Sycho is volunteering for Faerin's games (he's not alone btw, you will quickly find out who else in this thread fixes saves and similar), not only here but also in MotH. And there has been a tendency that people fiddle around in save files or use similar techniques to change variables and settings and then giving the dev hell that his game does not work. I remember one instance, I think a different game though, where somebody even posted a whole rant on how bad programming is if it does not account for variable combinations that cannot occur during regular gameplay because he needs to put in safety measures so the game can continue properly even if you changed any and all flags. I guess sooner or later you hate that. Probably sooner.
tl;dr: give idiots a tool to destroy their games, and Faerin and by extension Sycho will get flak for it. They prefer not getting flak.
I can appreciate that and also think it's great that there are people that are willing to volunteer to help, but my issues were more with the attitude given when seemingly acting in an official capacity and the fact that the cheat menu (even the lesser version) is locked at all, while essentially taunting you with its existence (which may as well be daring people to go digging for treasure - especially on what is essentially a pirate site

I also find it strange how my post was deleted for being "off-topic" (which is certainly debatable) while certain others, such as yours, which is actually a response to my deleted post isn't deemed off-topic and the fact that the one that my post was in response to isn't deemed to be in breach of the general forum rules and deleted, but mine that remained respectful was deleted. Sadly the notification doesn't mention who was responsible.
I'm not really a fan of the monotonous repetition/grind that goes hand-in-hand with management type games, although there have been times that I have found myself playing one for hours - not necessarily enjoying it, but wanting to see everything (hence my desire for access to the cheats). I can see that Faerin has the intention to implement a story mode without all of that stuff in the future, which is great (or will be when it's implemented).
I love the ladies in the game (my main reason for finally deciding to play despite it being a management type) and I think the story has the potential to be quite interesting.
The micromanaging (i.e. having to select the correct meal/drink/etc every time) is rather annoying. If I remember correctly, the game mentioned that once you get VIP for a guest at a certain level the intention is to have those done automatically (obviously not implemented yet).
I have a couple of suggestions that I believe will prove useful at higher levels (i.e. when dealing with more staff/guests) :
1. A clear all button - click it and all the staff will return to the employee list at the bottom rather than having to remove them manually.
2. An auto-assign button (this may be overly complicated) - Give the option to set priority to the tasks the employees can do (e.g. Amber - 1st. Restaurant, 2nd. Bar, 3rd. Housekeeping). When you click the auto-assign button it will automatically assign staff to a location based on their priority orders and if a location needs staffing (fills locations where there is a guest). Maybe have a conditional priority for maintenance/housekeeping/etc that only gives it priority/fills if the percentage is below or equal to a certain percentage that the player can set.