Ah, that was nice! I've been waiting for Laura content for far too long and the scenes and poses were great! Amy was pretty good too. No problem with the sex scenes although the story jump was a bit meh. Like the transition from disliking the MC and the reason for moving onto banging could've been done better, but it's definitely not the worst of the questlines, far from it. I am still ultimately happy with Amy's route and EXTREMELY happy with Laura's. My only complaint would be the hoping around to repeat the sex scenes with Laura and Amy instead of just talking to them and choosing in one spot like all the other girls. Oh well.
So, now that we've got this now's the time to wait for the Xtra edition of 1.8 and the inevitable Laura+Amy 3some that will come with it. Can't wait for that, though I also hope there's a scene where you can nail Maria alongside her daughters. That would be awesome.
With the step sisters (finally) done all that's really left in terms of questlines for previous girls would be Shasha. I truly hope she is the main star of the 1.9 version though BoN may hop back to the main story before doing her route. That might mean more Maria which I'd be all for... but Shasha, like Laura and Amy, has been waiting far too long for content. I just hope her route matches Sarah's in length and quality. I like Shasha more than Sarah so I don't want to feel like I'm losing out by picking Shasha.
But yeah, all in all, very happy with the 1.8 version.