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Hello there you wonderful and very wholesome people out in the world!
Another week, another progress update!
I wasn't able to release Beta 5 for 0.22 last week and I'm sorry for that. Real life appointments were taking up a lot of my time, I had to do some things that I pretty much neglected over the last few years. I should be good now, though, and can talk a bit more about 0.22.
As some of you know, My New Family will be three years old in August 2022. When I first started to work on it I didn't really have a plan for the ending in mind. But I think now I do and I can also talk about it with you guys. My New Family 0.22 ( which will be Chapter 17 ) won't be the last update for the game. There will be one more update after this ( 0.23, Chapter 18 ) which will end with a "banger", as the youngsters now say. After 0.23 there will only be one update, the "Ending" update, where you will get the timeskip and seeing all the girls with pregnant bellies etc. This update won't be a regular one and will probably not include six ingame days, I haven't really decided on that yet. But that doesn't mean My New Family is ending. I plan to also release My New Family 2 this year, which will play 18 years after the ending of the first game, featuring the "true" ending with all the girls in the harem etc. I will post more things I have in mind once 0.22 is released for everyone ( in the update post ), this is just something for you to keep in mind. 0.22 Will 100% release in february.
I also worked a bit more on My New Memories, changing up a few dialogues I had already written out. It's weird how this sometimes happens. It's like a sudden change of mind and I delete a huge chunk of already written stuff to change it - which usually made me feel quite bad because it felt like wasted time. Now it's the opposite, I think when I decide to rewrite certain passages ( or add new things ) it helps me see the whole thing from a different perspective again. For example, the dialogue with Jessica in Chapter I started completely different in earlier versions. It took me a few tries to make it feel right, at least for me, and I think it shows because most reactions to that event were positive. To be honest, I can't wait to put all my time into My New Memories again, I'm itching to continue the story and dive deeper into new territories in terms of writing. Todays render is Lina in a cute outfit, standing outside

And I think that's it for this week! If anything comes up I'll let you guys know! Until then, stay awesome!