Now that I've had some time to play this game, all I can say is fuck
Killer7 and this stupid fucking porn game

. I came for the tits and ass not for the feels and laughter and story.
Honestly at first i thought this was just another cliched incest game where the son moves in with his estranged mother and step sisters and proceeds to fuck them all. I was bored, having finished all the content on the other games I'm following, so I thought I'd waste a couple hours on this. Man was i wrong. I got so wrapped up in the story I was skipping the h scenes to get back to the story.
I've never like monster girls and would avoid any content with them or skip through as fast as possible But man I love little cat and her story and development. I cannot get enough of her story and the jokes and humour with her.
Killer7 this game has made me laugh, almost cry and scream at my monitor in frustration, so job well done. Frustration at the MC not telling people things soon enough, like the mother knowing what's going on, and as much as love the results and effects of Sandra scheming behind his back with the others like Maddy, Alice, Yvonne it's also been very frustrating and I even grew to dislike her for a bit, I felt like was becoming like Elaine and manipulating to much.
One thing I've really, really loved about it so far is that this hasn't become another stupid orgy fest like so many of these games go. The brother gets the mother, sisters, aunts, cousins, etc, they all find out about each other and every time you open a door 2 or more of them are involved in some lewd behaviour for him to join. I really enjoy how so far they have all remained just for him, even in the 3somes, it's been about him the girls keeping mostly to themselves.
On thing I did find disappointing, was Yvonne if you say no she can't watch when she asks. That kills the route with her, but she still watches them in the cinema and the MC has no reaction to her watching, even after he said no and it just means she doesn't ask him if he wants to date her, there should have at least disappointment or displeasure expressed.
There is also a minor inconsistency on the "no to children route" on the vacation when Maddies says she has to speak to him about something important and they sit down and next slide is them going into the bedroom. This is where Maddie asks if you want to have with her too, but obviously it's not happening if you said no to Sandra earlier.
Disobey her after you let her suck your pp and find one of my favorite characters to write for

The moment my mc started to disobey her is when i joined #teamfiona
At first I was a little uncertain of Fiona because of the dom role, I was a little more interested after the first time the MC disobeyed her, then became very distrustful and disliked her for the moves she was making on the mom. I rather dislike sharing "my women" even if it's with another woman in the harem, unless the MC starts it as part of a 3some.
When Fiona gave the answer to his questions about her intentions, she instantly become one of my favourites, second only to Lucy. I'd drop the aunt and Maddie in a heartbeat for Fiona if it ever came down to it, which I doubt every much.