I read your review of the game. I disagree with you, but first, I wanted to say I appreciate you taking the time, to sit down and write out your thoughts the way you did! While your opinion was ultimately negative, it wasn't disrespectful, and I could follow your reasoning.
Now, I think the reasoning is flawed and you made some mistakes, but at the end of the day,
it could just be that the game isn't the kind of experience you want. I'll elaborate on that soon.
Hi, and thank you for taking the time to give me concrete answers for my review. It's a nice change of pace from the Teraurge thread where everyone is speedrunning trying to get banned for incivility.
After reading your answer, I can confirm you're right by saying this isn't probably the experience for me. I guess after playing MGQ and knowing about KC's involvment in it I expected kind of the same thing and was dissapointed.
To be honest, I haven't read all of MGE back when I played this game, and I still haven't by now, so I'll admit this is due to my ignorance about KC's universe.
I, as a simple player, have no way of knowing that if I'm not actively following KC's content and happened to land on the post where he actually said that. I went into this game completely blind of anything except my own expectations. Although I do appreciate him wanting to try something completely different. I too would be quite annoyed if a project I worked on started derailing into something I didn't like.
As for the gameplay, I'm not gonna quote you and say you're probably right about the mechanics. I haven't played this game in a while, so my memories might be wrong, but I didn't want to write this review right after playing MGE as I didn't want to be overly harsh due to my frustration towards this game.
Although I do want to say, I don't know if the game never explicitely tells you how to do it, or if I'm just stupid, but I never found a way to skip the combat scenes. They kept dragging on and on and that's what frustrated me after a while. If the combat scenes
are the content as you say, then I'm even less impressed by this game.
Okay, so if I got the girls in the end, it means I won? So, uhh... Yay, I guess? It never felt like I won at the very least, or maybe I'm didn't understand what was going on at all. Which means that either I'm dumb as a sack of bricks, or the game poorly telegraphs its intent.
I assume you're talking about the text that appears when you try a move to "damage" your opponent. In that case, yeah probably. I was more referring to the actual illustrations that go with the victory and defeat H scenes.
Okay then, this explains a few things. But again, I as a player have no way to know those intents unless I actively followed KCs on this social media pages and learn that those were the actual intended experience. And as a player, I shouldn't care about that. The only thing that ultimately matters is what is inside the game, and if the game poorly transcribes those intentions, then that's on KC's fault. Although I do admit reading your paragraph cleared out some confusions I had about the story, so it's not as bad as I originally thought.
And about the two side characters, I guess it just comes down to preferences, and we'll just have to agree to disagree on the cat girl, then. If you liked them, all the more power to you. I didn't, and just voiced my concerns in my review, that's all there is to it.
Yeah, I don't remember how you're supposed to do that. Or I guess I did back when I played it, but I just wanted to win to try to earn some XP (if that's possible in this game)? Sorry, my memory is quite bad, it's been a while since I played this game but it left a sour taste in my mouth. I understand it's not for me, so I've postponed posting a review until yesterday.
And I don't know how to properly end my comment, so bye.