Nikki has become an insufferable bitch. She constantly dishes out criticism, but can't take the slightest bit in return.
I think Nikki is the worst thing about this game. She was okay back when she was offering her help as a wingman, but over time she has become overbearing, controlling, and verbally abusive. Just look at how she steamrolls over him during the whole Molly scenario.
Early on in the game, Nikki was helpful and seemed to actually want her brother to be happy. But now that he can succeed on his own, she is no longer needed. The cunnilingus lesson was the last time she was helpful, and she's been an albatross around his neck ever since. Now she's constantly insulting him, and meddling in his affairs after he tells her not to. She's basically an antagonist at this point.
The limited player choice is extremely frustrating. The game gives you just enough choice to get your hopes up, and then it takes control of Taylor away from you in order to force him to do something incredibly stupid. Take a look at Cory for example.
I understood why Taylor needed to sleep around at the start of the game in order to get the vegan plot rolling, but we really should've been allowed to start turning people down long before now. Especially Nikki. I told her that I didn't want to see her having sex with guys or girls, in hopes that it would shoo her away, but the game seems to think that I made those choices because I wanted her to just be with Taylor, which is the exact opposite from what I was hoping for.
I know I've done nothing but complain so far, but I didn't actually hate the game. There were a lot of things about it that I enjoyed. For example, I loved the scene where Taylor goes to help Mrs Sollain move her furniture. You had choices that mattered, some good humour, a surprisingly tender conversation, and a hot sex scene. Everything about it was wonderful. It's just too bad that Nikki weasels her way into that arc too. That pretty much encapsulates the whole game for me. It's almost great, but the ongoing lack of player choice kneecaps it pretty damn hard.