Dude... you are killing me.... making that much harder to wait for the next release.(pun intended).
PS; theory time.....
is it a pool at home or someone else's place?
any side characeters that can have a pool at home(im looking at marcel).
will next update have any side characters having some quality time with vivian. (most probably),*just theory... vivian might have a wild ride with the mechanic as dev commented ....might be in update 2. interracial tag incoming.
will the side characters reduce her inhibitions since the marriage is open. (most probably),
open to possible theories (even the hutchy mccucky ones )

after all she did you really think she can still be on team hutch.... with the exception of the cigarette man sneak peeks. isn't stockholm syndrome kidnaped victim and kidnaper.(i may be wrong as i only reach psych books for fun) alienation of love.... anyone....??
after that post by
SC Stories i lost all hope. need some hope fuel for team addison.