Here I leave the freecam v1.3.0 file
1- Installation:
° Just leave all the files as shown in this image.
I don't know if version 1.3.0 has this option or it is hidden (red point) (I would like if Kumari knows about this) or this screenshot is from user oldmasterxd version 1.0.0
2- How to choose Aya's +18 scene (I don't know if this version of the game has more girls for the +18 scene, if anyone knows, tell me since I haven't played it yet) click load (singles)
3- How to use the freecam:
° Just activate freecam and then begin free cam.
4- How to solve the bug when activating the free cam (I don't know if there is another way but this is the only option I found)
° When you activate the freecam you will see this with a blue background.
° Copy my coordinates 76.3225 12.0451 37.3329 and paste it where it says Freecam Pos and press enter, After you press enter the background changes color to light blue.
° When you change color like in the image above, press the * button and if you did all the previous steps you will get this
° With that, it solves that problem that sends you to another place (unfortunately you have to do all this step every time you change the scene but as you can see it is not difficult)
5- How to take off clothes or put on whenever and wherever:
° Just follow the red dots.
With this I finish the guide and solution of the game.
Extra: I need Kumarin to explain to me how to use this since this is new in version 1.3.0
Please do not go to the monster girl project post to comment on this freecam, this post stays here.