Do you want to break a curse of 3D mg games or become another victim? Many heroes have already fallen...Been following this project for a while. As I am a Unity developer myself, I'm really considering in starting some monster girl stuff (with VR too, obv.) in my spare time. Where do you think Red got the girls models? (I refuse to think he designed all of them)
VR is not important. Mainly good story and nice models and most importantly .. "Some action". Everything else is an extra sauce and a pleasant bonus. This is probably "the foundation" that people want and Red realized it very well (and the fact that there was nothing else and people blindly sponsored anything). I would probably believe that he did everything himself, which may explain why everything else is unfinished and raw. Maybe he had some external assistance he didn't want to admit officially.
PS: Redamz will sue if you touch his models.
You can gain inspiration and models from other dead MGI-like games.