Would you finish something that earned you this much money

A sad but serious question.
I remember this when he has 100-200. and had weekly updates on the progress, better to stall and cash in as much as possible :/..
lets atleast hope it will be finished.
Well he could still finish it, and then add more and more positions, quests, girls, etc...by "finished" I mean at least the base game would be complete. My fear was that when that certain character i wanted from the start gonna get any actual scenes or significance in the story, i might become impotent and/or retired already, so i stopped donating. I hope people with more money will still do, but talking from experience here, from the start of patreon, i was donating for like 14 projects, or a couple more than that, with not even small amounts of money, cause they seemed like talented people, and from those 14ish project, i can't even show one at this point, that wasn't a complete waste.
Redamz is a master at his craft though, and i hope he wont be blinded by the money, and that patrons will keep donating to him for his work, but i can't afford it anymore, i'm not getting the value for the money i put into it. Yeah that might be selfish on my part, but dude there are bills, and i have to fund my own entertainment too.
OFC if i can first test and see if his new builds have anything that i like, i'll pledge afterwards for a while, i did this a couple times, cause the way i see patreon now it's the number one platform for scamming.