This is the first time I actually write about an h-game like this, and I'm doing so because this game is really one of the best I've seen, but it has a few problems that frustrated me so much that I just have to get them off my chest SOMEWHERE. Not sure if the author reads this forum, but I'll write it anyways.
Starting with the good things, the animations are well done, the items, clothes, characters etc are well made, way better than most games of the genre that I've seen. The needs system is interesting, the stats you can look at is interesting, the story is... well... there's a story, and the QTE parts are well done and well animated. But there's always a "but"...
First thing that really bothered me is how big the map is in relation to how slow the character moves. The character can only run for a very short period, like 20 seconds max, and then she starts walking. Pair that with a map that's WAY bigger than it needs to be, and you'll find yourself just walking most of the time. Moving around is one of the most tedious task in games, and it's for that precise reason that, in games, move speeds are usually generous, even when the player goes through breathtaking views. Another thing that adds to the problem is there's no indication on where things are. Inside the university all doors look the same, but only a few actually open. It took me two in-game days to find the janitor because of this problem. Going the wrong way is painstaking because moving is so slow. I get it that moving faster is part of the progression, but at this point it's just unbearable. An adjustment to this parameter and reviewing the level design are two things that will make a MAJOR difference in this game.
Another very annoying thing is how often the character needs to feed, drink and ESPECIALLY pee. At times it felt like toilet strategy was the core system of my experience. If going to the bathroom is a thing in this game, make it so the player knows where the nearest bathroom is, not with minimaps or arrows or whatnot, but through the same means real facilities show you this: SIGNS.
Another thing that pissed me off is how fucking dark the game is. It's absolutely impossible to see anything anytime past, I dunno, 6pm. Even at night the game needs SOME SORT of environment lighting. I tried turning on black equalizer on my monitor, something I only use for competitive FPS games, just to try to see 5 feet in front of me, AND THAT DIDN'T WORK because of how stygian the whole thing gets past bedtime.
I really wish I get to see this game in its prime when and if those things are addressed. In its current form it's just frustrating. I always say that a good game with deep flaws is worse than a game that's bad altogether, because while you'll drop the latter instantly, the first keeps you entrhralled, wanting to play it, but getting frustrated every single time.
Hope this evolves, it has a fuckload of potential.