I do plan on giving Fiona a more centered role that makes her somewhat like a household member. I'm not sure if we will ever go full romantic with her, it's not that she doesn't like to be hugged/kissed, but the whole aspect of "love" is not for her. She likes it when you care for her and she likes it when you are nice to her, but she is probably not the type to say "I love you" and hold hands with you. She will probably call you a dumbass and sip her glass of whiskey

Hmm, there are many different ways to express love. Some people don't have to be all that overly romantic but still can love someone dearly. They don't even have to say it - or to even realize it.
The interesting thing for me about Fiona is that she usually seems to have the urge to dominate - especially men. The MC is more or less the only exception. There has to be a reason for that kind of behavior. And there also has to be a reason why the MC managed to at least partially break through that emotional wall she built around herself when it comes to men. Because he did. She opened up to him and told him things about herself she probably didn't tell even Mary.
So far I don't have the impression that Mary really knows why Fiona cares so much about Becca.
And the friendship route as it is going on between her and the MC right now can very slowly lead to more without them even realizing it for a long time - both the MC and Fiona.
Would be interesting to see her and the MC working together to protect and keep the family and maybe her company/corporation together when some serious troubles arise.
Reminds me of an older German song: "1000 and one night" by the Klaus Lage Band. Maybe you know that song. You seem to know a lot about Germany.