WOW...just finished playing this, n there is SO MUCH content!!! Deepshot OBVIOUSLY put a TON of work, time, n effort into this. however, since he doesn't have an account here, i'm hoping maybe
Passion3D could answer a few things about the game, since they posted the OP...
n this is the 1st time i've ever done 1 of these "top-##" girl lists of any VN game, but there were just so many gorgeous characters, WITH relevant plot strings, i just couldn't help myself. so with that being said, this isn't a "one-through-##" list, but rather those secondary characters that are either my fav, or that were SEXY AF, but seemed to slip through the cracks, n got lost in the storyline (hoping to see them again):
- first n foremost,'s personal assistant; LOVE dark-skinned/ethnic women; but Isis replaces her?
- NEEKI...purple-haired asian girl when MC takes Allie to register for classes
- LENA...aunt/Jenny's employee/coworker at the clothing shop; Jenny asks if MC wants to do a 3-way w/them when they're at home by the pool, then tells him no? TEASE!!
- PENNY...yacht stewardess; just YUMMY
- LUCY...cashier when MC runs into Nasty Nancy/MC's classmate from high school
i didn't list the following girls, since they're new additions to the game/story (ch.7 & 8), but PLEASE continue to have scenes w/the following: Ricki n Kyla (Linda's boss n coworker), Connie (Cherri's roommate at college), n ALL of Allie's friends at movie night (that was fucking
- CHRISSI n XU-YIN...Chrissi is the best-looking/hottest rendered character in the game IMO (i know there's a late-game appearance in ch.8, but only has 2 scenes overall)
- NANCY/ANGIE...REALLY need to know why she's nicknamed "Nasty" Nancy...?? (watersports/bestiality/rape/hardcore S&M n torture, like what Archibald did to Karen, along w/some piercing/cutting/branding/elbow-deep fisting?)
- VIVIAN/IMA GOODLAY...Vivian is actually the hotter of the 2 nurses, IMO, but they're both sexy AF
PAIRED CHARACTERS (related...incest is best, after all)
- LANA/LILLI/ THAT is the perfect family; the family that plays together, stays together. now Lana has to train her girls to get into the family business

- ANGIE/ Betty made a new best friend in Lana, but did she get her tastes from Angie?
- CINDY/CHERRI...LOVE how Cindy wants to be treated; can she teach Cherri to be the same way?
- KALINA/MIKA...only 1 scene w/them?

- TAMMY/TASHA...Tasha even asks the MC if he wants to fuck Tammy; there's SERIOUS opportunities for some redneck, trailer-park trash inbreeding to be going on there (need Tammy's brother (father?) to come back into the picture, n be Tasha's dad; then do 4-way w/Tammy helping her dad/bro knock up Tasha)
n in the case of the mom/daughter pairings,
OF COURSE we need some serious mom/daughter action going on. which reminds me...we see Mildred introduced in a scene with Demi in her office at work, n then Angie introduced with Whimpley when they come to the MC's house looking for Linda. yet at the strip club, it's Mildred who's onstage w/Linda n Connie, not Angie...but wasn't Whimpley blackmailing Angie, Linda, n Connie? so who's Linda's mom...Mildred or Angie? (n i'm assuming by this point that Mildred, Angie, n Connie are all Demi's sisters?)
- TAMIQA...ebony goddess/nubian princess; but after Demi gets her out of the pit, where is she? it's like Demi forgets about her n leaves her behind after that, only wanting to be with the Mother Superior n Leeta
- QUEEN SENRA...there's text where she asks Ducarius to breed her during the ceremony, but we don't get that scene?? n her being Xanthe's mom has OBVIOUS possibilities/potential (AND they're both caramel brown
- QUEEN RENCARA/CAPTIAN KALINA...only 1 scene with each, even after Ducarius breeds Kalina? n again, mom/daughter options

- GOBLIN GIRL Soreana's bathing pool; talk about wasting such a beautiful model/render, only to be a tribute (n since technically this IS snuff, how about some dolcett sacrifices...either to the Dark Lord or Arianhod? the Sisters of Moloch, the Abbess, n Mother Superior all seem capable, both in the name of their deities, n their need to feed
- MOLOCH SISTER NINA...gorgeous facial rendering of her model
- KIO...Soreana's elven servant girl; again, gorgeous facial rendering, n definite top-5 overall sexy character
- CALLISTA...what can i say? i love the darker colors of the rainbow
- MIRANDA...what happened to Arwan's spy?? she seems like a total freak, n needs more than 2 scenes; especially considering her role in the story's plot, it seems like she would be more central to the story arc
now...if i HAD to do a top-10, strictly on rendering, it would probably go something like this: Chrissi, Tamiqa, Babiface, Kio, goblin tribute, Gina, Bobbi, Queen Senra, Penny, n Callista...damn, that was hard
n the game's been in development over 2 years, n has a pregnancy tag...but 8 chapters later, n still no pregnancies, especially considering the in-game timeline? this has a pregnancy tag, sooo...

n can't have enuff incest, bestiality, rape, n bdsm; so since there are a few monster scenes, n a dark lord/dead realm, what about having a Cthulhu-type creature for some through-n-through tentacle action?

(i hope my attention to detail in this post conveys my true appreciation for the hard work, time, n dedication that has gone into making this game, which is essentially 2-games-in-1)