
Sep 27, 2017
seriously though, another thing i don't get about this game is the insistance on huge amounts of time wasting. Gotta waste 15 days on sandra now, gotta waste 15 days on rosalva, gotta waste 50 afternoons to get tyna etc. Considering 5 days a week with 2 weekend days, you gotta waste so much time at school that it makes me want to stop playing.


Engaged Member
Jun 12, 2017
seriously though, another thing i don't get about this game is the insistance on huge amounts of time wasting. Gotta waste 15 days on sandra now, gotta waste 15 days on rosalva, gotta waste 50 afternoons to get tyna etc. Considering 5 days a week with 2 weekend days, you gotta waste so much time at school that it makes me want to stop playing.
Well from what I have seen BON does put some secret in to elimate the grind with some of these though oddly enough some of them were removed. Though from what I have seen the Nadine one is still there, though sadly the removed the Tyna one.


Aug 7, 2017
The grinding could easily be removed with better balance on how game event works. While you are on school you can only talk to one of the students. If you could multi task with all of them then you'd be doing a lot more quests simultaneously. Instead of spending 30 days with 2 students you spend 15 with those 2 anyway.

The pace events happen is annoying, if you go to a date that fastforward a lot of time, and if you ask me, time pass too fast while you are on the map.

I think a better time system or event manager would do wonders. Plus a way to keep up with your skills and relationships and not just having to guess.


New Member
Oct 3, 2017
I just might be dumb, but how do you use the phone to invite a girl on a date? trying to use it through the inventory isn't doing anything.


Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
Does anyone have a save for the Laura quest. I've got the bug where she calls you to the pharmacy after the Ms. Talyor event but does nothing when she returns from the cellar. A lot of people seem to have had this bug without any solution found so I'm just asking for a save directly after that event

Major Wanker

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2017
From what i am understanding next update will be fairly short as he has to fix a tonne of bugs and recode some of the game. In the mean time from the end of this month i will no longer be pledging. The game has just become a massive grind and the so called secret shortcuts for his high tier patreons have all been removed meaning a massive grind.


Jun 19, 2017
I haven't played since 0.8, but I've been checking in every now and then on the progress. The grinding seems like a very big issue. It was bad in the versions I played (having to answer Carol's questions once per day 15 times or whatever... that's ridiculous) and it looks like it's only gotten worse. The systems in place are like a big Rube Goldberg machine; look at it the wrong way and it falls apart. Hearing that this most recent version is nigh unplayable tells me it's definitely not the time to revisit the game yet. It's a shame, and I hope it gets sorted out. The meat of the game is decent, it just needs shaving down and refining. I don't understand why he feels the need to put in so much grinding when there's a lot of content to see even without it. It's plenty long enough without the artificial lengthening.


Aug 4, 2017
While the bugs are a big irritating factor, no question there, you can very easily avoid the grind for those that gnash their teeth at it. Thanks to Ballzak's guide and using Save Editor (Which the how to is included in said guide) you can avoid practically all the grindy bits of the game. All relationship values maxed, easy money (if you aren't aware of the money easter egg), ability/endurance mastery, days worked at chosen part-time job edits, even day and week fixes. Starting a new game on Version 1.0 (staying away from 1.1 cause of all the bugs) I completed everything in just a few hours. Grind is entirely avoidable.

Not to mention Firebane's mod to help keep track of everything.

Hope everything gets fixed come the 1.2 update. This is probably my favorite adult game featured on this site so I hope that BoN can bounce back from these errors.


Engaged Member
Sep 28, 2017
The game's clearly "google translated" from Spanish (for ex.: "madre mia!"-----> "mother of mine!"). I think he SHOULD fix the text.

Poll: which is the most ridiculous blunder?

1. "it looks like the clothes are changing"
2. "I go to school?"
3. "the alarm sound"
4. "I wan't a bread"; "I wan't a carrots"
5. "Hi Mark. I'm Mike" (to Rosalva!)
6. characters' names: Netsor --> Nestor; Amaria --> Amalia
7. "mother of mine!"


Engaged Member
Jun 12, 2017
The game's clearly "google translated" from Spanish (for ex.: "madre mia!"-----> "mother of mine!"). I think he SHOULD fix the text.

Poll: which is the most ridiculous blunder?

1. "it looks like the clothes are changing"
2. "I go to school?"
3. "the alarm sound"
4. "I wan't a bread"; "I wan't a carrots"
5. "Hi Mark. I'm Mike" (to Rosalva!)
6. characters' names: Netsor --> Nestor; Amaria --> Amalia
7. "mother of mine!"
Well the creator of this game is from Spain so it is obvious english isn't his first language. plus from what I see he has someone else do the translation for him.


Engaged Member
Sep 25, 2016
Well the creator of this game is from Spain so it is obvious english isn't his first language. plus from what I see he has someone else do the translation for him.
And no offence to the "Translator" But he obviously don't speak english either and he fucking sucks at his job cause there are still a FUCK TON of spanish that was never translated. So what needs to happen is someone from F95 who speaks english and can write it should re do a FUCK ton of the text...


Aug 7, 2017
Or even yet someone who can speak both English and Spanish. I'd do ot provided someone else has some kind of script or is willing to code it in the game. Heck, I know some RPG maker, I can do it myself.

Is there an spanish version of the game? That would be a lot more helpful too.

Bahamut Zero

Engaged Member
Apr 27, 2017
lol once again speaking about incorrect translation in English?
Maybe it would be better if anyone who wanted a perfect translation, stop playing the game. I am so bored to read all the time the translation is bad! The game is good enough to be able to forgive these little things. It is not so incomprehensible that we cant play it. The author is Spanish! He does not speak well in English! What's the problem? Then what? Maybe would be better not to translate it? So we do not play it right? Or just play those who are of the mother tongue?

I really do not understand some guys. The game is good! I like it! I play it with no problem and i am italian. So i do not see a real problem with the translation.

Burt Reynolds Mustache

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jul 19, 2017
The game's clearly "google translated" from Spanish (for ex.: "madre mia!"-----> "mother of mine!"). I think he SHOULD fix the text.

Poll: which is the most ridiculous blunder?

1. "it looks like the clothes are changing"
2. "I go to school?"
3. "the alarm sound"
4. "I wan't a bread"; "I wan't a carrots"
5. "Hi Mark. I'm Mike" (to Rosalva!)
6. characters' names: Netsor --> Nestor; Amaria --> Amalia
7. "mother of mine!"
The best one isn't there.

It's "Press up to enter the penis"


Aug 7, 2017
Have some standards. My main language is spanish, and this game is just straight unreadable. It is good, but it's not a masterpiece, and it's riddled with problems like bugs and bad game design choices.

In all honesty, I'd rather play it in spanish. Spaniards spanish is funny as hell.


Engaged Member
Sep 28, 2017
lol once again speaking about incorrect translation in English?
Maybe it would be better if anyone who wanted a perfect translation, stop playing the game. I am so bored to read all the time the translation is bad! The game is good enough to be able to forgive these little things. It is not so incomprehensible that we cant play it. The author is Spanish! He does not speak well in English! What's the problem? Then what? Maybe would be better not to translate it? So we do not play it right? Or just play those who are of the mother tongue?

I really do not understand some guys. The game is good! I like it! I play it with no problem and i am italian. So i do not see a real problem with the translation.
Avresti ragione se non chiedesse soldi alla gente per svilupparlo tramite Patreon. Mica lo fa per la gloria: c'è gente che lo finanzia ogni mese per fargli sviluppare il gioco.
E poi la traduzione non è scorretta: non c'è nessuna traduzione proprio, perché neanche i bambini delle elementari mettono il soggetto prima del verbo in una frase interrogativa. Questo vuol dire che ha preso il testo e l'ha buttato dentro il traduttore di Google: prova a fare la stessa cosa con quello che ho scritto qui e vedi cosa vien fuori.

And now, here you are a "Google translation" of what I just wrote from Italian to English :) ;)

"You would be right if you did not ask people for money to develop it through Patreon. Mica does it for glory: there are people who fund it every month to develop the game.
And then translation is not incorrect: there is no translation, because even elementary children put the subject before the verb in a questionable phrase. That means you've taken the text and knocked it into Google Translate: Try doing the same thing with what I've written here and see what's coming out."

A piece of crap, isn'it?


Engaged Member
Jun 12, 2017
Have some standards. My main language is spanish, and this game is just straight unreadable. It is good, but it's not a masterpiece, and it's riddled with problems like bugs and bad game design choices.

In all honesty, I'd rather play it in spanish. Spaniards spanish is funny as hell.
To be honest I find the bugs, the illusion of their being branch paths when their isn't, and the lack of a replay room for events we unlocked more annoying than the translation. To be honest while I will agree the translation is bad, reading some of the lines makes me laugh hard.

Especially whenever I read Rachel shout "Mother or mine" as well as "Press up to enter the Penis." while I know it will be eventually fixed those make me laugh in a it so bad it is funny kind of way.


Aug 7, 2017
To be honest I find the bugs, the illusion of their being branch paths when their isn't, and the lack of a replay room for events we unlocked more annoying than the translation. To be honest while I will agree the translation is bad, reading some of the lines makes me laugh hard.

Especially whenever I read Rachel shout "Mother or mine" as well as "Press up to enter the Penis." while I know it will be eventually fixed those make me laugh in a it so bad it is funny kind of way.
I understand the humor behind it, but honestly it would be as funny in spanish because it's a cheesy expression only uses by spaniards. I'd just love an Spanish release, it would certainly be better than this engrish mess.

Sure, the game is full of bad bugs and bad UI in general, but the language simply made me drop the game more than the grinding. There's so much I can tolerate of bad language before feeling I'm reading something written by a retard.
these american, simply don't learn other language and then they just wait than others learns the yours
At least learn proper english before trying to insult it. English is pretty much a superior language anyway. The problem is that the game uses an english so broken that it actually hurta my eyes. Maybe I'm not the beat english speaker ever, but even google translate is better than whatever this game have have. It's like each word was translated individually with no context at all. I speak other 3 languages and this is just downright insulting.
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