by the responses of redamz here I just reinforced my bad opinion of his. I stopped following the game actively long ago cause I gave up on the dev. Now I check the patreon maybe once every month. responses like "if you think you can make a game better than me then do it" is clearly a childish response and fails to address what was pointed out in every aspect. Now I see the developer is just a guy who just doesn't really care that much about the people as long as he's being paid I guess...
That said, the prologue is good. but not "I spent 3 years to make this" good. (It's barely an hour and a half of content at best, not counting all the time spend running around.), but whats there is good. To be honest the dev just fails to capitalize on what he does really well. He fails to capitalize on the girls, we all can give it to him that his models and h scenes are really good, but here we are with no H-scenes IN MORE THAN 1 YEAR!!. The dev doesn't know to capitalize on his strenghts. He's not effective at managing development time (or maybe hes just lazy and actual development time is like 5 hours a week, we can't possibly know, maybe he doesn't want more people on the project cause they would know that he spends a laughable amount of time on the game).
Like I said, what's there is good, but it just saddens me that it was all he did in like 3 years. Like he rightfully said, its not like hes scamming people's money, cause everyone supports him by choice. But, again, It's just sad.