
Jul 24, 2018
I'm sorry this game is done. I enjoyed the Molly ending. I didn't play the Nikki bad ending, so i can't comment. The alone ending was a bit harsh, as there was no chance for redemption. Also, i kinda feel like Skylar was in a glass house, throwing stones. But never mind. I did see a plausible potential for a kind of throuple ending with Nikki and Molly. At least in the sense that they were all comfortable enough with each other to have the odd fling 'à trois'. But all in all, i really enjoyed the writing, and had fun following the story. Thanks, Sumodeine, for the chuckles, and the rest! ;) I hope you have another project in mind already. I'll be looking out for it!


Active Member
May 18, 2018
Nah, I mean how many girls he's been with. Especially that crazy bitch Ashley. You'd think Nikki for all her experience might advise him to stop by the school health center and grab some rubbers, or have some in her bedside table. Not just Mrs S.
ya riiiiiight... a guys gonna opt to use rubbers at that age if he can enjoy sex without using one... While in college... MMHMMM sure... Far as Nikki pointing it out, maybe she wanted to get preggo by the mc... just saying...

Hahaha, well i feel a bit less bad about the Mrs S. ending as you do. Actually I kinda like that ending, but that ending would have been better if Mrs S had not been a sex option at X-mas. For me that fling weakened the ending a bit. I get why Sumo used her as the sex option at X-mas when Molly was not there, while he wanted some sex for the fans at that moment. Nikki would have been an even worse choice for him, since he did not want a Nikki-tales ending and them having sex then and there after their talk and Nikki having to be in love with Marc would make even less sense.

To me Mrs S. got exactly what she wanted out of the situation, a relationship with Tales mom that she wanted above Tales and the child that she wanted. I guess it was not altruism on Mrs S and Mom's part that they did not want to bother Tales with the child, but actually they preferred it the way it ended with them together and Tales baby. :p
Hi 22
Why not MRS S for some nice Romp for Chrissy? What you dont think grownups have needs / want young pressies for Christmas? IMHO, I think this actually was VERY nicely done, the ONLY bad thing here is that Mrs S didnt get her ending With the MC... And lets be Honest far as Milfs go She just a fukin Cougar and a Gorgeous one at that...

See now the Ride off to the sunset and a lets do it for a farewell gift might have actually worked well... Nikki being the wild child she is could have pulled that off without batting an eyelash...

Heres the interesting thing bout VNS... Sense and sensibility go out the fukin window, this why its called fantasy...

What makes sense in rl does not have any bearing in a world of the VN where the rules just have no meaning...

Are you really gonna tell me you never found a Milf / Cougar you wanted to be with?
Just wonderin if you got kids? Now ask yourself: Someone didnt tell me I got her preggo... Do I wanna know?
My answer: YES Every fuking time... No kid of mine is growing up fatherless.
Whats yours?

Merry Christmas and happy new year to you mate.

when i was alot younger than i am today :cautious: i used to go after older women like mad .. i remember when dating this one girl ... her mom came onto me .. i was 16 she ( gf's mom ) was 42 ,,, well honestly her mo was better than her in bed .. lol .. shhhh you didn't hear that from me ......
Ok Now your just Bragging you Lucky fuker lol did you marry the daughter and got them both as a package?
You never know, The Daughter might be ok with sheerin... LOL

Maybe the OP should be updated to say that THERE ARE MORE ENDINGS COMING
IT is, Completed sign been turned OFF

Been there. *hifive*

Despite some people who object over these things on whatever self-righteous moral feelings they have, I'm still thankful all these years later. I was educated, and took those lessons to heart, to much satisfaction for others down the line.

So you got your own MRS S story eh? you guys keep in touch? ever look her up?

Remember this as you go thru life... When ever someone judges you for something you do with that index finger... Theres 3 Fingers pointed back at them and their own fuked up life that they will NEVER fes up to anyone...

A Life Worth Living IS a life without regret cuz thats the ONLY way to go...

Merry Christmas and happy new year to you and yours...
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Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
ya riiiiiight... a guys gonna opt to use rubbers at that age if he can enjoy sex without using one... While in college... MMHMMM sure... Far as Nikki pointing it out, maybe she wanted to get preggo by the mc... just saying...

Hi 22
Why not MRS S for some nice Romp for Chrissy? What you dont think grownups have needs / want young pressies for Christmas? IMHO, I think this actually was VERY nicely done, the ONLY bad thing here is that Mrs S didnt get her ending With the MC... And lets be Honest far as Milfs go She just a fukin Cougar and a Gorgeous one at that...

See now the Ride off to the sunset and a lets do it for a farewell gift might have actually worked well... Nikki being the wild child she is could have pulled that off without batting an eyelash...

Heres the interesting thing bout VNS... Sense and sensibility go out the fukin window, this why its called fantasy...

What makes sense in rl does not have any bearing in a world of the VN where the rules just have no meaning...

Are you really gonna tell me you never found a Milf / Cougar you wanted to be with?
Just wonderin if you got kids? Now ask yourself: Someone didnt tell me I got her preggo... Do I wanna know?
My answer: YES Every fuking time... No kid of mine is growing up fatherless.
Whats yours?

Merry Christmas and happy new year to you mate.
Hi Red
I think that answer is based upon my reading of the situation. :p Mrs S already knew she was preggers at X-mas, hence the no drinking and Mrs S and Mom were also already in a sexual relation. Remember that other woman that was with Mom while she had the phone call just before X-mas. In that situation I would not see why Mrs S would take that risk if she wanted to be in a relation with Mom, unless ofc Mom and Mrs S talked about it before, after she caught them together and changed her mind on that and she gave Mrs S free reign on Tales with some intention for future including her. Well I guess Sumo wanted to stay away from that since would have made a no Tales-Nikki ending weirder if Tales had such a relation with his Mom as well. (Only Sumo can tell that though :p).

Considering Tales as father, I hear and understand you if the place the child ended up was not with Mrs S and his Mom he loves. This is a woman he has known since childhood and his own Mom though, where he can be with the kid even if officially as Uncle instead as father. Where he also can be the father figure to the kid if he wishes to do so. It is more like your brother dropping a bombshell one evening that he and his wive are infertile and if you would like to be the donor for AI. Ofc it would have been nicer of Mrs S and Mom to ask first. :p

Nikki as sex option for X-mas might have worked before their talk, but Sumo for his reasons (also the happy end he had planned) did not want to go there likely. Now I do not agree that ending was happy based upon my different reading of Nikki and to lesser extent of Tales, but I can understand why he might not have felt that to be right.
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Active Member
May 18, 2018
Hi Red
I think that answer is based upon my reading of the situation. :p Mrs S already knew she was preggers at X-mas, hence the no drinking and Mrs S and Mom were also already in a sexual relation. Remember that other woman that was with Mom while she had the phone call just before X-mas. In that situation I would not see why Mrs S would take that risk if she wanted to be in a relation with Mom, unless ofc Mom and Mrs S talked about it before, after she caught them together and changed her mind on that and she gave Mrs S free reign on Tales with some intention for future including her. Well I guess Sumo wanted to stay away from that since would have made a no Tales-Nikki ending weirder if Tales had such a relation with his Mom as well. (Only Sumo can tell that though :p).

Considering Tales as father, I hear and understand you if the place the child ended up was not with Mrs S and his Mom he loves. This is a woman he has known since childhood and his own Mom though, where he can be with the kid even if officially as Uncle instead as father. Where he also can be the father figure to the kid if he wishes to do so. It is more like your brother dropping a bombshell one evening that he and his wive are infertile and if you would like to be the donor for AI. Ofc it would have been nicer of Mrs S and Mom to ask first. :p

Nikki as sex option for X-mas might have worked before their talk, but Sumo for his reasons (also the happy end he had planned) did not want to go there likely. Now I do not agree that ending was happy based upon my different reading of Nikki and to lesser extent of Tales, but I can understand why he might not have felt that to be right.
Hi 22
I suppose its not outa realm of possibility to think that maybe MRS S chose her BFF for her partner over the MC, but that still INHO should have been a choices for the Mc to actually be Informed :

hey kid your gonna have a kid...

I agree with you for the most part of what your saying, just Wondering, what your thoughts are of actually knowing it was his since you didnt actually address this...

All we want for Christmas: 'Nikki as sex option for X-mas'
Sorry couldnt resist lol especially since you put it with such Eloquence... :D

'It is more like your brother dropping a bombshell one evening that he and his wive are infertile and if you would like to be the donor for AI.'

Excellent and Interesting Point, dunno bout you but hey Why not 'help' out, especially if you and your bro are close... And if it means some fun with his Mrs why the hell would you say no?


Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
Hi 22
I suppose its not outa realm of possibility to think that maybe MRS S chose her BFF for her partner over the MC, but that still INHO should have been a choices for the Mc to actually be Informed :

hey kid your gonna have a kid...

I agree with you for the most part of what your saying, just Wondering, what your thoughts are of actually knowing it was his since you didnt actually address this...

All we want for Christmas: 'Nikki as sex option for X-mas'
Sorry couldnt resist lol especially since you put it with such Eloquence... :D

'It is more like your brother dropping a bombshell one evening that he and his wive are infertile and if you would like to be the donor for AI.'

Excellent and Interesting Point, dunno bout you but hey Why not 'help' out, especially if you and your bro are close... And if it means some fun with his Mrs why the hell would you say no?
That last could get a bit weird though if your brother is not into sharing. :p

Considering knowing, well I do not think we got any information that Mrs S. was still swinging with others as Tales and Nikki. Personally I think I would have preferred to know and maybe had a talk with Mom or Mom and Mrs S in those circumstances why they preferred the outcome as they chose.

Then again I can also understand being a bit older myself why they would have liked to keep it vague so Tales can live his own life and would not feel obligated. Remember both those ladies care about Tales, one as a son and the other likely as a sort of fave nephew and people like that sometimes are in the habit taking decisions for what they think is good for you whether you like that or not or whether they are right to do so. :p
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Engaged Member
Aug 19, 2019

So you got your own MRS S story eh? you guys keep in touch? ever look her up?
She was definitely more to my tastes than Mrs. S. We were actively involved through my early 20s. We still chat from time to time, but nothing serious - and I'm quite certain that her son isn't mine. :)
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Devoted Member
Oct 24, 2019
Ok Now your just Bragging you Lucky fuker lol did you marry the daughter and got them both as a package?
You never know, The Daughter might be ok with sheerin... LOL
naww not braggin about anything just sayin i happen to be one lucky little shit at the time ... lol ... you have no idea what i actually thought at one point in that relationship .. WOW


Active Member
May 18, 2018
That last could get a bit weird though if your brother is not into sharing. :p

Considering knowing, well I do not think we got any information that Mrs S. was still swinging with others as Tales and Nikki. Personally I think I would have preferred to know and maybe had a talk with Mom or Mom and Mrs S in those circumstances why they preferred the outcome as they chose.

Then again I can also understand being a bit older myself why they would have liked to keep it vague so Tales can live his own life and would not feel obligated. Remember both those ladies care about Tales, one as a son and the other likely as a sort of fave nephew and people like that sometimes are in the habit taking decisions for what they think is good for you whether you like that or not or whether they are right to do so. :p
If the bro aint into sharin then why ask in the first place?
Ya I can understand grownups trying to make choices for you... BUT... lets break this down:

1. She takes his V card
2. She sleeps with him and manages to conveniently get caught by her other Lover...
3. She has a threesome with them
4. She gets preggo not by accident

5. Now she chooses NOT to tell him he is a dad AND has a Daughter...
ok now that last ones just plain fuking WRONG... ok that secret aint gonna be secret for loong...
Ask yourself, How quickly would you reach for a 50 cal if you knew someone cost you 18 years of not being a dad to your own Beautiful Daughter?

You would have missed shortly after she learned to talk to have her call you daddy...
And a Plethora of other things, not sure if u got kids but throw this scenario and apply it one of your daughters and see if your answer dont change...

Personally I would be seeing Red... And Wanting Vengeance... no matter what the thinking was.
I can accept what your saying to a point, BUT, I still think its highest form of Crime...

For my last Point, How would you respond having never been told, you got an idea to do a paternity test and it proves your the dad... Now thats a question and a half, curious to see what you have to say there...

She was definitely more to my tastes than Mrs. S. We were actively involved through my early 20s. We still chat from time to time, but nothing serious - and I'm quite certain that her son isn't mine. :)
Quite certain dont mean paternity test certain now does it...?
Are you s u r e???????

naww not braggin about anything just sayin i happen to be one lucky little shit at the time ... lol ... you have no idea what i actually thought at one point in that relationship .. WOW
Sounds like you could write a VN on the topic... When you gonna start that one?
Oct 28, 2017
I honestly like the molly ending. I just wish the choice to be with the sister was canon too. I don't see what would've hurt doing that. The alternate ending laid a great foundation to do so, only thing needed really was renders. I also don't know why there isn't any real ending routes with the other girls either. I thought I did as much as I could with skylar, and corey, but nothing comes out of it. Happy with the result, even though I feel it could've been much better.
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Active Member
May 18, 2018
I honestly like the molly ending. I just wish the choice to be with the sister was canon too. I don't see what would've hurt doing that. The alternate ending laid a great foundation to do so, only thing needed really was renders. I also don't know why there isn't any real ending routes with the other girls either. I thought I did as much as I could with skylar, and corey, but nothing comes out of it. Happy with the result, even though I feel it could've been much better.
This VN isnt finished yet... There will be a Nikki and maybe Nikki AND Molly ending, we just gonna have to wait and see.


Feb 17, 2019
damn it i wasted time replaying wanting to have a good molly ending but I still got the "foreveralone" ending what ever route i take.. damn I feel empty inside..

I tried cory route hoping to have a happy threesome ending but still a shty ending.. so sad


Active Member
May 18, 2018
damn it i wasted time replaying wanting to have a good molly ending but I still got the "foreveralone" ending what ever route i take.. damn I feel empty inside..

I tried cory route hoping to have a happy threesome ending but still a shty ending.. so sad
Its like this mate... DONT CHEAT on Molly with skylar


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2018
What's to stop her from sending a pic even if you stopped doing things with her after seeing Molly? Unsolicited sexts are a thing. Basically being punished for someone else's actions. Easily explained as didn't get the chance to tell former fuck buddy that you have a gf now. She already knew you had sex with Ashley, so him having sex with other women isn't new.

Now if they said something like "had a great time last week", but it's just a picture.

Hell it could have been D sending a pic of Jess' breasts since they don't mind Taylor seeing them. Guys send other guy friends porn all the time.
Last edited:


Active Member
May 18, 2018
What's to stop her from sending a pic even if you stopped doing things with her after seeing Molly? Unsolicited sexts are a thing. Basically being punished for someone else's actions. Easily explained as didn't get the chance to tell former fuck buddy that you have a gf now. She already knew you had sex with Ashley, so him having sex with other women isn't new. Now if they said something like "had a great time last week", but it's just a picture. Hell it could have been D sending a pic of Jess' breasts since they don't mind Taylor seeing them.
I agree with u in a perfect world thats possible even in our world thats possible.... BUT...

In this world the rules be set...

Simple case of Cause and Effect...


I killed Eric
Game Developer
Oct 8, 2017
damn it i wasted time replaying wanting to have a good molly ending but I still got the "foreveralone" ending what ever route i take.. damn I feel empty inside..

I tried cory route hoping to have a happy threesome ending but still a shty ending.. so sad
I'm really surprised how many people are getting having trouble with this. The game code defaults to cheatonmolly=False, and only gets triggered to =true if you have sex with anyone after you get into a relationship with Molly in V.13 (possibilities are Jessica/DBrickashaw, Ashley, Chelsea, Professor Janet/Husband, Cory/Chelsea).

What's to stop her from sending a pic even if you stopped doing things with her after seeing Molly?
The coding of the game is what stops it.

Now, if your greater point is that the scene isn't believable because it could have been an unsolicited sext from an ex... You have a point. Maybe in re-working the end game, I'll add in who the sext came from with a little dialogue of "It was great having unprotected sex with you very recently. Let's do it again soon! Love, Jessica/DBrickashaw, Ashley, Chelsea, Professor Janet/Husband, or Cory/Chelsea"


Active Member
May 18, 2018
I'm really surprised how many people are getting having trouble with this. The game code defaults to cheatonmolly=False, and only gets triggered to =true if you have sex with anyone after you get into a relationship with Molly in V.13 (possibilities are Jessica/DBrickashaw, Ashley, Chelsea, Professor Janet/Husband, Cory/Chelsea).

The coding of the game is what stops it.

Now, if your greater point is that the scene isn't believable because it could have been an unsolicited sext from an ex... You have a point. Maybe in re-working the end game, I'll add in who the sext came from with a little dialogue of "It was great having unprotected sex with you very recently. Let's do it again soon! Love, Jessica/DBrickashaw, Ashley, Chelsea, Professor Janet/Husband, or Cory/Chelsea"
ya some dont get get the dynamic mate... lol cheating = bad move

Funny as that sounds...

Guess it needs to broken down:
Step 1 accept boyfriend role with molly?
step 2 if you want good ending with molly there no messing with skylar or cory AFTER...

If thats not clear enough I dont what is...

The sext tho should have the option of an explanation as those can be used as relationship bombs

Merry Christmas mate


Jul 19, 2017
Now, if your greater point is that the scene isn't believable because it could have been an unsolicited sext from an ex... You have a point. Maybe in re-working the end game, I'll add in who the sext came from with a little dialogue of "It was great having unprotected sex with you very recently. Let's do it again soon! Love, Jessica/DBrickashaw, Ashley, Chelsea, Professor Janet/Husband, or Cory/Chelsea"
to be fair Ash did have a gun at the time, so that kind of seems like you'd get a pass ;)
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