VN - Ren'Py - My New Memories [v0.4] [Killer7]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Sera Zios

    One of the rare games where I don't mind reading so much because the story is really well written. A big step up from My New Family where I stopped reading the text after a while because it just became too much.

    The graphics are well made and diverse and the sex scenes are pretty good although a bit too few at this point. Still, this went immediately to my Patreon list.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Normally, I skip games that are v0.2 or lower since they typically don't have a lot of content. I would have done the same for this one as well if I hadn't noticed the 4+ rating. That made me curious, so I figured I'd download it and give it a shot to see what it was all about.

    I'm glad I did. I was really impressed by the amount of game play it had, it felt more inline with what I typically attribute to v0.6+. The story is an interesting spin from most of the games I've played before & I look forward to seeing the direction it takes. Killer7's other title, My New Family, is already in my top 10. I suspect this game will end up being in my top 5 when more of the game is released.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow - Killer7 really knows how to write a story! I thought that My New Family (MNF) was a great game, but this is a lot better! I do love the references in the game to MNF, just my type of sick humour :cool: . I enjoyed that the sex scenes in this VN were nicely spaced! Although no we have a bit more info, about the MC and his family, I hope we at least a few threesomes or moresomes. Keep up the great work on both projects, I am anxiously waiting for an update on this story. Thank you :cool:
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Not gonna lie, at the start of the story I felt like the MC, not knowing anything about what was happening around and knowing that something was off about the family. Then I understood everything, it was weird at the start, but the story and the characters try to convince you that it's normal, not gonna spoil anything though.
    It is a good slow burn story, and if you don't like reading then this is not for you. Also the animations are really well done, the renders also very high quality. Each updates adds a lot of content to the story and I am eagerly waiting for more.
  5. 3.00 star(s)

    Frim der Wel

    I found the whole thing silly and, after a while, rather tedious.

    (Spoilers ahead)

    MC is just incredibly wealthy, fit, rich, attractive, generous, wonderful person, who lived with a bizarre happy family/harem and now rediscovers this after the usual tired accident/amnesia story, this time by conversations with (his image of? spirit of?) his wife who still is in a coma. Apart from this one narrative trick, the story has nothing interesting to show, it is just annoying and silly: MC is so wonderful that every female character in 10km radius, in particular his (all female?) family, were happily fucking / sharing him (without any interest in any other male of course), with kinky wife as sexual mastermind. Without any real tension or problems (apart ridiculous crap as the one "bitch" sister who did not want to share but will come around now).

    Writing is average. *Lots* of conversation, which I usually like, but here it is never interesting or funny or witty, just boring. Models and renderings are nothing special. Lots of contents. Probably no meaningful choices(but did not try more than one route).
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Well written story with no idea wtf is going on, in regards to how Anna is communicating with the PC (and I love it). Not a quick fap VN but a well written out slow burn plot with intense storyline, ended on a cliffhanger I'd already guessed, now I just want to be wrong about who I think tried to kill the PC.

    I swear to god if the dev kills Anna I'm changing my 5* to a 1*
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Got the game on Steam but had to register here after I discovered this rabbit hole of adult vns. The Steam page also says it's a slow burn with a lot of reading and I saw people complain there as well which doesn't really make sense in my opinion. If the game tells you that story is the focus, not lewds, and you don't like to read a lot, I would just skip it ( the game, not the story ). Anyway, enough of the rant.

    I didn't enjoy the prologue that much, I was pissed because of all the things that your family didn't tell you. But holy cow, Chapter I immediately took a turn in the other direction and I freakin' love it. This was superb story telling and now I can't wait to see where the story is heading. Definetely thinking about joining patreon or subscribestar to get betas.

    5/5, easy.
  8. 3.00 star(s)

    Dr Secz

    Well, to be honest. Way to much unneeded conversation between characters. There is no much interesting triggering decisions. Animation could be better. Story is so, so. Don't put it so boring, there is a lot of games with amnesia problem. I skiped all conversations mostly, to long, takes time to much. I would take a book to read instead of playing. Specialy pay attention to that, most players language is not English native. It's exostiing to read that long.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    for v0.2... The renders are not the top of the line but they are more than good enough. The story is well written and interesting. The dialogue feels almost natural. The sex scene animations were good. There are no weird typos or funky engrish that feels out of place. I also like how the dev has some characters speaking in german and has the exact sentence right underneath it in english to make it easy to read and understand.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I just picked this up today and haven't played it through yet. Still, it's been plenty long enough to recognise quality work.

    The models are good and not ones I've seen a hundred times before, which is a huge plus. The animations are very decent too.

    Where it shines -and shines pretty brightly - is in the most important area: the writing. The story is way more involved than the typical "This dude lost his memory, goes home, spends 5 minutes getting to know everyone again and then fucks them all". :rolleyes:

    The dialogue is superbly written and flows very naturally, allowing the story to feel real and a real sense of the personalities involved to develop. Not an easy thing to do, but the author handles it with aplomb. Not to mention that it feels realistic and not juvenile or downright stupid, as is so very often the case.

    I'll certainly be following this and look forward to the continuation.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    As a huge fan of K7's works, this was perhaps the best update of any of his work. The painstaking time he's taken with this update has been well worth the content he's put out. The animations and renders were top tier, and the feels that come with the story was impeccable. There was absolutely no negatives this update, if anything I could complain about it's just that I want more. But that's not a negative, that just means I crave his work more. The fact he could do all this in 5 months says volumes about the passion of his work. I can only hope we'll get more soon enough.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    *REVIEW v0.2)

    This is my first review on this site. I have downloaded and played a fair few games from this site and this is the first developer that i have decided to support officially (so far) .

    I had the pleasure of already playing (and really enjoying) this version via the official pre-release.

    I enjoy playing Killer7's other game (MNF), however this game is a step above.

    Engaging story, very nice renders, good quality animations.

    Dev also provides regular updates.

    Highly Recommended.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Incredible boring game, boring dialouge, boring chars... Meaning It's all just too bland, no fun, not very creative and everything gets dragged out and the story keeps getting interrupted by boring memories, but If you like a game where they talk about nothing meaningful over half the time, but maybe thats the point of It I don't know?
    The game could easy be cut down to 2/3 of what It Is now.

    I would only have giving this 2 stars, but the art and animations are pretty good, so It would not be fair to call It poor, even tho everything else Is.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of those rare VNs that I would read for the story even without the H scenes. The lewd bits and graphics are great too, but the story and the characters are really what makes it. Looking forward to how it unfolds.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Another great story from one of my favorite creators with the same soul and love as My New Family. It's still early on but I'm already enjoying the mystery and the individual characters. The amount of content for an initial release is insane and I'm eagerly awaiting the next drop whenever it arrives.

    Areas of Improvement
    • Sabrina feels like a very important piece of this so she probably shouldn't be the ugliest of the bunch. I think it might just be the hair makes her look scraggly?
    • Sophie's eyes look unnatural compared to everyone else
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a new game still in the beginning and i know is a game with lewd stuff, but damn i think i never cried that much in one of this games, the story is beautifull, keep up the work, if i could i would donate all my money, im here waiting for the nexts updates (sorry my english).
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2368932

    This game is off to a great start! I really liked the story and what the game is setting up here, and I am genuinely invested in the plot. Not a lot of lewd stuff so far, but this game doesn't need it to be great!

    EDIT: The new release added a couple of sex scenes and they were fucking HOT. Everything else I said remains true. If I could add a sixth star I would.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good storytelling, good renders, good animations though they could be better and more it's still pretty good. Liking that you made a strong main character, who is not weakling acting scared or is a wimp with who the girls do as they please. I don't give score rate so soon into the game, but in this case it was enough for me to say it, I really enjoyed everything in this game so far, I really like that the updates will be longer too, this game is much better than your first in my opinion keep the good work, can't wait for the full game.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for Version 0.1

    I normally do not play games at the very beginning because most of the time there isn't much to start with. However, after reading the introduction of this game, I decided to try it out. I was not disappointed.

    Story: Rating- 5/5. In my opinion, the strongest aspect of this game is the story. It is about a guy that has amnesia and is slowing learning who he is as well as the family and friend around him. The story is engaging, mysterious, and....a bit crazy... :) However, not a bad crazy.

    Renders: 4/5. The character renders are good. Most of the renders seem new to me. This may be due to the fact that I haven't played but a few games so far. However, they all help to draw me into the story. Of course, Anna is my favorite, but Lena is a close second along with Sabrina. My least favorite render is Jessica, but I'm not sure if this is due to the character itself or the render. My rating could be higher but I'm reserving a higher rating for later.

    One thing I did notice is the lack of choices so far. HOWEVER, this is version 0.1 so no issue with me. Honestly, the story was so engaging that I didn't notice the few choices until I started writing this review. For me, this isn't necessarily a negative. I'm just putting it out there.

    Grammar: 5/5. I do not recall any glaring grammatical issues in this game.

    One thing that surprised me was the amount of content for this release. I was not expecting the story to go as deep as it did. it was a pleasant surprise.

    Overall, this game is heading in a good direction and I look forward to the next update.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Its good, but really slow, i have been playing it for hours and there has been only 2 sex scenes so far. Now to me, even for a slow burn, thats just too few. To be fair the dev warns you about this at the beginning of the game, but the pacing of the game feels extremely slow, even after the warning. The game introduces a lot of characters, and i can only hope that eventually all of them will have lewd content, but at this pacing i dont know if the dev will be able to deliver. I hope im wrong.
    There is clearly a lot of effort put into this, the visuals are great, characters always fidgeting and moving around gives them a lot more grounded feel, the writing is solid, though the main character can be quite annoying, especially at the beginning .
    I like this game, the story is interesting, the characters are interesting, but the lewd parts should not be ignored either, and the pacing should be a bit faster, definitely worth a try though.