hey there!
took me some time,since it was a bit slow,anyway,im almost finishing with the installation on the game,i did a step by step basic image tutorial here,but it might not even be necessary
i will try dumbing the read me file down a bit,might get longer,but oh well
"1) install "HF pAppLoc 1.1.2" (Japanese applocale) if you already have it then dont install"
it its located in the extracted file,its used to run the installer,and the game,or anything that needs it,if you have it installed,you can ignore
"2) mount "Musu_Full""
mount the downloaded iso with daemon tools,or any similar program,that does the same job
"3)go to computer then open the game (its the one with japanese text) by right clicking and selecting open"
go to "my computer", where your disk partitions are located(disk C: disk D:,etc),the game ISO should be mounted there,right click on it,and click open
"4)enter the foulder setup"
double click the FOLDER named "setup"
"5)right click setup and select "run with japanese locale as adminstrator""
right click the PROGRAM named setup,and click the option "run with japanese locale as adminstrator"
6)select (N)
click on the button that has ((N)) on it
7)WARNNING!! DO NOT INSTALL IN THE DEFAULT FOULDER select (C) to change install foulder Recomended install foulder C:\illusion\MusuMaker
simply says to not install with the folder that has japanese gibberish on it. Either change the installation folder,or simply rename the folder to "MusuMaker"
"8)select (N)"
again,click on the button that has ((N)) on it
"9)select (I) game should install after this"
click on the button that has ((I)) on it
"10)once the game is done installing,just install "Musumakeup_HF_Patch2.4" read whats available so that you can tick the options you fancy"
this one also its on the extracted folder,serves to patch the game,mark the options that you like,and install it (i would need to do a more deitaled explanation here,but i don't have the game on me anymore,a tip its to carefully read everything,and you should be ok)
that should be it,hope you can understand,if you still can't install it,just message me,and i'll try to help with the tutorial that i made