- May 19, 2020
- 8,924
- 17,358
I hate what appeasement to advertisers has done to online communities. It's gotten the owners begging them for patronage instead of them begging to push their products. What's more are how so many of our favorite content creators refuse to call out this nonsense and sometimes even include native advertising into their content (Looking at you DeathBattle).Yeah, the worst hypocrisy is they say it's sexual stuff, but 50 shades of grey is still up, and that series is pure sexual lol. It's all because the new people that bought them out, and the advertisers want to make it more "family friendly", which as you said is going to cause them to lose tons of traffic eventually, people will find alternatives for this kind of stuff.
This is why I am even more adamant about using adblock plus and encourage others to do the same.
Tumblr really became irrelevant w/o the adult stuff hunh. You mentioning it now is the first time I heard about it in ages... like seriously. And I remember when it was a super big deal.
Fandom is much smaller than what Tumblr used to be, and I basically only ever get on fandom pages from googling characters from shows. The exception being MGE of course, where I'd peruse and read new translated stuff all the time.
Those comments were great.
Dragon's don't live in Volcanic regions, and their main thing is that they're sturdy. They don't have any weakness to water either and can live underwater. I don't know... to me that's like calling Gremlin a lightning monster just cause it uses electricity.
You wouldn't find Ignis, Lava Golem, or Hellhound near a sea-side city.
I only used Tumblr a few times so I was happy to see that toxic culture get shut down. And yes, the sole reason I used Tumblr at ALL was for it's h content. I can't see why else would put up with that site's toxic culture. As for the MGE Fandom, I think the best parts were the easy access to translations and the interactions in the comment sections. Over the years those conversations have grown into a vibrant community and created lasting friendships.
When it comes to dragons, the base variety are fire but they have variations in species that are adapted differently. Think of it like Darwin's Finches but if they are bigger, scaly and came with powerful claws. I would imagine that above all else, dragons are adaptable. I mean, for example, being able to live underwater would be very advantageous for a dragon that lives near trade routes while preventing it's treasure from being raided. This way everytime traders get wise to their being a dragon hunting people in one place, it could set up in another without having to guard all of it's treasure.
Fire Dragons on the other hand I see as an adaptation to other large predarors. They usually prioritize large size, powerful nails and firebreathing to slay other creatures. I could see them being carnivores prioritizing killing power over the ability to obtain treasure. I could see their stategy being to overpower other dragons for their hoards while young and then using the combined treasure to lure in prey. At this time the dragon would be more sedetary with a lower metabilism thus, able to sustain itself solely off of adventurers.