4.30 star(s) 15 Votes


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Game Developer
Dec 28, 2019
Although I do want to say, I don't know if the game never explicitely tells you how to do it, or if I'm just stupid, but I never found a way to skip the combat scenes. They kept dragging on and on and that's what frustrated me after a while. If the combat scenes are the content as you say, then I'm even less impressed by this game.
Yep, they are the content. You can't skip in combat stuff, because they're tied to the animations. I do think they should be allowed to be sped up, but I never found an issue with the pace of the game personally.

Okay, so if I got the girls in the end, it means I won? So, uhh... Yay, I guess? It never felt like I won at the very least, or maybe I'm didn't understand what was going on at all. Which means that either I'm dumb as a sack of bricks, or the game poorly telegraphs its intent.
It's probably how the music changes that confused you?
The game tells you when you win though. It says the girl loves you when their Love reaches 100.

Thing is, KC is a switch but he leans female assertive. You can't sexually overwhelm a monster girl while fucking her. Especially on your first time. Monster girls are literally part succubi and sex addicted. While you can dom them during battle, you can't ever fully overwhelm them unless they let you/have that personality.

That's the reason Werecat and Imp ride you till exhaustion. One of the future girls is Holstaur and she's a full sub that actually has doggystyle as her primary position. For her victory scene it'll probably be her egging you on to fuck yourself into a stupor.

I assume you're talking about the text that appears when you try a move to "damage" your opponent. In that case, yeah probably. I was more referring to the actual illustrations that go with the victory and defeat H scenes.
I think that's a very narrowminded approach to adult content. Erotic writing is really nice in bringing out a wide variety of actions. For instance, you can really feel the eroticism in Werecat's sex scenes, because even when you're post-nut, she has a move where she keeps riding your semi-hard dick. She can also kiss you when you try to take a deep breath and keep you in that post-nut state for a while. The girls can do A LOT of different things, and the only reason they're so flexible in action is because KC isn't drawing a new picture for everything they do. That'd be way too much work. He's just drawing pictures for the main stances.

But again, I as a player have no way to know those intents unless I actively followed KCs on this social media pages and learn that those were the actual intended experience. And as a player, I shouldn't care about that.
That's not fair man. You came at the game with expectations of something like MGQ. You should've come at the game with no expectations, because it's a new property to you.

Yeah, I don't remember how you're supposed to do that. Or I guess I did back when I played it, but I just wanted to win to try to earn some XP (if that's possible in this game)? Sorry, my memory is quite bad, it's been a while since I played this game but it left a sour taste in my mouth. I understand it's not for me, so I've postponed posting a review until yesterday.
Maybe try again.
If you like challenging yourself in gameplay, it's actually possible to win using only begging, surrender, and affection actions. Yep. You can win w/o using a single bar of AP.
Jun 14, 2022
Hi, just gonna pitch in and confirm that TheUnsaid is 100% on the money here; your entire review is based on a critical lack of understanding of what you were actually playing. It's pretty baffling, honestly.

To put it in perspective: you booted up a porn game, got to the porn, and then didn't realize you were at the porn part. The fact you used terminology like "defeat, enemies, combat, lives" to describe the battlefucking which the game makes very explicitly clear is simply you and a girl having sex and trying to give each other mind-shattering orgasms is just... wow.

But then aside from that, there are also the other points you make that are purely fallacious too. You claim the story is bad, despite already having acknowledged it as a demo. A demo that only contains a very small tutorial area and mostly exists just to say "Hey, here's something I'm working on", to boot. You can't claim something is bad before you've ever even seen it.

No offense, but, well... maybe you shouldn't have put up that review.

Not saying you can't like it. You're free to say it's bad or even shittalk it if you want - but publishing and sharing a review that's rooted almost entirely in misconceptions doesn't seem very helpful. Especially when the thing you're reviewing is actually very good, does exactly what it's trying to do, and does it very well.


Oct 5, 2021
To put it in perspective: you booted up a porn game, got to the porn, and then didn't realize you were at the porn part. The fact you used terminology like "defeat, enemies, combat, lives" to describe the battlefucking which the game makes very explicitly clear is simply you and a girl having sex and trying to give each other mind-shattering orgasms is just... wow.
Except the "porn part" of these battles, in my opinion (and it seems I need to precise "in my opinion") are not arousing enough to be more than a side note. I've played many games with battlefuck sequences where "X characters fucks Y character in the ass", "X fingers Y", "Y moans in bliss", etc..., and I've never found the text in those sections to be good enough to awake anything in me. It's more a me problem than the game itself, as it's not the only one to do this. But still, it wasn't enough for me to put up with the frustrating gameplay.

But then aside from that, there are also the other points you make that are purely fallacious too. You claim the story is bad, despite already having acknowledged it as a demo. A demo that only contains a very small tutorial area and mostly exists just to say "Hey, here's something I'm working on", to boot. You can't claim something is bad before you've ever even seen it.
If we were talking about the quantity of the content, then I'd agree with you. But a demo is supposed to be a window on what's already done and a teaser of what's promised to be added in the game, in order to entice us into following the development. I'm perfectly fine with a demo not having a lot of content, but if that demo's content isn't good enough to make me excited about what will come next, then it's not a good demo.


Jul 25, 2020
Except the "porn part" of these battles, in my opinion (and it seems I need to precise "in my opinion") are not arousing enough to be more than a side note. I've played many games with battlefuck sequences where "X characters fucks Y character in the ass", "X fingers Y", "Y moans in bliss", etc..., and I've never found the text in those sections to be good enough to awake anything in me. It's more a me problem than the game itself, as it's not the only one to do this. But still, it wasn't enough for me to put up with the frustrating gameplay.

If we were talking about the quantity of the content, then I'd agree with you. But a demo is supposed to be a window on what's already done and a teaser of what's promised to be added in the game, in order to entice us into following the development. I'm perfectly fine with a demo not having a lot of content, but if that demo's content isn't good enough to make me excited about what will come next, then it's not a good demo.
If you don't like battlefuck games, don't play them. I thought it's kinda obvious. It's a niche genre, and for what it's worth, this game has a lot of good content for a BF.


Dec 14, 2018
If you don't like battlefuck games, don't play them. I thought it's kinda obvious. It's a niche genre, and for what it's worth, this game has a lot of good content for a BF.
He's probably just used to battlefuck games where using a battlefuck technique often comes with an animation of it. Something that a circle like Circle Tekua would do. It's a pretty high standard to set but sometimes that's what it takes for people to get into it.


Active Member
Jul 9, 2017
He's probably just used to battlefuck games where using a battlefuck technique often comes with an animation of it. Something that a circle like Circle Tekua would do. It's a pretty high standard to set but sometimes that's what it takes for people to get into it.
And the other series with the creator who hates westerners Ragnarok online battle fuck.


Active Member
Jul 9, 2017
Which I don't get, since the animations there kinda suck to be honest. Yeah, the models are hot, but the animations are just janky.
Different art style choice, still better animation compared to still images slightly moving or a frame by frame like a lot of cg games are.
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Jun 14, 2022
Except the "porn part" of these battles, in my opinion
Again, the battles are the porn part. And it seems you're still sticking to a "I didn't find it arousing, so that means it's not good!" mentality, even though the issue was and still is that your description of the gameplay in your review was horribly off, to the point it seemed like you were describing another game entirely.

But a demo is supposed to be a window on what's already done and a teaser of what's promised to be added in the game, in order to entice us into following the development.
You're still basing your analysis purely on what YOUR expectations were for this game, rather than judging it for what it actually is. That's not fair.

Also, saying this game (demo) is bad because it doesn't have a compelling story and thus has nothing to get you excited is honestly pretty laughable. Everyone who actually anticipated this game (read: the established MGE fanbase) got EXACTLY what they wanted out of this demo: getting to meet and fuck some sexy monster girl wives.

I think it's clear that you didn't really get this game, and that's fine... but insisting it's bad despite that is kinda a dick move.
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May 3, 2018
You're still basing your analysis purely on what YOUR expectations were for this game, rather than judging it for what it actually is. That's not fair.
User reviews on any platform have always been subjective. Telling someone that the opinion they are giving on something based on their expectations is a bit silly, bud.

Also, saying this game (demo) is bad because it doesn't have a compelling story and thus has nothing to get you excited is honestly pretty laughable. Everyone who actually anticipated this game (read: the established MGE fanbase) got EXACTLY what they wanted out of this demo: getting to meet and fuck some sexy monster girl wives.
MGE is basically what happens when someone sees MGQ, asks themselves if it could be more grimdark and edgy, and then proceeds to put pen to paper not as a joke, but as a serious project. Its concept is neat, but the execution has been laughable since day one. It would work if something implied that Humanity has survived because of legitimate reasons rather than plot, but it never made that attempt. KC himself has whined countless times about the mockery his setting endures, which for any other author would have been motivation enough to improve.

If your bar is so low that all it takes is lewd pictures and a mediocre waifu sim to make you buy something, I would hesitate to criticize anyone's opinion on content in the future if I were in your shoes. You're hard to to take seriously when the content that appeals to the lowest common denominator is your high bar.

I think it's clear that you didn't really get this game, and that's fine... but insisting it's bad despite that is kinda a dick move.
It can be bad in his opinion and still be a mediocre game. I personally played the demo and found nothing that other games simply didn't do better. Lust Grimm does the lust meter better. MGQ:p and Shrift do the waifu sim better. The BF mechanics are, again, a staple for 62studio and thus done better. As much as I want to say that this game is fine for what it is, one can't simply judge it separate from the games it lifts its concepts from. To do so is to ignorantly declare it original and ground-breaking, neither of which it is not. I think telling someone that they're a dick for examining a game through their own lens and with games that do similar things in mind is you being offended because someone has a higher standard for the content they engage with.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2020
MGE is basically what happens when someone sees MGQ, asks themselves if it could be more grimdark and edgy, and then proceeds to put pen to paper not as a joke, but as a serious project. Its concept is neat, but the execution has been laughable since day one. It would work if something implied that Humanity has survived because of legitimate reasons rather than plot, but it never made that attempt. KC himself has whined countless times about the mockery his setting endures, which for any other author would have been motivation enough to improve.
Uh... did you mix up MGQ and MGE? Or are you talking the fridge logic case?


Aug 25, 2017
MGE is basically what happens when someone sees MGQ, asks themselves if it could be more grimdark and edgy, and then proceeds to put pen to paper not as a joke, but as a serious project.
What are you even talking about with this line? Even if we ignore the fact that MGE came first by several years, this sounds insane.
MGE is like the least grimdark or edgy monster girl setting, guys find monster girl wives and live happily ever after in a world were (almost) no one ever gets killed by them. MGQ has people getting raped to death and eaten constantly.


May 3, 2018
Uh... did you mix up MGQ and MGE? Or are you talking the fridge logic case?
I didn't mix anything up. MGQ hints at Humanity barely holding off monsters and that in some regions co-existence has actually been achieved, albeit with a bit of strain from the more fringe groups who hate the other side. Illias Cruz, for example, hate monsters due to a misunderstanding following a battle with the previous monster lord. It's a wholly understandable outcome despite the previous ML's efforts to martyr herself for co-existence.

As an example, MGE would take that premise and ramp up the aggression of both sides to 11, and then take the regions where co-existence has been achieved and warp them into colonies full of brainwashed drones and their monster overlords and then justify those settings as "the natural inevitability of attempting an affront to God in the form of peaceful cooperation." And before you rush to deny that is what KC has written, I actually looked at the setting and content he produced. It is that poorly written.

I would say you can't write this stuff, but KC manages to prove it can, in fact, be written. Not that it ever should have.
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May 3, 2018
What are you even talking about with this line? Even if we ignore the fact that MGE came first by several years, this sounds insane.
MGE is like the least grimdark or edgy monster girl setting, guys find monster girl wives and live happily ever after in a world were (almost) no one ever gets killed by them. MGQ has people getting raped to death and eaten constantly.
You clearly don't know what you're talking about and are basing your information on the demo. Opinion disregarded.


Aug 25, 2017
You clearly don't know what you're talking about and are basing your information on the demo. Opinion disregarded.
Nope, I'm basing my information on actually having read the monster profiles KC has been putting out since 2007, nice try.
You just sound like you have some kind of bias against MGE for some inexplicable reason (maybe some MGQ fanboy and can't accept other settings exist?) and have decided to warp the lore to fit your interpretation, I can't think of any other way you'd get this:
MGE would take that premise and ramp up the aggression of both sides to 11, and then take the regions where co-existence has been achieved and warp them into colonies full of brainwashed drones and their monster overlords and then justify those settings as "the natural inevitability of attempting an affront to God in the form of peaceful cooperation."
out of reading MGE. There are definitely some species that have questionable cases of free will amongst their human husbands but stuff like "more aggressive than MGQ" and "monster overlords" is ridiculous.


May 3, 2018
Nope, I'm basing my information on actually having read the monster profiles KC has been putting out since 2007, nice try.
You just sound like you have some kind of bias against MGE for some inexplicable reason (maybe some MGQ fanboy and can't accept other settings exist?) and have decided to warp the lore to fit your interpretation, I can't think of any other way you'd get this:
Except when stuff like "The Order", "Sabbath", and "The Fallen God" are legitimate factions. The Order is basically the Imperium of Man from 40k down to the "anything not Human is xeno scum" mindset except unlike the Imperium, it's significantly less competent at protecting Humanity. "Sabbath" is basically "lolicons come here" faction whose endgame is basically "when everyone is a lolicon, nobody will be." "The Fallen God" is basically the Horus Heresy faction except for monsters which would be neat, but since the writing is pretty bad to begin with, it results in the execution being fumbled all the way through.

I like the part where you accuse me of being a MGQ fanboy when some of my opinions on here and elsewhere have been that MGQ is fine in both story and execution but nothing amazing, and when I quote stuff like Shrift and Lust Grimm (which are different universes) as being likely inspirations for this game in core mechanics. Heck, the fact that you were so quick in your nerd rage to reply that you didn't even bother to look at my signature to be certain you weren't making a clown of yourself is evidence that your opinion shouldn't be regarded. Consider this daddy's final response.

out of reading MGE. There are definitely some species that have questionable cases of free will amongst their human husbands but stuff like "more aggressive than MGQ" and "monster overlords" is ridiculous.
There are entire factions whose entire schtick is either corruption or enslavement. It even amazes me that "monster lords" and "monster overlords" require a distinction for you to comprehend that they have the same connotation in this universe, but here we effing are. Yes, who do the stuff I stated exist in this universe that you have clearly never read about but will make the same stupid claim of doing and hoping nobody calls you out on it. Consider yourself called out.


Aug 25, 2017
Except when stuff like "The Order", "Sabbath", and "The Fallen God" are legitimate factions. The Order is basically the Imperium of Man from 40k down to the "anything not Human is xeno scum" mindset except unlike the Imperium, it's significantly less competent at protecting Humanity. "Sabbath" is basically "lolicons come here" faction whose endgame is basically "when everyone is a lolicon, nobody will be." "The Fallen God" is basically the Horus Heresy faction except for monsters which would be neat, but since the writing is pretty bad to begin with, it results in the execution being fumbled all the way through.

I like the part where you accuse me of being a MGQ fanboy when some of my opinions on here and elsewhere have been that MGQ is fine in both story and execution but nothing amazing, and when I quote stuff like Shrift and Lust Grimm (which are different universes) as being likely inspirations for this game in core mechanics. Heck, the fact that you were so quick in your nerd rage to reply that you didn't even bother to look at my signature to be certain you weren't making a clown of yourself is evidence that your opinion shouldn't be regarded. Consider this daddy's final response.

There are entire factions whose entire schtick is either corruption or enslavement. It even amazes me that "monster lords" and "monster overlords" require a distinction for you to comprehend that they have the same connotation in this universe, but here we effing are. Yes, who do the stuff I stated exist in this universe that you have clearly never read about but will make the same stupid claim of doing and hoping nobody calls you out on it. Consider yourself called out.
And again, how is that "more aggressive than MGQ"? Need I remind you that both sides are all trying to genocide each other in that, other than a few small groups going for coexistence. I'm not arguing the quality of KC writing here, just that you have a really weird bias.

And you think I care enough about you to know what your past opinions on here are?

You really think I'm the one "nerd raging" after that post.
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Dec 11, 2021
Bob are you even talking about the same MGE as we are?
Are you just trolling or got genuinely butthurt that the hellhound profile says that "human man is a weak, fragile being that they should force into submission as their own male"?


Aug 1, 2019
As an example, MGE would take that premise and ramp up the aggression of both sides to 11, and then take the regions where co-existence has been achieved and warp them into colonies full of brainwashed drones and their monster overlords and then justify those settings as "the natural inevitability of attempting an affront to God in the form of peaceful cooperation." And before you rush to deny that is what KC has written, I actually looked at the setting and content he produced. It is that poorly written.

I would say you can't write this stuff, but KC manages to prove it can, in fact, be written. Not that it ever should have.
I'll just leave this here.

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4.30 star(s) 15 Votes