done with shroom city. to advance the story forward, you have to leave to world map, and not go straight to home. had a hard time continuing the story because of this.
the cheats is surprisingly useful if you don't want to grind for that one item that you need for a mythic upgrade. cheat is justified just because of this bs rng. same with the legend ore. well you can choose not to cheat, but you'll be overleveled anyway just because rng refuses to give you that one item.
speaking of overlevel, collessium/battle game. just a few repeats of that and yeah you'll be overleveled. definitely cheat the rng bs.
and again, please, please this game needs more assets like bgm and backgrounds for the lore building segments. rewriting can be done later.
i refuse to replace my 5 tier armor on Ray that gives permanent demon form. ultima fury is too good to pass up.
super shotgun is also a game breaker. just give bessie all the +1 attack that you could get. her 4 tier armor has it. it's in the snow area wilderness. there's a chest there that's seemingly inaccessible. can't buy normally.
and my dante is too slow to do anything. and even then he can't do any real damage. glacial acid is a useless mythic weapon.