All your points were discussed numerous times. In correct type of story all the questions are getting answered and dream subplot was personally for me way more interesting than owning Cornell.This game has lost it's way: the first year in development it had multiple women you could advance with, a point system that made you choose who to pursue, a story hinting about para-natural sex-dreams which was intriguing, and plenty of hot scenes.
The last year it has only been about the absentee 'step-Mom', while trying to shoe-horn in a plot about some gambling or some such shite while the other relationships are already fleshed out and established. Your MC is probably cheating on all the women involved since somewhere along the way it became a harem-game. The point system doesn't matter anymore. Your MC also never made any kind of mistake to have the girls find out about each other. But yeah, let's add step-mom to the mix as well and draw her story/seduction out as long as possible. Except now that the game drags on, that plothole needs some closing, better get on that....
And now that 'Mom' is almost in closing distance, oh, HEY, remember those very weird dreams at the very start of the game?? Yeah, let's reintroduce that stuff now, since there isn't anything other interesting thing left that warrants sexy times and draw out what is supposed to be a story....
I blame the Patreon model since it incentives monthly recurring subscriptions: Why finish a good, solid sexy story-project and lose possible funding if you can just keep drawing out and watering it down while people still keep paying you. I get it, I don't even blame the dev's that much that they sell out the 'art' for financial gains/stability. In the end it is only silly 3d porn after all.
Financial gains trump everything, it is why we can't have any good art or any other kind of content these days!
And hell, it was already said numerous times that first half of the game is about Julia, second one is about Cassandra.
Mate, if the plot isn't going the way you want it doesn't mean that it's bad.
What is bad is some weird angles in some shots.
And blaming in "milking" or something else one of a few developers, who previously made an update per month(even two sometimes) just makes me think that this forum has gotten a lot of cancerous dudes, who just want to cry over anything.
It was different in 2018. Now wherever you go - it's either NTR/Vanilla war or "oh, a milker/money grab".