For the final route in part 3 is there a good way to determine what order I should handle things in? Or at the very least how to not get absolutely demolished while just walking around?
I don't feel like my team was weak going into things, but enemy stats have ballooned and my Luka set-up combo hitting for 10 billion which used to overkill things by a factor of 100 is barely even moving enemy healthbars.
For starter, you can follow the chaos guide, so you have a pretty linear progression in the route and find the hardest thing to find.
After that, I'm in the opinion that chaos route is artificially inflated in difficulty in order to be the big "last challenge" of the game.
But in reality the dev over inflated the monster stats and one mimic is a "go back to your last save 15mns" ago so be careful to save before opening any chest or looking in any pot during exploration.
For me, the game is cool and the story is pretty enjoyable but between this difficulty spike and the seizure inducing purple "chaos" map, I think the best way to play this last route is to pick the easy difficulty, go to your castle entrance and speak to the white rabbit to get the key item ruler's rules so you can put the monster at 1atk/def/agi (don't put them at 1 hp, the game crash). Just enjoy the end of the story and go do something else with your life. Don't be like me min/maxing every unit of my roster just to stop playing because I nuked the enjoyment of this game.