Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2021
I think it was here that we learn in the course of the plot that the father got away with murder/killing because he knew the right people.

Secondly, if I remember correctly, the threat was something along the lines that if she turned up again he would hurt the son.

I'm not sure about this, but I seem to remember that although he wasn't a good father, he never actively harmed the son. Unlike the guy who had an affair with the protagonist's ex, if I'm not mistaken.

So there was definitely a potential for danger from the father, and we mustn't forget that the mother was simply afraid, not just for her own health - I think that was secondary - but for her son's safety. After our protagonist was living alone, she simply didn't seek contact because she was ashamed of abandoning her son. But I think that falls into the category of fear making people irrational. How often do people do stupid things for outsiders because they are afraid either for their families or for their own well-being?

Apart from that, this situation is also an important one in the context of her second marriage, something that had a lasting impact on her: When she was pregnant with Lucy, her second husband urged her to have an abortion; she refused because she didn't want to abandon another child like the protagonist and decided to divorce.

I would even go so far as to say that her decision to adopt Alice (the daughter of her first husband and half-sister of the son she has with the man) was influenced by this: in principle, Alice, like her older half-brother, had lost a lot because of their father. I assume accordingly that she not only saw a lot of her son in Alice, but possibly also wanted to atone for the fact that she never took legal action against her first husband and that another woman had to suffer because of the man.


A New Level In Pleasure
Dec 17, 2019

Hello there you wonderful and extremely wholesome people!

Another week, another month, another progress update!

Let's jump right into the games because sadly, I don't have any news regarding my case. It's annoying me more than it should and I just keep on hoping that I will hear anything at all sooner than later. There are some positive things happening in my live right now, for example, learning how to drive a car again. Nothing big, but everything that is slightly positive is good, right?

Quick notice: No, I did not forget about My New Family 2. The focus is just on My New Memories: The beginning and My New Memories in general at the moment. I still write down ideas and stuff for MNF2, though!

Work on the prequel is going better than I thought and I'm almost done with the first morning event. Todays render is actually from that and you can take a look at the slightly younger looking Sabrina there, together with Lea. This event happens right when you start the game, where you have breakfast ( with pancakes, of course ) and Lea pays you and Sabrina a visit. The three of you will drive together to college where you will meet some of the other girls. Like I said a few times, I don't want to create a typical college game, so if stuff is not accurate I apologize beforehand. I see it more as a university and since the MC and Sabrina are not going to move into a dorm, they will still return home to Bethany. This also means that I can play around some more with characters like Lea and her mother Katharina, because they can pay the family a visit from time to time! I think it will be a good experience and if you never played My New Memories before, it might give you the initiative to give it a try. My plan to have a playable first release ready this month is still there and I'm very confident I'll be able to deliver. Not sure on the length of it yet but I'll make sure it will be worth it for you people hanging out as supporters!

I'm still not sure if I will re enable the option to support once the first beta is available. If I don't then people that deleted their pledges will not be able to play it and if you are interested in playing it but never supported before, the same applies. I'll let you guys know and maybe make a poll for the final decision. So far it helped my mental health a lot that I paused the pledges for february, it gave me a huge boost in working motivation and writing has been a lot of fun again ( and that helped a lot with keeping my mind occupied, to be honest, which is funny because I technically didn't get paid to do so :D ). You guys can post your opinion in the comments regarding enabling the option to support again once I have a playable release ready, if you want.

I also worked some more on Chapter 4, progressing on a certain event that I hold dear to my heart. It's a lewd event and I'll try to make it wholesome, funny and lewd at the same time. Just some casual love making sprinkled with humor, I guess, and it will all be animated of course. If I look at it right now it seems kinda goofy but I think if you played the event that happens before, you'll see where I'm going with this. I know that lewd events are not really something I do well usually, so I hope I can hit the nail on the head with this one and show the improvement in terms of writing I got through the years. I think the recent lewd stuff that happened in MNM is a go in the right direction though ( the kitchen event with Sabrina, for example ).

I'm also planning to post semi lewd renders of the prequel girls here on the sites. They won't be fully nude like the regular lewd renders, but will reveal enough to hopefully make you more excited for the prequel! I know that has been a request from some of you amazing people!

And I think that's it for now. Like I said in every progress update lately, I'll update you guys as soon as I hear anything regarding my case ( or cases, rather, even the one where I'm a witness/victim ). And if anything comes up in general, I'll let you guys know as well! Don't forget to tell me what you think in the comments ( or message me on Discord if you want ). And most importantly, stay awesome!



Jan 28, 2020
Okay so far I've liked everything about this VN except.... well when the MC acted like a little bitch after his meeting with Elaine and the phone call to his father. Like "Wah my granny forced me but not really forced me to call my father. Wah I'm little drama queen bitch". I know the dev wanted there to be some kind of drama between the MC and Elaine but I feel like in-game the MC created drama out of a non issue. Like seriously, he could have said "Okay Elaine, I get where you are coming from. So I'm gonna go now and think about it. And when I've made my decision and I'll come see you". But noooo let's pretend that "granny forced me" . Like I said I get it, for the sake of the story the dev needed their to be some kind of conflict but I just feel like he should have thought up of a different conflict instead of making conflict out of a non issue.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2021
Personally, I can't blame our protagonist. We're not talking about a guy who abandoned his pregnant wife or his wife and child (which in itself is already incredibly despicable). The protagonist's father did the following things:

Scared away his ex-wife under the threat that he would harm their son. Protagonist's mother was still suffering from trauma due to guilt until shortly after the plot began.

He committed a murder and got away with it because he knew the right people.

either beat the guy who was having an affair with the protagonist's girlfriend at the time into a wheelchair or at least put him in hospital.

He tricked Alice's mother, got her pregnant, abandoned her and didn't take care of his daughter after her mother died.

Personally, I see it like Lucy in the conversation that follows: I see the need for that phone call so MC can have closure, however Elaine should have given him the choice.

Shortly after the situation, all the characters involved talk about it and I see it as a scenario that could have torn the family apart in the worst case scenario, with MC's mother, Alice, Maddie and Fiona more on MC's side (with Fiona having her personal reasons for not liking Elaine), while Mary (Maddie's mother) is more on Elaine's side and Sandy in denial.

Long story short: Even if you want to persuade someone to do something he or she doesn't want to do, it's not good to force someone to do it, especially if that person is already an adult and you're incapacitating them.

I don't remember the scene exactly, but I think a better approach would have been for her to talk to MC first about why she thinks this phone call is necessary and at least ask him to sleep on it and think about it. I don't know how long MC's father had to live after the phone call, but I remember that he died a few days later at most. So I can at least understand why she urged him to make the phone call, as there was only a very short window of time, but I think it would have been the same if there hadn't been that short window. Elaine at this point was convinced that everything she was doing was right and she knew what was better for everyone.

The last person who told her, before MC, when she crossed boundaries was her late husband and I think even if MC's mother had told her too, Elaine wouldn't have taken it seriously. For one thing, Mary was pretty much a yes-man to her at that point and since MC's mom is her daughter, she would have kind of waved it off as "kid, parents always know better than their kids".


Active Member
Nov 15, 2017
Personally, I can't blame our protagonist. We're not talking about a guy who abandoned his pregnant wife or his wife and child (which in itself is already incredibly despicable). The protagonist's father did the following things:

Scared away his ex-wife under the threat that he would harm their son. Protagonist's mother was still suffering from trauma due to guilt until shortly after the plot began.

He committed a murder and got away with it because he knew the right people.

either beat the guy who was having an affair with the protagonist's girlfriend at the time into a wheelchair or at least put him in hospital.

He tricked Alice's mother, got her pregnant, abandoned her and didn't take care of his daughter after her mother died.

Personally, I see it like Lucy in the conversation that follows: I see the need for that phone call so MC can have closure, however Elaine should have given him the choice.

Shortly after the situation, all the characters involved talk about it and I see it as a scenario that could have torn the family apart in the worst case scenario, with MC's mother, Alice, Maddie and Fiona more on MC's side (with Fiona having her personal reasons for not liking Elaine), while Mary (Maddie's mother) is more on Elaine's side and Sandy in denial.

Long story short: Even if you want to persuade someone to do something he or she doesn't want to do, it's not good to force someone to do it, especially if that person is already an adult and you're incapacitating them.

I don't remember the scene exactly, but I think a better approach would have been for her to talk to MC first about why she thinks this phone call is necessary and at least ask him to sleep on it and think about it. I don't know how long MC's father had to live after the phone call, but I remember that he died a few days later at most. So I can at least understand why she urged him to make the phone call, as there was only a very short window of time, but I think it would have been the same if there hadn't been that short window. Elaine at this point was convinced that everything she was doing was right and she knew what was better for everyone.

The last person who told her, before MC, when she crossed boundaries was her late husband and I think even if MC's mother had told her too, Elaine wouldn't have taken it seriously. For one thing, Mary was pretty much a yes-man to her at that point and since MC's mom is her daughter, she would have kind of waved it off as "kid, parents always know better than their kids".

Okay, gotta point out a couple things about this.

For one, Martin didn't kill anyone, he beat a coworker nearly to death, not actually to death. This could be just the way that Becca remembers it, maybe he didn't hurt them too badly but they just thought he was going to? or maybe, like the ex-gf's new boyfriend he beat them to the point of hospitalization/crippling, we don't know (though from what we know, I'd imagine that it's probably the latter, regardless he didn't kill anyone).

Second, Elaine didn't have the MC call Martin because she knew he was dying, that information was new to her as well, they both learned about his disease during the phone call. Elaine made the MC call him because Martin was actively looking for the MC (that's why he interacted with Melanie and her new boyfriend).

The reason the MC went along with calling Martin is because of this, because Martin was looking for him. The MC states a couple times about what his reaction would be to Martin appearing in the new city (to Maddie: after the Erics "fight" that he probably wouldn't have been able to stop hitting his father, and also later to Lucy? I think? where he says that he would have left with Martin if he had come demanding the MC come back to him, in order to avoid Martin hurting anyone in the family). You have to remember that after the MC learns what Martin is capable of he is almost terrfied of his father, so the prospect of him coming and upending his new life is something that he (rightly) wants to avoid at all costs, and that is how Elaine frames it. That Martin is coming, that he will find them and will try and destroy everything that the MC has built since arriving there.

I honestly still think it was the right thing to do, having the MC call Martin and tell him to fuck off, nobody knew why Martin was looking for him after all. Saying that, Elaine went about it in probably the worst possible way, not giving the MC time to think about it or discuss it with Alice or Becca first. As you implied, nobody has seriously challenged Elaine at that point since her husband died so she's blinded by a kind of "my way is always the right way" mentality.
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Jan 28, 2020
Okay, gotta point out a couple things about this.

For one, Martin didn't kill anyone, he beat a coworker nearly to death, not actually to death. This could be just the way that Becca remembers it, maybe he didn't hurt them too badly but they just thought he was going to? or maybe, like the ex-gf's new boyfriend he beat them to the point of hospitalization/crippling, we don't know (though from what we know, I'd imagine that it's probably the latter, regardless he didn't kill anyone).

Second, Elaine didn't have the MC call Martin because she knew he was dying, that information was new to her as well, they both learned about his disease during the phone call. Elaine made the MC call him because Martin was actively looking for the MC (that's why he interacted with Melanie and her new boyfriend).

The reason the MC went along with calling Martin is because of this, because Martin was looking for him. The MC states a couple times about what his reaction would be to Martin appearing in the new city (to Maddie: after the Erics "fight" that he probably wouldn't have been able to stop hitting his father, and also later to Lucy? I think? where he says that he would have left with Martin if he had come demanding the MC come back to him, in order to avoid Martin hurting anyone in the family). You have to remember that after the MC learns what Martin is capable of he is almost terrfied of his father, so the prospect of him coming and upending his new life is something that he (rightly) wants to avoid at all costs, and that is how Elaine frames it. That Martin is coming, that he will find them and will try and destroy everything that the MC has built since arriving there.

I honestly still think it was the right thing to do, having the MC call Martin and tell him to fuck off, nobody knew why Martin was looking for him after all. Saying that, Elaine went about it in probably the worst possible way, not giving the MC time to think about it or discuss it with Alice or Becca first. As you implied, nobody has seriously challenged Elaine at that point since her husband died so she's blinded by a kind of "my way is always the right way" mentality.
Yeah but seriously tho let's not pretend like she "forced him" to do anything. She didn't put a gun to his face, she didn't try to blackmail him to do it, he actually had the freedom to walk away and call later but instead he called Martin right there and then, and then later acted like a little bitch by crying "wah granny forced me" and made an issue out of nothing


Active Member
Nov 15, 2017
Yeah but seriously tho let's not pretend like she "forced him" to do anything. She didn't put a gun to his face, she didn't try to blackmail him to do it, he actually had the freedom to walk away and call later but instead he called Martin right there and then, and then later acted like a little bitch by crying "wah granny forced me" and made an issue out of nothing
I never used that word, if I had to choose a word I'd use "coerced". The threat wasn't from her, but rather implied from his Father. The MC wasn't physically forced to do anything, but she did put him in a situation where he was made to feel like he had no choice but to do what she wanted him to do. Just because someone isn't physically threatening you directly doesn't mean you can't be made to do something, or at least be persuaded that you have no choice in the matter.


Conversation Conqueror
Jun 20, 2022
New Category: Can't stop complaining about how much of "A Little Bitch™" the MC (or any character) is, while continuing to reiterate their singular point as to why this is so, completely ignoring/dismissing any arguments that refute or offer mitigation to their opinion.

It's okay to have an argument about a point of view. It's okay to not change your mind when expressing that point multiple times. Just don't be an ass about it.


Feb 21, 2018

Can enyone Help the Download links from the 15+ compressed Version ( 2nd Part of the Main game)


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2021
Progress Update | 11/03/2024

Hello there you super cute and very amazing people!

Another week, another progress update!

Like I promised, I posted a lewd render with one of the prequel girls included. This time it was Bethany and Katharina and for the weekend I plan to use Lea and Sabrina. I feel like this will bring the prequel girls a little closer to you guys.

Speaking of the prequel, I'm almost at a point where I can release a small teaser version for supporters. It won't really be a beta, see it more as an alpha, something you can play and then decide "Okay, I like this already" or say "No, this is pretty bad". This is just to get a few first impressions on the game and since pledges are still paused, it will be for people that stayed pledged through the time. It will be posted on the Discord and the script should be ready this week, then it's just going to be rendering. I gathered a bunch of assets already and decided to change from "College" to "University", since this makes more sense with what I have in mind ( and apparently, college and uni is almost the same in america?) Todays progress update render shows rei in the lecture hall of the architecture class the MC is visiting. This is actually the first time you meet here and you can already decide in that moment if you want to get to know her better. Since she recently moved from Japan to where the MC is living, she could use some help finding her way around. I can highly recommend going that route with her because Rei is more than just someone you meet in the prequel. Let's just say that the MC in My New Memories will remember who she is in Chapter 4, even though he has no idea in the prequel. Maybe you already have a guess where this could go? We don't know much about a certain side of the Japanese family after all...

Honestly, working on the prequel has been a blast so far. I was really scared in the beginning because a lot of people could get the impression I'm abandoning My New Memories to start something new, which is one hundred percent not the case. The only reason I'm making this prequel is to continue work in DAZ3D and create something in the My New Memories "universe" that let's me use the two characters I have, Sabrina and Bethany, in a manner that makes sense in the end. We basically know nothing of the MCs past in My New Memories because of his amnesia and even though he got his memories back at the end of chapter 3, I don't want to "waste" too much time in the original game in the past. Stuff like the future with Anna, the half sisters and Karla arriving and the family healing in general is more important to me than to tell something that happened before he reuined with Anna again. This is where the prequel comes into play, where I can also continue to improve my writing work. But that will be something you can judge once you play the first version! But it's helping a lot that almost all of you amazing people are so understanding and supportive in the most difficult times of my life. I really hope that the next few weeks will finally bring clearance, but the prequel will happen regardless I think, at least if people like it as much as I hope they will be.

And I think that's it for now. I will update you guys, as usual, if I get any news regarding my case. If you have any questions feel free to comment or message me here, I'll try to answer all of them as soon as possible. In the meantime, stay awesome, and thanks again for all the amazing support you guys have been giving me through these last months. Really, without you people I wouldn't be here right now, I think. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you!


Opa Wants

Well-Known Member
May 14, 2021
College usually refers to 2 year degrees I.E. Associates or Bachelors degrees
University's are 4 year degrees I.E. Masters or Doctorates degrees;)


Engaged Member
Feb 16, 2023
College usually refers to 2 year degrees I.E. Associates or Bachelors degrees
University's are 4 year degrees I.E. Masters or Doctorates degrees;)
Maybe outside the US.

Here a "College" is a school focusing on Liberal Arts OR Business OR Engineering OR Technology OR Medicine, etc., while a "University" is an affiliated collection of "Colleges" on the same campus. Each "college" might offer a 2 year (60-ish credit hours) Associates Degree of some sort, and will always offer a selection of Bachelors level (usually 4 year/120 -130 credit hour) degrees with variances in Majors (for business, for example: Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Information Systems, etc.). Not all colleges/universities offer Masters or PhD level degrees, but most will.

We also have "Junior" or "Community" colleges that frequently only offer Associates level degrees, or possibly "certifications" that could be as little as 15-30 "credit hours". Then there are trades schools, and that's a whole other set of parameters.

That's for "brick and mortar" post-secondary education; online "colleges" might do anything from Certifications, to Associates, to Bachelors and Masters level degrees.

Opa Wants

Well-Known Member
May 14, 2021
Keep in mind I was at ERAU back in the late 80's so a lot of things have changed since then.
And Yes I am an ancient old fart.:ROFLMAO:


New Member
Jan 16, 2019
So i've found a little problem (i think it's caused by the mod) regarding the last anita scene, but is easily fixable:
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And i have to say Killer7 thank you for this amazing work, i truly appreciate every single line of this story, very well written :love:
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