VN - Ren'Py - My New Memories [v0.4] [Killer7]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Played v0.2. Amazing. Story is very catching and emotional. No focus on Lewd content and the lewd content that is there lands. I enjoyed every second of it and especially Anna left a lasting impact. Concept, setting, and character relationships were amazing to me and made everything easy to enjoy. 5/5!
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Played v0.2. Bland. Story is not interesting and drags on. Not enough lewd content and what there is did not land. Just had no enjoyment playing it and left no lasting impact. Concept, setting, and character relationships were awkward to me and made everything hard to enjoy.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    As with the game My New Family this is also one of my favorite games and when I knew that it was from the same actor as the game already named, I knew it would be good and so far I have not been disappointed and I am looking forward to the next update and I hope it continues with more both in this and in the previous one and if it takes another one, it will also give you the opportunity, without further greetings and move on.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I've only just gotten home after the hospital and hotel, so that is my frame of reference for this rating. I can't speak to what comes after yet, but "might" update this if needed.

    I want to give this 5 stars, but there is so much wasted time and dialogues that either aren't needed, are redundantly repetitive, or make no sense within the story.

    I would have INSISTED upon speaking to my family members after awakening. I would have threatened my doctor with legal action and lawsuits if I was imprisoned against my will and held incommunicado.

    I also had feelings about my twin sister early on. I wanted to kiss her and ask her questions that the Dev doesn't allow. It wouldn't have given away the story too soon, just confirmed my theories 2 days sooner and could have avoided a LOT of the grinding through dialogue and scenes that make no sense.

    Also, during my 1st night at the hotel, I'd have asked my sister to stay with me. Who wants to be alone and isolated when they have amnesia?!?!?! I need info and human contact. Only being around people will stimulate my memories. (Just as we eventually see about 4 days into the gameplay.)

    I'd also like the option to see my daughters while I'm in the hospital. I can still spend 2 days in the hotel to transition from the hospital. But refusing to see them makes ZERO sense to me. I'd NEVER choose isolation over contact and discussion.

    I'd also like to get to the root of my problems with the blond sister. I think that MC chose to leave her behind when he married. But that choice also makes little sense. As she could have come with me, just as twin sis did.

    Also, I have questions about why my twin has her own apartment. I'd have wanted for her to live with my wife and I. Both for family, friendship, and to help with our daughters. I'm a builder, so building an extra wing on the house would have been simple, just as I added extra wings for the daughters.

    I also was surprised that my wife had all 3 of my daughters. The blond looks like a mini copy of her aunt. The redhead looks like a small version of her grandma, and since grandma is young enough and never remarried, she could have easily asked me to give her another baby after she began caring for my 1st daughter. I'd rather give each woman a baby, than concentrate solely on my wife having children.

    As a side note: I'd also like the ability to list the ages of the girls for myself. The youngest does NOT look 18!!! Maybe 13-14. So I just rewrote that part in my own head.

    I hope that by the end of the story, I can give each of my daughters a baby of their own. Making myself the trunk of our family tree. :love: :sneaky::cool:

    Otherwise, everything with the game other than minor plot issues at the beginning, would result in a perfect 100% score. Perfect models, renders, choices of decorations and animations, etc.

    Clean up the intro to streamline it, and this would be 1 of my Top 5 games. (y):giggle:
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Killer7 is the absolute best when it comes to wholesome stories, it is really heart-warming. The writing is also decent. The characters are extremely lovable. And given it's his first daz3 game, the renders are very good.

    Keep up the good work. (y)
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    My New Memories [v0.2] [Killer7] is a gem I absolutely love (Story first, teasing second, porn after). The game has a unique story, or at least different from what I have seen from other VNs. The characters are a bit different from each other and have a lot of variety, a lot of stories I can't wait to see told with all of them. The renders are great with animations that probably need a lot more work, at times look a bit too robotic. The only thing I can dislike at the moment is the writing and pacing at times in the story. Sometimes with the writing, it just feels repetitive with a lot of saying the same thing over and over again just differently. The pacing I feel can sometimes feel a bit too slow and slightly dragged on. But either way as of right now, this is one of those games you should wholeheartedly support. I can see the passion, I can tell someone really wanted to make an incredible story that they loved. There's a lot of promise, I can't wait to see what's next.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    The Anti

    Retrieving Memories and Making new ones.
    My New Memories is high density in dialogue with no shortage in lewd moments, A nice blend of story and sexy.

    High quality fun that will last for hours of playtime.
    A nice variety in models and locations.

  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2539063

    Very good game. I always prefer a game with a good story line. If I just want to watch porn there are plenty of other sites for that. So thanks for making the effort to tell an actual story.

    This has become one of my favorites. I will definitely be watching for more.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    3.5 out of 5 stars, and it could easily rise past that.

    Killer7 started off really, REALLY rocky with his first game, but Memories really shows how much he's grown as a writer and developer. Renders are clean and crisp, environments are pretty, characters are distinct, an actual fucking plot... In almost every way, this game should be at least 4.5 stars.

    The two problems he doesn't seem to be able to shake are dead expressions and parts of the writing. Laughing faces are all the fucking same still; characters look like cadavers with closed eyes and the corners of their mouths tilted upwards, leaning their heads slightly to the side and usually covering their mouths with a hand. All the characters look like that when they laugh, and it's especially unnerving when multiple characters do it in the same shot. It's just awful.

    The writing is passable this time, but there are still very odd turns of phrase used every now and then that, combined with a continued refusal to use believable contractions in spoken dialogue, feel like massive speedbumps in the story. Reviewing the writing and smoothing it out would be a massive bonus; this time around, I don't think he'd need someone else to check it. He just needs to speak the lines out loud and ask himself if a character would, in that situation, really say "he is" instead of "he's".

    I'm definitely looking forward to more; I just hope that the author can address these issues in future updates.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Right off the bat I'm gonna tell you right now if you plan on just whipping your cock out and flogging that dolphin because you are a coomer you can't help it and just need to crank out your knuckle children real quick. It will probably be better to pass this one up while you are in that state of mind. The snail pacing of this game is not right for that mindset. Put your pants back on, and go wash your hands!

    However, if you are looking for a "Feels Story", and some world building, and character development, and story, and getting to know the characters, and slow burning build up.. Something where you start to get invested in the characters that the author has clearly invested a lot of time and energy into creating... This is more for you.

    All the characters are different, and feel like different people. There are a only little bit of sex scenes right now, but they are few and far between. A nice big incest harem is promised at some point.

    The best way I could describe what it feels like playing this game is if you took the developers of "A Wife and Mother", and told them "Stop working on that, you gotta work on a game like 'Radiant' Now..."

    It's probably not going to be everyone's cup of tea, but if the game as I have described it sounds good to you give it a try.
  11. 2.00 star(s)

    Eh Yo Fish

    This game is kinds a bleh. Not much going on like most games. i feel that better renders and animations would help this somewhat. They all look different the girls. The music gets kinda annoying after a while. The dialogue is a big +. Give this a try sure but if u skip then you wont be missing out much.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Enjoyable game v0.2.
    Very humanly and emotionally written, especially MC thoughts and internal monologues. Characters different in nature and differences in dialogues.
    Graphically moderately solved, without compromising the representation of the human body in grotesque and exaggerated proportions.
    Good luck!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Don't really know what the last two reviews mean or which game they playet but the things they said is far away from truth! Spoilers ahead:

    The MC has a ongoing relationship with his Wife and, as you find out later, his sister in law. While being in a relationship with those two, his wife also outs the wish that he romances his twin Sister, which they started to do before the accident. Then after the accident the player can decide if he wants to continue those romances or not. Which makes sense if all happened in past.

    From the seven girls you see in the title screen, two are romanceable and have lewd scenes. The others were hinted at ( in the back row ). The game doesn't feature that many lewds yet, but the Chapter I update brought more.

    Opinions are different but I think last two reviews are unfair and don't really represent the game. But that is just my opinion. I love the game and can't wait to see where it's going.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    I like most of the girls and it's obvious that lots of efforts were put in this game. The writing is decent, but the amnesic MC is not a particularly good trope, and in addition he is a Gary Stu. But the really problematic part for me is the plot : (spoilers ahead) before the accident that made him amnesic, the MC already had all the girls, therefore, the most interesting part of intimate relationships, the seduction, is mostly absent from the plot, and the girl are just trying to get him back. Also, there is too much dream sequences.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    BAd things about this game:

    Disclaimer about story over lewds, and later cant stop giving fanservice Lewds in dreams.
    Most of all the lewd you get is from dreams or memories, and there is a clear and obvious differene between those who are fantasies or memories, and the present which is the actual game timeline. the actual timeline there is Hugs, and visits to the "girlfriend".

    There are a lot of characters being introduced, but together with the 7 main characters, you only get something with one of them, at the end of 0.2.
    The others are there to give easy lewds, thats why you get stuff from them and not from the main girls. I dont care about 5 side characters. If you present me a picture of those 7, i want those 7, if you make me go home, where those 7 "live" i want those 7, not other side charactres who happen to be friends fo some of the main 7, or some Deus EX machina former lover.

    This story over lewds thing would be awesome if there were exploring of things in the present, for me having the things discovered in "dreams" or through chunks of exposition, is no different than getting Relpoints in a sandbox to unlock scenes.

    Girls look decent, and they use different vaginas, but there are like 2 or 3 available girls,and the rest are only for hugging and talking to them.

    Definetly not the best story about amnesia out there, and i think its because of this thing of getting the most stuff in dreams, and not actually exploring things in the present time.

    It wil be better hen its a finished product, in 2026. Right now its not worth it.
  16. 4.00 star(s)

    Dan Dugan

    Very good start for just the second release of a game. I played it when it first came out, but held off on reviewing it until the second release.

    The models are very good, but the character animations could use some work. They are not bad by any means, but there are better.

    The story is engaging and actually wants to be a novel. A lot of games focus on the visual aspect more than the scripting, but this is not like that. If you want something that's worth reading you should check this game out. Very much enjoyed it so far!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I finally found the time to enjoy this game....
    It felt like the first contact with MNF for me, which is very, very positive.

    But this one feels even more intense, more soulful. The calm and soft background music together with the beautiful images creates an extremely atmospheric, slightly melancholic mood for me.
    Of course, I have been able to take just about all the characters shown so far into my heart, especially the daughters I just have to love!
    In addition, the rousing and very detailed writing style just fits perfectly.
    All thoughts and backgrounds of the respective characters are brought closer so very detailed and "credible".

    Of course, one should not necessarily apply realistic standards to the story, but take it as it is: a beautiful, emotional story.
    Of course, I sincerely hope that there doesn't have to be any real heartbreak or worse drama to make the story more "interesting".

    Absolutely recommend to anyone who enjoys a lot of well written writing and appreciates an equally great love/life story.

    Definitely looking forward to the updates to come!!!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm really enjoying this game. Not because of its realism (obviously), but because it's a nice bit of escapism. We're surrounded by some very dodgy characters and events all the time in "real life", so escaping into this world is a fun diversion.

    Of course, the fantastic artwork helps a lot, too. I've virtually fallen in love with almost every character in the story (again, unrealistic, but hella nice... :) ). They're a great cross-section of delightfully sexy and huggably adorable characters, and I wish I really knew folks like this in "real life". The soft background music is pleasant, too, and fitting for the situations depicted. And the writing is also excellent - quite engaging and able to draw us into these folks' lives in a very complete and interesting manner.

    I'm looking very much forward to more in this game and sincerely hope that any heartbreak won't be too devastating. Overall, this is a great title, and I heartily recommend this to anyone looking for a good story featuring good people, some hotness, and a nice escape from the crap the world constantly seems to want to hurl our way. A tip of the hat to all involved, and a donation is in the works. Cheers!
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    I like the game a lot, (as I do My New Family) but it does have the same problem as the other one , it's a bit too wordy. It could do with a good editor.

    It's ok that it's a story/novel and not just a porn game, I prefer it that way. However you could easily trim 25-30% off the texts and still miss nothing of the story or the character development.

    The renders are great, everyone is good looking with charming features.
    Great amount of content already, even though it's only 0.2
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    As of v0.2
    Well damn if this isn't a really good start to a AVN!!

    I am impressed with the depth of the story and really all of the characters. That is something I did not expect and only a handful of AVNs do it to this level and this well. Probably the reason they are all among my favorites.

    The base story is not really as generic as the description made it sound. Sure simple base of amnesia, but it goes so much further in how the story unfolds and the characters around with each of their own substories that fit into the narrative.

    Not a FAP-a-minute AVN, which is perfect for me. I love the stories around the erotic parts as much as the erotic parts. Makes it feel more real.

    The graphics are really solid. I have seen better, but these are really well done over all and do the story justice. Same with the animations.

    Very much looking for to future releases!