which mafia i should choose?
There is no difference in the mafias at the moment other than the different pussy fight H scenes. In the walkthrough on the original post you can see them after the match up section i think. Edit 2- These are the four different PsF battles for each of the mafias to enter the tourney, Sex with Anya if you enter via Ninas mafia, Lady X if you enter via Warrens(also buying her a pussy beer after each round), Then for the sidequest Lost tablet at the PsF, you get Brianna if you enter via Warren, Charlotte if you enter via Nesrot, Heather if you enter via Ninas and Celine if you enter via Changs
Bottom right of gold town(i think thats what it is called), the screen left of chinatown.
Found a glitch with ms taylor that people may be interested in. Once you get Ronald arrested and pick up the keys again, you can enter at dawn and it will count as a normal entrance(she will be in the study) and time wont pass. You can use this on the first evening to enter 3 times till she asks for the package, get the package the next day and then keep entering at dawn on the 2nd evening. If you have the wine for the 5 time, you can literally finish ms taylor in 2 days ingame. When it says you should talk to her in school, you in fact, don't need to and can continue the line.
Edit 1 - Also another glitch i found is that you can ride the bus for free sometimes both cash and timewise. China town is always free(no time/cash) as long as it says you are already there and to get off, i have triggered it in east town and the commercial district as well. Not sure the exact method to trigger it.
Also, still cant trigger rosalva to join the school, not sure if shes in the latest version or not. Have noticed that when i trigger jason/charles during lunch that her character model appears where it should be, not sure if i should talk her though as it might break the game hah.