecoming by Night Ark, and the Ancient Pyramid theme was Dammi una Sigaretta from the The House in Fata Morgana OST.

I'm just wondering if we should expect a game from you in which we will see how Francis developed, what difficulties he had and what enemies he had before the events of the original MG1K, going through his path with him?; Or in a game in which we will see with our own eyes why the Shadow hunters and the antagonists of Eden and Michaela have become what they have become?


Feb 15, 2020
Got a full playthrough; greatly enjoyed.
Unfortunately, it seems the nursery is bugged and I could not enjoy the fruit of my labors as it were.
Wish that got a fix or I got save where I get to see all of them :)
Thanks for the game !


Will lewd cute girls for cash
Game Developer
Sep 13, 2019
I'm just wondering if we should expect a game from you in which we will see how Francis developed, what difficulties he had and what enemies he had before the events of the original MG1K, going through his path with him?; Or in a game in which we will see with our own eyes why the Shadow hunters and the antagonists of Eden and Michaela have become what they have become?
This was actually the original story concept for Monster Girl 1,000, which had the planned title "Dawn of Chaos". It involved you, the Death Knight protag, getting involved with Lilith the Succubus, the twin cat girls Luneth and Celeste, and of course the dragon Hannah. Not much was developed beyond this concept in my head back in around 2020.

Got a full playthrough; greatly enjoyed.
Unfortunately, it seems the nursery is bugged and I could not enjoy the fruit of my labors as it were.
Wish that got a fix or I got save where I get to see all of them :)
Thanks for the game !
I need more details. How was it bugged?


Mar 29, 2023
Every track is in the credits, and can likely be found on Youtube. Feel free to ask me if you want to know where any specific track is.

Yeah, there are a lot of cool characters that I wish were developed more. My main philosophy for making MG1K characters was to make them interesting enough to be the protagonist or "main girl" of their own game, and while this certainly led to a lot of deep characters, it also led to a feeling of wanting more from every character.

My biggest lesson from MG1K is that this type of quantity over quality doesn't work. Having 20 characters with 20 scenes of development probably isn't as satisfying as having 5 characters with 4 scenes of development each.

What is the name of the music that plays during the rescue of the characters we met throughout the game after the final battle with Eris, and during most of the post-game battles in the colosseum?
4.50 star(s) 108 Votes