Well, well, well, that was interesting: 1.9. Fixed & Extras version was detected to contain FileRepMalware. And after that when I scanned the whole computer also v.1.8. Fixed&Extras and v1.9. Test Version was reported to have same FileRepMalware. But Avast didn't find it on those before I launched v1.9. Fixed&Extras Game.exe first time.
Well, everything have to happen first time. But Avast was wrong, shortly activated other Antivirus programs didn't find anything. It's clearly a false positive...
Please get rid of Avast/AVG. Its engine is shit, it's full of adware and spyware itself, and constantly gives false positives for games on our site.
Actually this the first time Avast have given any warnings for anything from this site. But as I said, everything have to happen first time. And solution was easy: Turn it off before launching MNL .exe...
partanen i start now to play the v1.8 fixed&extra because i prefer to finish all the quest in they version. Also because for now there is no mod for the v1.9.
Anyway i double click on game.exe and go to the bathroom. After i return the game was freeze and i think was just a coincidence. So i need to force close the game. After i go again in the folder but... i do not see the game.exe
So i say wtf happen? I try to unzip again only the game.exe, but every time the pc tell me that i do not have the right permission? WTF! So i think perhaps i need to restart me pc. So strange bug? So i restart me PC and try to unzip again.
Then this time no error. So i double click on the game and... me avast block the file and tell me is a virius?
wtf? I go in the avast virus folder and try to restore and block the thing excluding it from viruses.
But NOTHING! The antivirus remove the game.exe every fucking time!
So i go in the settings/excluding and write there the intere path! And finally Avast let me play the game. Is the only way, because also if you just stop avast for some minute, if you reactive it while you play, the game freeze and avast remove always the game. You need to write the intere path in the settings or avast do it again and again.
-.- really some time the antivirus are annoying as fuck.
Now that i read you comment i think i need to do the same thing with the v1.9 =.=