You don't read very well do you? this dev ACTUALLY added anti cheat with a little bitch remark to the player if the stats were changed. staying within bounds is playing without cheats so what's your point? good games don't repeat the same functions over and over and over for no change while having what changes do occur without any indication of when they can happen. that is this guy's games in a nutshell. pointless clicking until you happen to find a change. if you call that a good game I have some low laying land I'll sell you during the dry season.
My response was to your content, not to you. " You don't read very well do you? " is aimed at me and not my response. Play nice. This is a discussion not a fist fight.
Your comment: "as RFR where the dev themselves ADDED a snide remark in the game".
My response: "Not commenting on the rest of your post and not referring to RfR. This is just MBFD. "
If there was snide remark in MBFD, then I didn't know about it, and you didn't make it clear in your post.
I called containing variable ranges good, which he does. That is something good games do. I didn't call his game good.
As for the low lying land. I might actually be interested. Where in the Netherlands is it actually? ;-)
As for the rest of what you're saying, would the following make the game +1 on your rating?
- Indicating to you if an action causes something to improve? Or go down even
- Bit more indication where to go next? Guidance maybe?
That's assuming it stays "free roam" and there is still some form of points system.