Did they fix the ENGRISH in this game yet?
The author is spanish and i think is translating with something like google translate so obviously there will be many problems.
If anybody want to correct the text. JUST DO IT. (No it's not about sport shoes)
You only need 3 Things to do it:
- The Game . All the text of the game are inside the data files. Inside the Maps (Map001.json)
- RPGMAkerMV. You create a project then put the data files from MyNewLife inside the project.
You open the project and then you can rework the game.
- You need time, a lot of time. There are right now 437 Maps in the version 1.9.
You can then contact the author. His email is on is patreon page.
Since beggar is updating is game as we speak if you want to send him corrected Maps of the game please include a list of which Events you corrected. I already sent him reworked maps of the introduction to the game, about 15 maps.
Without a list of which events where touched he can't include them without creating bugs. There are many as it is.
All of this to say that the text of the game is not crypted and that you can rework it.
Maybe someone could actually make a team of people who want to correct the text and get in contact with baggarofnet ?