
Conversation Conqueror
Respected User
Dec 17, 2017
And I wish you were there to tell me that 2 YEARS AGO!!! WHERE WERE YOU WHEN I NEEDED YOU??!?!?!?! Could have saved me a lot of hassle...

I admit, that was straight up me biting off more than I could chew. Didn't realize how long/complex branching stories would be to develop, especially in the early stages of a game. 100% on me. Once I realized, the toothpaste was out of the tube and it's not like I could just kill them off ;)
You know, I hear you can do great things with fires...

As a first time developer it's not surprising that you bit off more than you could chew. You had all these ideas, but no experience, so you didn't know how tough a large branching story could be to handle. The good thing is now you know how hard it is, and have some techniques for dealing with it, so your next story will be that much better.


Devoted Member
Oct 24, 2019
and i bet that sumodeine will be producing greater games in the future , and i can wait to play them as well (y)(y)(y)


I killed Eric
Game Developer
Oct 8, 2017
You know, I hear you can do great things with fires...
Man... Can you imagine the shit storm I would have created if I just solved the problem of too many characters by having a house fire and killing them off???

"Well, I guess Taylor has to be with Molly in the end because everyone else he knows is dead now..."


Conversation Conqueror
Respected User
Dec 17, 2017
Man... Can you imagine the shit storm I would have created if I just solved the problem of too many characters by having a house fire and killing them off???

"Well, I guess Taylor has to be with Molly in the end because everyone else he knows is dead now..."
Now, imagine the other shitstorm in this thread:
"You should have killed off Molly in the fire so Taylor can be with Nikki!" :ROFLMAO:


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2019
And I wish you were there to tell me that 2 YEARS AGO!!! WHERE WERE YOU WHEN I NEEDED YOU??!?!?!?! Could have saved me a lot of hassle...

I admit, that was straight up me biting off more than I could chew. Didn't realize how long/complex branching stories would be to develop, especially in the early stages of a game. 100% on me. Once I realized, the toothpaste was out of the tube and it's not like I could just kill them off ;)
Ow babe, I'm here now. I will take care of you.
That in the previous comment was a mixture of outburst and review.

But now you can! You can all!
You can release a version any way you like, disappear with characters, add others, or whatever else comes to mind!
Those who are satisfied with what has been released already have what they wanted, no longer have to worry about them. You are free!
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Aug 12, 2017
All my endings path is fucked... I never get Molly because that Skylar photo who is impossible to not receive... So, how get Molly ending?


Active Member
May 18, 2018
Just not everyone agrees with you that happy ending was happy, for me it was the saddest ending of all. I even preferred the three cats ending for Nikki over that one for her sake. I know Sumo intended it as happy, just it did not feel that way. :p
Totally Agreed on that one.

So reading the author's post in patreon it seems that there wasn't a Nikki ending just because he said earlier that it wouldn't be one and he wanted to do something "different", despite that being the direction the characters seemed to be naturally heading in. It's good to follow your own plot and choices but sometimes characters evolve and go to other ways than what you planned. Let's hope that now he is planning on updating the game more, one of the endings include Nikki, since he knows that not including one was a "mistake".

I'm not sure that having Skylar or Sarah in other game after appearing here will be a good thing, but well your story, your call. I myself am not a fan of having Skylar in other game where she could be with other MC or who knows, maybe other guys, when you can't even end with her in this game. Having familiar faces of other games, it isn't always a good thing, it can even ruin a character that you liked in the other game just because you want to include that character in the new game because you like said character. But that's just my opinion.
ya... having familiar faces that you really liked in another vn prolly not a good idea, especially since they faded away without a farewell...

So I played the final update in hopes of one last scene with Mrs Sollain, because she was one of my two favourite characters in the game (the other being Cory) and the visit to her house is what I consider to the be high point of the game.

While I did get one final hurrah with Mrs Sollain, it was actually quite disappointing due to the way the scene was written. There was none of the passion Taylor had shown during their time together at her house where he had said "I've been attracted to you for as long as I can remember" and told her that "You coming into my room that day was a dream come true". During that scene he had also thought to himself that "Her body is pretty much MILF perfection."

So how does Taylor react to her coming into his room to seduce him once more? He thinks to himself "Should I have sex with the old lady?". Not exactly the enthusiastic response I would've expected considering the previous choices I made in the game. Then there's this really awkward moment where Mrs Sollain screams out "Fucking fuck me like you fuck those college sluts!!", followed by Taylor's inner monologue of "I can only think to myself: Those college sluts have names and feelings and identities beyond just being a slut." Which is weird for several reasons.

First off, they're supposed to be keeping the noise down, so she shouldn't be shouting anything. Secondly, Taylor has never shown the sightest bit of respect for any of the college girls in this game. He has constantly followed his sister's advice, which was to tell them whatever lies were necessary to get in their pants. Finally, doesn't Mrs Sollain have feelings and an identity beyond just being an old lady?

The epilogue for Mrs Sollain is also very poorly done, she ends up pregnant and then raises her child with Taylor's mom. She keeps her the identity of the father a secret, which is extremely hard to believe since you would think that Taylor's mom might want to know if the kid they're raising together is her grandchild. After all, she did catch her son in bed with Mrs Sollain, so she's got to at least suspect something. The author claimed that this was the most logical ending for Mrs Sollain but I don't buy it.

Even if the author didn't want to make a picture perfect ending with a wedding and the works, they still could've thrown the fans a bone by leaving the ending a bit open. Something like have Taylor be unsure of what the future will hold but also having him determined to visit her whenever he gets a break in his study schedule. There was no need for every non-Molly route to end with him forever alone. Mrs Sollain even said that she was really impressed with the man Taylor had become when she was with him at Christmas, so that's at least something to work with. I mean, Nikki marrying Marc made zero sense but that got put in the game.
Totally agree with you there...
Sollain really should have had her own ending where she DID tell him he was a dad... dunno bout the rest of you but I would have had a paternity test done one way or other...

And lets be Honest, For a Milf shes Damn Hot, and did not deserve some of the comments there tbh

This week I searched for complete games, I decided to test this one (when this still had the complete game tag), without seeing the comments to not have spoilers... I should have seen before I played it all.
Therefore. Could someone be kind enough to list all possible (current) endings?
Or from what I read from some previous comments. Basically, we only have a few important differences:
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Well this is likely to change when the next update is done, I would think, so check back.
Current Endings:
1 Molly
2 Alone
3 Nikki Bad ending

I think the thing with Ms Sollain is as much a bit of self-referential joking as anything else (at least the whole thing with the night-stand, sticking the dildo to the wall, etc), but it's also meant to illustrate a bit of real-world pathos-- it's quite possible for an inexperienced young man to be attracted to a pretty older lady, then go to college, get a little (or a lot) more life experience, then encounter the older lady again and realize... it's actually a bit weird for an older lady to seduce a much younger man like that.

What was weirder to me was her encountering Taylor and Nikki and having a threesome with them. That, I found rather harder to buy.
So your saying younger guys dont go after milfs? Damn... Which planet are you from? That there is just one among an ocean of varying tastes that young men have...

WHAT exactly did you find strange bout a threesome of Mrs S Nikki and MC? you obviously did not pay attention to her saying how she missed college life and the freedom that came with it... Nothing hard about that except for the MC's tool that is...

I will tell you what IS hard to buy... as you put it... That knowing he did have unloaded in her and not push the envelope to find out if the Daughter IS his... AND Visiting Mrs S to make sure she didnt get preggo... I would want to be involved if it was mine... no questions asked.
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Dec 9, 2019
So your saying younger guys dont go after milfs? Damn... Which planet are you from? That there is just one among an ocean of varying tastes that young men have...

WHAT exactly did you find strange bout a threesome of Mrs S Nikki and MC? you obviously did not pay attention to her saying how she missed college life and the freedom that came with it... Nothing hard about that except for the MC's tool that is...

I will tell you what IS hard to buy... as you put it... That knowing he did have unloaded in her and not push the envelope to find out if the Daughter IS his... AND Visiting Mrs S to make sure she didnt get preggo... I would want to be involved if it was mine... no questions asked.
Nah, wasn't saying he doesn't "go after" milfs, more that he had his first experience with one, then he goes on to have a bunch of experiences with girls more his own age and get a better grasp on how relationships work and that puts his first experience in a different light when he thinks about it. This is mostly about the time where he goes to Mrs Sollain's house to "help" her and she's a mess about it. Note that in both encounters with Mrs Sollain before that, she's the one that initiates sex (the first time and the incident at the bar/restaurant).

As for the threesome: this is a woman they've known since they were small children. Alcohol lubricated the encounter, and they're adults, but... eh. I just wasn't feeling it, hot as it was in the moment.

The paternity thing does bring up a thought. While I know nobody likes rubbers... damn kid, don't you know better than to wrap it up if you're gonna tap ass right and left? At least have the option. Prego is one thing, a lot of girls are on the pill, but the clap is another.


Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
And I wish you were there to tell me that 2 YEARS AGO!!! WHERE WERE YOU WHEN I NEEDED YOU??!?!?!?! Could have saved me a lot of hassle...

I admit, that was straight up me biting off more than I could chew. Didn't realize how long/complex branching stories would be to develop, especially in the early stages of a game. 100% on me. Once I realized, the toothpaste was out of the tube and it's not like I could just kill them off ;)
Hahaha and fair enough in a way and I also remember your patreon posts around version 11 and also later if remember right that the story did not feel entirely right and you had to rewrite it a bit to feel right. I guess you also got in trouble then with the endings you had planned without realizing that and made you unable to see some options you had. Even while staying away from a Tales and Nikki ending since you did not want those.

An example is Cory, you had a perfectly valid reason in her character itself to break off the relation with Tales with a build in option for a later happy end for those that went her path. :p Cory is not just a sporty girl, but a professional athlete in a sport with professionals and a dream to win Olympic gold, to be one of the best in her sport in her country and has the talent and dedication to make that dream come true. You could just have made her realize that getting to serious with Tales at that moment hindered her in the thing that was most important to her, getting Olympic gold. Leading her to have talk with Tales telling him she liked him lots, but he was there at the wrong moment in space and time. Well for those wanting a Cory ending you could have then added a choice somewhere if Tales is not with someone else, to have him admit to Nikki that besides his relation with Nikki also his relation with Cory was a reason to reject Molly, leading to a happy end with Cory where Tales and Cory would reconnect after the Olympics, both a bit older and wiser and find out that they still like each other.


Active Member
May 18, 2018
Nah, wasn't saying he doesn't "go after" milfs, more that he had his first experience with one, then he goes on to have a bunch of experiences with girls more his own age and get a better grasp on how relationships work and that puts his first experience in a different light when he thinks about it. This is mostly about the time where he goes to Mrs Sollain's house to "help" her and she's a mess about it. Note that in both encounters with Mrs Sollain before that, she's the one that initiates sex (the first time and the incident at the bar/restaurant).

As for the threesome: this is a woman they've known since they were small children. Alcohol lubricated the encounter, and they're adults, but... eh. I just wasn't feeling it, hot as it was in the moment.

The paternity thing does bring up a thought. While I know nobody likes rubbers... damn kid, don't you know better than to wrap it up if you're gonna tap ass right and left? At least have the option. Prego is one thing, a lot of girls are on the pill, but the clap is another.
'a different light when he thinks about it'
Please Sexplain... WHAT diff Light be you meaning??? OLD Milf??? Let me not make assumptions so lets see what you say pls...

I agree she does take his V card and lets be honest WHO wouldnt be happy about that?
I would be sexstatic tbh but thats me...

'As for the threesome: this is a woman they've known since they were small children. Alcohol lubricated the encounter, and they're adults, but... eh. I just wasn't feeling it, hot as it was in the moment.'

This IS what makes it even hotter... your gonna tell me you never had a crush on a teacher or super HOT Milf that was friends with you Ma? Like seriously???

You cant fathom the possibility???? I can...
Booze induced is just Bullshit tbh... this was a sober choice PLAIN AND FUKING SIMPLE as that...

'but the clap is another.'

guessing your meaning Mrs S... Damn man you got no respect for a MILF do you?
Thats just down right rude... Please correct me if I be mistaken, this aint a personal thing other then an observation...

You still havent addressed the most important part... you get a milf preggo... you suspect its yours... NOW


Answer that one truthfully...

(choices r : Marry her raise kid... raise kid together... walk away... or something of your choice....)
What would you do IRL???

Merry Christmas and happy new year to you btw and yours...


Dec 9, 2019
'but the clap is another.'

guessing your meaning Mrs S... Damn man you got no respect for a MILF do you?
Thats just down right rude... Please correct me if I be mistaken, this aint a personal thing other then an observation...
Nah, I mean how many girls he's been with. Especially that crazy bitch Ashley. You'd think Nikki for all her experience might advise him to stop by the school health center and grab some rubbers, or have some in her bedside table. Not just Mrs S.
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Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
'a different light when he thinks about it'
Please Sexplain... WHAT diff Light be you meaning??? OLD Milf??? Let me not make assumptions so lets see what you say pls...

I agree she does take his V card and lets be honest WHO wouldnt be happy about that?
I would be sexstatic tbh but thats me...

'As for the threesome: this is a woman they've known since they were small children. Alcohol lubricated the encounter, and they're adults, but... eh. I just wasn't feeling it, hot as it was in the moment.'

This IS what makes it even hotter... your gonna tell me you never had a crush on a teacher or super HOT Milf that was friends with you Ma? Like seriously???

You cant fathom the possibility???? I can...
Booze induced is just Bullshit tbh... this was a sober choice PLAIN AND FUKING SIMPLE as that...

'but the clap is another.'

guessing your meaning Mrs S... Damn man you got no respect for a MILF do you?
Thats just down right rude... Please correct me if I be mistaken, this aint a personal thing other then an observation...

You still havent addressed the most important part... you get a milf preggo... you suspect its yours... NOW


Answer that one truthfully...

(choices r : Marry her raise kid... raise kid together... walk away... or something of your choice....)
What would you do IRL???

Merry Christmas and happy new year to you btw and yours...
Hahaha, well i feel a bit less bad about the Mrs S. ending as you do. Actually I kinda like that ending, but that ending would have been better if Mrs S had not been a sex option at X-mas. For me that fling weakened the ending a bit. I get why Sumo used her as the sex option at X-mas when Molly was not there, while he wanted some sex for the fans at that moment. Nikki would have been an even worse choice for him, since he did not want a Nikki-tales ending and them having sex then and there after their talk and Nikki having to be in love with Marc would make even less sense.

To me Mrs S. got exactly what she wanted out of the situation, a relationship with Tales mom that she wanted above Tales and the child that she wanted. I guess it was not altruism on Mrs S and Mom's part that they did not want to bother Tales with the child, but actually they preferred it the way it ended with them together and Tales baby. :p
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Devoted Member
Oct 24, 2019
when i was alot younger than i am today :cautious: i used to go after older women like mad .. i remember when dating this one girl ... her mom came onto me .. i was 16 she ( gf's mom ) was 42 ,,, well honestly her mo was better than her in bed .. lol .. shhhh you didn't hear that from me ......
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Engaged Member
Aug 19, 2019
i was 16 she ( gf's mom ) was 42
Been there. *hifive*

Despite some people who object over these things on whatever self-righteous moral feelings they have, I'm still thankful all these years later. I was educated, and took those lessons to heart, to much satisfaction for others down the line.


Jul 24, 2018
I'm sorry this game is done. I enjoyed the Molly ending. I didn't play the Nikki bad ending, so i can't comment. The alone ending was a bit harsh, as there was no chance for redemption. Also, i kinda feel like Skylar was in a glass house, throwing stones. But never mind. I did see a plausible potential for a kind of throuple ending with Nikki and Molly. At least in the sense that they were all comfortable enough with each other to have the odd fling 'à trois'. But all in all, i really enjoyed the writing, and had fun following the story. Thanks, Sumodeine, for the chuckles, and the rest! ;) I hope you have another project in mind already. I'll be looking out for it!


Active Member
May 18, 2018
Nah, I mean how many girls he's been with. Especially that crazy bitch Ashley. You'd think Nikki for all her experience might advise him to stop by the school health center and grab some rubbers, or have some in her bedside table. Not just Mrs S.
ya riiiiiight... a guys gonna opt to use rubbers at that age if he can enjoy sex without using one... While in college... MMHMMM sure... Far as Nikki pointing it out, maybe she wanted to get preggo by the mc... just saying...

Hahaha, well i feel a bit less bad about the Mrs S. ending as you do. Actually I kinda like that ending, but that ending would have been better if Mrs S had not been a sex option at X-mas. For me that fling weakened the ending a bit. I get why Sumo used her as the sex option at X-mas when Molly was not there, while he wanted some sex for the fans at that moment. Nikki would have been an even worse choice for him, since he did not want a Nikki-tales ending and them having sex then and there after their talk and Nikki having to be in love with Marc would make even less sense.

To me Mrs S. got exactly what she wanted out of the situation, a relationship with Tales mom that she wanted above Tales and the child that she wanted. I guess it was not altruism on Mrs S and Mom's part that they did not want to bother Tales with the child, but actually they preferred it the way it ended with them together and Tales baby. :p
Hi 22
Why not MRS S for some nice Romp for Chrissy? What you dont think grownups have needs / want young pressies for Christmas? IMHO, I think this actually was VERY nicely done, the ONLY bad thing here is that Mrs S didnt get her ending With the MC... And lets be Honest far as Milfs go She just a fukin Cougar and a Gorgeous one at that...

See now the Ride off to the sunset and a lets do it for a farewell gift might have actually worked well... Nikki being the wild child she is could have pulled that off without batting an eyelash...

Heres the interesting thing bout VNS... Sense and sensibility go out the fukin window, this why its called fantasy...

What makes sense in rl does not have any bearing in a world of the VN where the rules just have no meaning...

Are you really gonna tell me you never found a Milf / Cougar you wanted to be with?
Just wonderin if you got kids? Now ask yourself: Someone didnt tell me I got her preggo... Do I wanna know?
My answer: YES Every fuking time... No kid of mine is growing up fatherless.
Whats yours?

Merry Christmas and happy new year to you mate.

when i was alot younger than i am today :cautious: i used to go after older women like mad .. i remember when dating this one girl ... her mom came onto me .. i was 16 she ( gf's mom ) was 42 ,,, well honestly her mo was better than her in bed .. lol .. shhhh you didn't hear that from me ......
Ok Now your just Bragging you Lucky fuker lol did you marry the daughter and got them both as a package?
You never know, The Daughter might be ok with sheerin... LOL

Maybe the OP should be updated to say that THERE ARE MORE ENDINGS COMING
IT is, Completed sign been turned OFF

Been there. *hifive*

Despite some people who object over these things on whatever self-righteous moral feelings they have, I'm still thankful all these years later. I was educated, and took those lessons to heart, to much satisfaction for others down the line.

So you got your own MRS S story eh? you guys keep in touch? ever look her up?

Remember this as you go thru life... When ever someone judges you for something you do with that index finger... Theres 3 Fingers pointed back at them and their own fuked up life that they will NEVER fes up to anyone...

A Life Worth Living IS a life without regret cuz thats the ONLY way to go...

Merry Christmas and happy new year to you and yours...
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Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
ya riiiiiight... a guys gonna opt to use rubbers at that age if he can enjoy sex without using one... While in college... MMHMMM sure... Far as Nikki pointing it out, maybe she wanted to get preggo by the mc... just saying...

Hi 22
Why not MRS S for some nice Romp for Chrissy? What you dont think grownups have needs / want young pressies for Christmas? IMHO, I think this actually was VERY nicely done, the ONLY bad thing here is that Mrs S didnt get her ending With the MC... And lets be Honest far as Milfs go She just a fukin Cougar and a Gorgeous one at that...

See now the Ride off to the sunset and a lets do it for a farewell gift might have actually worked well... Nikki being the wild child she is could have pulled that off without batting an eyelash...

Heres the interesting thing bout VNS... Sense and sensibility go out the fukin window, this why its called fantasy...

What makes sense in rl does not have any bearing in a world of the VN where the rules just have no meaning...

Are you really gonna tell me you never found a Milf / Cougar you wanted to be with?
Just wonderin if you got kids? Now ask yourself: Someone didnt tell me I got her preggo... Do I wanna know?
My answer: YES Every fuking time... No kid of mine is growing up fatherless.
Whats yours?

Merry Christmas and happy new year to you mate.
Hi Red
I think that answer is based upon my reading of the situation. :p Mrs S already knew she was preggers at X-mas, hence the no drinking and Mrs S and Mom were also already in a sexual relation. Remember that other woman that was with Mom while she had the phone call just before X-mas. In that situation I would not see why Mrs S would take that risk if she wanted to be in a relation with Mom, unless ofc Mom and Mrs S talked about it before, after she caught them together and changed her mind on that and she gave Mrs S free reign on Tales with some intention for future including her. Well I guess Sumo wanted to stay away from that since would have made a no Tales-Nikki ending weirder if Tales had such a relation with his Mom as well. (Only Sumo can tell that though :p).

Considering Tales as father, I hear and understand you if the place the child ended up was not with Mrs S and his Mom he loves. This is a woman he has known since childhood and his own Mom though, where he can be with the kid even if officially as Uncle instead as father. Where he also can be the father figure to the kid if he wishes to do so. It is more like your brother dropping a bombshell one evening that he and his wive are infertile and if you would like to be the donor for AI. Ofc it would have been nicer of Mrs S and Mom to ask first. :p

Nikki as sex option for X-mas might have worked before their talk, but Sumo for his reasons (also the happy end he had planned) did not want to go there likely. Now I do not agree that ending was happy based upon my different reading of Nikki and to lesser extent of Tales, but I can understand why he might not have felt that to be right.
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