Saved at the end of 0.14, chose to date
everyone that was available upto this point, also not sure if I forgave Tanja on this save, hope this helps.
MNF 0.14 Save
To change the MC name just enable the console, to do this go to
MyNewFamily-0.16-pc\renpy\common and open the file "
00console.rpy" in a text editor and search for "
config.console = False" and replace with "
config.console = True"...should be on
line 108.....once this is done load the save then press
Shift+O in game to open change MC name just type
name = "NewName"
you need the
" around your chosen name for this to work.
Alternatively you can download
UnRen from
TheSidewinder signature to enable the console(Also has a few other features), place this file in the
MyNewFamily-0.16-pc folder (where the EXE for the game is located) and choose option