Okay, i just got finished playing this update and I'm super later by like a month or 2. I don't think I've ever actually commented in here about the game, even though I've been playing for a few updates, so I'll start it now by saying i love it. The story is great and i like most of the characters. My waifu is mainly Liz and i lean into Corruption more than Love.
Now on to the where i left off and the start of the update. From my saves, the date that i last played was Feb 18 of this year and that was were Kate appears at the end of that update. I'm guessing i didn't miss any update between that one and this one so It's not too bad. Anyway, it was pretty good. I didn't expect Kate finding out all of what the MC's doing, especially with Liz and Helen, to go so drama free? She's really laid back and i like that to be honest.
There's a lot of other stuff from Sophie's thing to that ending with Ami/Shinigami basically spilling the beans. I want to try out the straight love options to see where that goes in terms of dialogue. I'm looking foward to the next update though. It should be pretty tamed reaction, maybe. I don't think there's going to be that huge of a fall out. Especially since most of them are already cool with him being with more than one partner. I'll be going back and playing around with the options the see where all of this goes and if anything's different.