The "subtext" in the conversations between Hutch and Christian is clearly the voice of mainstream society speaking. And because of that it is so convincing and successful with Hutch. It is not some sinister genius coming up with something original but the usual tropes in store for a betrayed husband ("man up" by swallowing it). The problem for Hutch (not being discussed enough sofar, but a lost the middle weeks of discussion here, so I'm not sure) is, that there is no accepted script for him (who is of course a weak character who would need such a script because he can't come up with one himself) anymore of how to act in this moment. Of course it is easy for us as someone said above to be sure to have landed in prison or hospital. I'm not so sure. First thing we are all totally conditioned to avoid even the slightest bit of bodily harm and violence at any cost. Males legitimately enraged because of betrayel, the righeous anger of a newly cucked - this is not a thing anymore in mainstream movies or novels let alone society (don't want to get into judicial matters). Point is: the framing Christian offers is the one that is seductively in tune with what is expected from a civilized loving tolerant husband and, what is more important, it offers the easy well adjusted way for Hutch in this context as disgusting as it does appear to us who are in the voyeur's seat. Hutch, reacting on his authentic impulse would have needed to exit not only marriage and job but also the hive mind of current society including that of his male colleagues who are sitting there like malicious idiots who belittle him but would have acted the same, they are just happy they weren't targeted this time.