Solid update in both content and gameplay. I seem to be having much more success with Laura and the massage table than I did last update, though Sofia continues to be a bitch-and-a-half with her 75% bullshit. The tarot cards are a much-needed addition; adding "The Wicked" to Laura feels like playing with cheat codes on, and I have a sneaking suspicion that playing at Level 4 or 5 will definitely require some judicious swapping of cards throughout the day. Amanda's changes are also welcome, though I do wish she'd prioritize skills with less experience. We definitely need another fitness/sauna person, too. There are far too many times at Level 3 that you'll have people checking in who'll want both in the morning, and poor Riley can only be in one place at a time. Or maybe there's an "identical twin" card I haven't found yet? (mmmm, two Rileys at the same time...

The new events are pretty good, though I hope you'll ignore the "can u fuk mom yet" crowd and leave Julia alone for a while. I love MILFs as much as the next guy, but Laura, Kay, and Riley are in need of some love. I did ask for guest events but I'll admit I expected we'd see some Denise or Karen progress instead of the hawt Orville-on-story action we got this update. It is good lore, though, and I'm very curious to see where the story goes from here.