Nah, I mean how many girls he's been with. Especially that crazy bitch Ashley. You'd think Nikki for all her experience might advise him to stop by the school health center and grab some rubbers, or have some in her bedside table. Not just Mrs S.
ya riiiiiight... a guys gonna opt to use rubbers at that age if he can enjoy sex without using one... While in college... MMHMMM sure... Far as Nikki pointing it out, maybe she wanted to get preggo by the mc... just saying...
Hahaha, well i feel a bit less bad about the Mrs S. ending as you do. Actually I kinda like that ending, but that ending would have been better if Mrs S had not been a sex option at X-mas. For me that fling weakened the ending a bit. I get why Sumo used her as the sex option at X-mas when Molly was not there, while he wanted some sex for the fans at that moment. Nikki would have been an even worse choice for him, since he did not want a Nikki-tales ending and them having sex then and there after their talk and Nikki having to be in love with Marc would make even less sense.
To me Mrs S. got exactly what she wanted out of the situation, a relationship with Tales mom that she wanted above Tales and the child that she wanted. I guess it was not altruism on Mrs S and Mom's part that they did not want to bother Tales with the child, but actually they preferred it the way it ended with them together and Tales baby.
Hi 22
Why not MRS S for some nice Romp for Chrissy? What you dont think grownups have needs / want young pressies for Christmas? IMHO, I think this actually was VERY nicely done, the ONLY bad thing here is that Mrs S didnt get her ending With the MC... And lets be Honest far as Milfs go She just a fukin Cougar and a Gorgeous one at that...
See now the Ride off to the sunset and a lets do it for a farewell gift might have actually worked well... Nikki being the wild child she is could have pulled that off without batting an eyelash...
Heres the interesting thing bout VNS... Sense and sensibility go out the fukin window, this why its called fantasy...
What makes sense in rl does not have any bearing in a world of the VN where the rules just have no meaning...
Are you really gonna tell me you never found a Milf / Cougar you wanted to be with?
Just wonderin if you got kids? Now ask yourself: Someone didnt tell me I got her preggo... Do I wanna know?
My answer: YES Every fuking time... No kid of mine is growing up fatherless.
Whats yours?
Merry Christmas and happy new year to you mate.
when i was alot younger than i am today

i used to go after older women like mad .. i remember when dating this one girl ... her mom came onto me .. i was 16 she ( gf's mom ) was 42 ,,, well honestly her mo was better than her in bed .. lol .. shhhh you didn't hear that from me ......
Ok Now your just Bragging you Lucky fuker lol did you marry the daughter and got them both as a package?
You never know, The Daughter might be ok with sheerin... LOL
Maybe the OP should be updated to say that THERE ARE MORE ENDINGS COMING
IT is, Completed sign been turned OFF
Been there. *hifive*
Despite some people who object over these things on whatever self-righteous moral feelings they have, I'm still thankful all these years later. I was educated, and took those lessons to heart, to much satisfaction for others down the line.
So you got your own MRS S story eh? you guys keep in touch? ever look her up?
Remember this as you go thru life... When ever someone judges you for something you do with that index finger... Theres 3 Fingers pointed back at them and their own fuked up life that they will NEVER fes up to anyone...
A Life Worth Living IS a life without regret cuz thats the ONLY way to go...
Merry Christmas and happy new year to you and yours...