
Conversation Conqueror
Jun 20, 2022
I think it was last year that I was riding the day by day releases. I found myself a little frustrated at how quickly each day ended when that was all I had. This time, I'm trying other stories and waiting for the full update.
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The 2nd day. The first day is already out for supporters ^^.
Right. I only ever get first-day beta. :whistle:


Apr 10, 2023
Tell me this is a joke, do you really have to do the tanja friendly route to get lucys story?

After doing the revenge i really dont want to have anything to do with Tanja at all, just feels worng and extremly stupid if your forced to make that bitch a girlfriend to get lucy love story dont even want to make her a pet, i simply just dont care to see Tanja again, i mean really who would even consider making her a girlfriend after she tormented your sister everyday for years and years....and finaly lucy closed that chapter of her life, no one would risk opening that wound up again by dating Tanja....

Pretty much just destoyed the game i enjoyed it up to that point and since lucy is the one i like the most of all the girls, it just feels pointless to play on if thats how story has been made....

Its fine to give the player the choice some might like it but those that dont should not be closed out of lucys story if they turn tanja down considering you already did the revenge, that should be more then enough for lucy story to go on.....

Just my 2 cents....bit of a rant just needed to vent out....and hope someone can tell me lucys story goes on even if you dont go to tanjas house?


My New Family / My New Memories
Game Developer
May 14, 2019
Tell me this is a joke, do you really have to do the tanja friendly route to get lucys story?

After doing the revenge i really dont want to have anything to do with Tanja at all, just feels worng and extremly stupid if your forced to make that bitch a girlfriend to get lucy love story dont even want to make her a pet, i simply just dont care to see Tanja again, i mean really who would even consider making her a girlfriend after she tormented your sister everyday for years and years....and finaly lucy closed that chapter of her life, no one would risk opening that wound up again by dating Tanja....

Pretty much just destoyed the game i enjoyed it up to that point and since lucy is the one i like the most of all the girls, it just feels pointless to play on if thats how story has been made....

Its fine to give the player the choice some might like it but those that dont should not be closed out of lucys story if they turn tanja down considering you already did the revenge, that should be more then enough for lucy story to go on.....

Just my 2 cents....bit of a rant just needed to vent out....and hope someone can tell me lucys story goes on even if you dont go to tanjas house?
What are you talking about? After you got revenge on Tanja and she calls you again, you can tell her to fuck off, you don't have to talk to her ever again if you don't want to ^^. Lucys story will continue regardless after that.


Apr 10, 2023
What are you talking about? After you got revenge on Tanja and she calls you again, you can tell her to fuck off, you don't have to talk to her ever again if you don't want to ^^. Lucys story will continue regardless after that.
Thank you so much for that info that just made my day and the game, i saw 2 posts when i was searching on tanja, one said you had to do friendly route to get lucys love story another said you had to make her a pet to do so, which made me think you where forced to pick one of the two and i just hated that, but really happy you could set me stright and that the lucy story goes on when you tell tanja to fuck off.
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A New Level In Pleasure
Dec 17, 2019

Hello there you very cute and wholesome people!

Another week, another progress update

I'm gonna be honest, I didn't expect the lewd render to hit that hard. I usually had the assumption that naked = better, but Yukiko and Sophie in that very hot lingerie showed me that I was wrong, lingerie can sometimes be even hotter! That was probably one of the best renders I made so far and I think I will do more of these in the future - The same thing will be the case for the game. More lewds in lingerie, not just fully nude!

Okay, let's talk about the games. As you may have noticed, I released The 2nd beta for My New Family earlier this morning. My plan was to release it friday but it turns out that the cold I had turned into a bronchitis - Which is the first time since I was a kid that I have one. I have issues with sitting in front of the pc for a longer period of time, usually because I start to cough and then it just won't stop. I'm taking some meds and trying to get some vitamins in my body so hopefully, that shit will go away faster.

Anyway, My New Family. After I read through the events I have written so fear I realized that all of them drop some kind of hint regarding My New Family 2 and what could ( or could not ) happen in the story. You might remember what Sandy said regarding the twins she is getting with the MC - Well, it turns out that she is not the only one that thinks like that. You have a very long talk with Becca on the 2nd day where she kinda explains her point of view regarding these things. She can probably relate a little better to the conflict the MC is feeling when it's coming to that topic, so she is doing her part and making it easier for him. This will continue on the third day with crazy Mary - Who turns out to be even crazier since the pregnancy is showing ( and yes, her boobs can get bigger. You'll see ). I also want to bring out her wholesome emotional side out some more, so that event with her will be a mix of everything. Same goes for Alice ( they both will have their pregnancy showing on the third day ), who might even let a certain demon out again. Let's just say Alice and pregnancy hormones can do some weeeeird stuff, not just with her body. It will be super fun though, especially once the other gingers hear from their adventures!

Now, My New Memories. I'm currently planning out an event with Sarah that the MC will also have on the first day - Like I said a few times, this day will probably the most busy day for the MC so far, especially since he got his memories back. The render shows a part of this event. You could think that this would stress him out, but knowing who waits for him at home ( patiently, as she is ) makes everything super easy for him. This talk with Sarah will be more serious than other talks you had in the game before - Given the fact what happened just a day before. Sarah won't suffer from any PTSD or stuff like that, I know that some people suggested it, but I feel like that would feel out of place and would give that person too much power over Sarahs emotions. What she did didn't pass her unarmed, of course, but she knows that this chapter is now forever closed. No more lingering fear, especially after the stressful weeks since the accident. This will help her a lot with overcoming any hurdles she might have to face - Especially with the MC having her back, like usual. While this event happens at her place, she will return home eventually and will be a fully and proper family member again ( so even if you decided to not visit her very early in the game, you will still see her... But she will be pretty cold towards you. Something you eventually can make up in the future - but not fully ). With the arrival of Karla, Emily and Caroline, she will also help the MC with solving the conflict in his family ( regarding Sabrina and Jessica ). A certain person will help with that, of course, and the update will focus a lot on her in general ( it's no secret that she is my favorite crazy German after all ). I think once you play the first day of Chapter 4 you will see where I'm going with My New Memories after the amnesia arc has been completed and I really hope you'll like what you see!

And I think that's it for now. Sorry again for all the trouble lately, I'm doing my best to recover from this damn bronchitis ( while still working on beta 3). Lewd render will be up earlier this week and I might have to do some lingerie again - It was just too good. If anything comes up I'll let you guys know. Stay awesome!



Devoted Member
Oct 24, 2019
Killer7 ... i agree about the Lingerie thing ... a female looks so freakin hot when wearing them :love:
also sorry to hear about your getting hit with bronchitis .. thats has to have sucked .... glad your feeling somewhat better :)
hints are cool ... but they're like cooking .. to many cooks (hints) spoil the stew ;)
well enough of my chatter .. you take care of yourself .. we only have one of you :love:
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My New Family / My New Memories
Game Developer
May 14, 2019
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You must have missed something. Once Becca finds out about the MC and Sandra, it's not a big secret anymore what is going on in the household. It's not like someone went behind mcs back and told Becca, it's more that Becca is very observant and notices what is going on. After Sandra they're not trying to keep it a secret anymore really, because it would be weird if they did. Elaine knows about it all because Becca told her, yeah.


Apr 10, 2023
Killer7 damn i need to go back some then i have no clue how i missed that part, thats why everything just feels wierd and i cant get text to line up with story when i am still thinking they are supposed to be hiding it.....damn now to find that scene about sandra and MC and becca.....

Thanks for telling me it was driving me a little bit insane, also dident make sense if that part was left totaly out of the story so happy to hear its there somewhere :)

Cant find it, i looked in chapter 2 and 3 where sandra ask about about having children and MC says not before mom knows everything, but theres nothing really between that and when they go on the vacation? ill look again but.....i am guessing there arent a scene with becca and MC talking about that issue at all?
or a scene where becca finds out about sandra and MC?

I guess i could agree that becca could be observant and find out on her own, but MC knows that becca knows and thats the part i dont get if they never talked about it then MC shouldent know and they should still keep it hidden?

Am i really just so blind that i cant find it, someone please tell me where to find the part where becca finds out about MC and sandra bc i just cant find it.
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Apr 10, 2023
I think my path in the story must have messed somehing up, tried checking chaper 2/3 again and there just arent anything about becca finding out about sandra and MC, the first time i hear anything remotely close to it is when lucy tells alice that becca knows and mc tells lucy that becca also know about the two of them, how MC knows that i have no idea since lucy was the one to tell becca about that, he also say "of course you where listening when i told sandra" and that is also something that never happened in my path, just feels like a huuuge hole in my story line.

My path has been becca only being a mom, said no to the job, no to marry, dident go to tanja after revenge part.
i get that it must be really tuff to get so many paths to line up.

The line on the beach where MC says "of course you where listening when i told sandra" makes it sound like there is a scene missing where MC told becca about it and then told sandra after or something, but cant find any scenes about MC telling sandra or talking to becca, i dunno just such a big hole when you jump from hiding it to lets get married have babys out of nowhere.


Active Member
Jun 8, 2021
I think my path in the story must have messed somehing up, tried checking chaper 2/3 again and there just arent anything about becca finding out about sandra and MC, the first time i hear anything remotely close to it is when lucy tells alice that becca knows and mc tells lucy that becca also know about the two of them, how MC knows that i have no idea since lucy was the one to tell becca about that, he also say "of course you where listening when i told sandra" and that is also something that never happened in my path, just feels like a huuuge hole in my story line.

My path has been becca only being a mom, said no to the job, no to marry, dident go to tanja after revenge part.
i get that it must be really tuff to get so many paths to line up.

The line on the beach where MC says "of course you where listening when i told sandra" makes it sound like there is a scene missing where MC told becca about it and then told sandra after or something, but cant find any scenes about MC telling sandra or talking to becca, i dunno just such a big hole when you jump from hiding it to lets get married have babys out of nowhere.
if you want to restart to get the full "intended" story of the game, here is a walk through for all the important choices in the game: pick the top option for every choice except during the second quiz with maddie, if you dont know the answers to those questions then look them up
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My New Family / My New Memories
Game Developer
May 14, 2019
I think my path in the story must have messed somehing up, tried checking chaper 2/3 again and there just arent anything about becca finding out about sandra and MC, the first time i hear anything remotely close to it is when lucy tells alice that becca knows and mc tells lucy that becca also know about the two of them, how MC knows that i have no idea since lucy was the one to tell becca about that, he also say "of course you where listening when i told sandra" and that is also something that never happened in my path, just feels like a huuuge hole in my story line.

My path has been becca only being a mom, said no to the job, no to marry, dident go to tanja after revenge part.
i get that it must be really tuff to get so many paths to line up.

The line on the beach where MC says "of course you where listening when i told sandra" makes it sound like there is a scene missing where MC told becca about it and then told sandra after or something, but cant find any scenes about MC telling sandra or talking to becca, i dunno just such a big hole when you jump from hiding it to lets get married have babys out of nowhere.
Yeah you missed out on a few storylines then, especially regarding Becca ( and Fiona ).

I'd recommend going for all girls ( except Tanja if you don't want to, since she is not relevant to the story later on, only for the revenge ). Fiona becomes a main girl later on as well, playing a very important part for the household. But since you didn't go for Becca it was just a simple off screen thing in the end.
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Apr 10, 2023
Killer7 Well no wonder i cant find it then, to bad, the way i played it i dident want becca to be anything but a mother, i know its a "porn" game, but i am more after stories and some AVNs can have crazy good stories, which is why i dident feel like going for becca after she left MC for years without doing anything just dident feel right, also why hiding it is a huge thing in the way i played when you arent fucking the mom, also why i had the feeling lucy went behind MCs back when she told the becca since i/MC never did, and if you where fucking the mom then it wouldent really be that big a deal just not the way i want it :)

Ill try to do a skip text thing with only top options see if i can atleast just find the scene i am missing in my play style.


Apr 10, 2023
Found the scene finaly, i wish that small scene was in my play style as well since it makes everything make sense now, like add a button at some point to go have the talk with becca since it dosent involve sex it would have been fine to do, for those of us that dont like mother sex or huge tits....yeah there are some of us like that, which is why i would never pick the route with becca or say yes to the job.

But i know cant have it all but that one MC/Becca scene would have fixed the hole storie if it was put in somehow for people not picking becca as a girlfriend, without it it really mess up the story.

Still love the game though :)
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Apr 10, 2023
Cant figure out how to make a review under the reviews on top, so just droppig one here.
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Conversation Conqueror
Jun 20, 2022
Cant figure out how to make a review under the reviews on top, so just droppig one here.
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Top-right of the banner, you can see the rank stars and how many reviews.
Screenshot 2023-07-13 132844.png
Click on the star rating you want to give and a review box will pop up.

EDIT: Fixed instructions.
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My New Family / My New Memories
Game Developer
May 14, 2019
Cant figure out how to make a review under the reviews on top, so just droppig one here.
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I feel like that is a very very VERY subjective view on things, especially since all of that gets explained ingame by the other girls as well. Sandra is the "main girl" in terms of that she is getting all the first times - first time sex ( in the household ), first pregnancy, first proposal etc..Those first times are special events and all the other girls are more than fine with Sandra having them. But only in that regard, she doesnt get the most content or most Events by a long run. I can see why that might be a thing you don't like, but from the ingame perspective it makes sense. Lucy is also not a sidekick or anything comparable, I think that is just you jumping to that conclusion now because you are angry something in the game didn't happen the way you personally preferred it. Lucy has by far ( and I mean by far ) the most events in the game and you spend the most time with her alone compared to all the other girls. She is the fan favorite so of course she gets most of the time.

Again, you saying the other girls are sidekicks is just your biased opinion after you got disappointed regarding the pregnancy stuff. It's totally not the case, even though I wish it was because Sandra is my personal favorite. If anything, Lucy is the main girl ( in terms of pure content, not stuff like pregnancy talks etc ) with the other girls getting less content compared to her, like I said above. Sandra just plays a major role in terms of the MC getting all the girls ( Sandra is the harem enabler ) and she is the ginger queen ( of the three ).
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3.90 star(s) 258 Votes