hmm, well considering i see the 1960's as a push back to sexual repression i half agree. reason i say half is because i see our culture regressing more than progressing with today's total sexual freedom. (i live in California, i see a lot of sexual freedom here.) under the game's premise however it does make sense for him to be a total slut. but the draw back is any kids he has outside the village he can't be there for as a father well. (if he doesn't make his clone things) which typically leaves unbalanced upbringing. for an IRL example why do and have people discriminated against 'bastard' in the literal fatherless child upbringing sense? i honestly don't think it's entirely because of the desire to ostracize but in part due to single mother children being more prone to anti-social behavior in the nurture vs nature sense. and while i don't want to get into a abortion debate atm.... lemme just say contraception doesn't always work, and human error is always going to be an issue with literally any topic. there's also the issue of men wanting bareback sex due to condoms being pleasure reducing, and most pill form birth control for women lowering their overall sex drive and occasionally causing permanent changes with long term use. so despite the sexual revolution happening i can't fully say it is an entirely good thing...
with that said, i think it did have some good points to it. first being sex before marriage, while it can and is frequently misused imo, it still can be a useful tool in understanding your partner when seeking a long term relationship. and divorce is a pain in the ass for everyone but the lawyers... it also opened up the door to acceptance of abnormal sex including homosexuality.
but yea, main reason i think that outside of extreme circumstances like the one in this game, being a slut male or female isn't a good thing. outside of fiction i mean! so it's one of those things that imo should be loosely acknowledged even if it's not adhered to in fiction as a realistic grounding point for people to connect to. *shrug*
hmm should we take this convo to DMs? i kinda want to continue it but fear the mods being overzealous with censorship like usual... despite the convo being somewhat related to game content and premises... mods hate debates even civil ones.