And yeah, I know for 2922 and 2925, I was just playing around with some very basic edit with the clothing and underwear ones to see what could be done.
That would be nice if you could. For example, being able add rape-on-attack and/or intercourse animations to enemies that don't have any would be pretty amazing. Being able to setup as many thing as possible from mod config file would be the way to go I'd say, though I imagine it's probably limited in what can be done.
Another idea, having a toggle to disable game over when you get grabbed could be interesting. Probably disabling the loss of HP when climax happen? or making it draining only a small chunck of your HP instead of draining your entire health?
Basically it could work like the Incufly where you can still play after getting grabbed unless your HP is too low.
Speaking of the Incufly, I wonder if some basic pregnancy system could be doable? Like at the end of the timer, if you still have enough HP, instead of getting a game over, it could knockout the player and spawn an Incufly entity (it should be a maggot based on the game over scene, but adding an entire new entity is probably not an option). Could probably take some damage from the process, so if you're too low in HP, it would still play the game over scene. Bonus if triggering a new animation scene in between is possible.
It's probably more than can be done, but hey, you never know I guess.