
May 14, 2017
Yep, bugged. Not getting amber after her day2 event. Tried 3 times, once with patch removed. Maxed out availible content(just mom) each time too and only ever explored the manor except getting the event pics. This is already updating so much slower than moth, yet the update is shipped completely broken. NICE.


Jan 31, 2020
porn side in what update ? 1.9.7 ?
As you don't seem to get bored easily what does it matter to you
The game platform has been stabilised and the porn content will follow as you don't pay for the game why is it such a big deal to you
I know why you are one of those I get it for free but it has to include what I want
Life doesn't work like that, the people that pay for the production of the game and support the dev so he can continue to create the game decide on what is in next not you who gets it's for free and bleats that it's not what you want
If real porn comes in V.1000,000 are you going to lose out? No, because you don't contribute to anything all of your posts are whines about how the game doesn't suit you not only in this thread but in others as well.
Don't like it don't play it but please stop trying to bend the dev to the way YOU want it as it isn't going to happen
I share the game here as I enjoy playing it, if the dev knew who I was I would be banned from his Patreon, a good few other members here enjoy it as well as it's a GAME, something which you seem to be finding hard to make a difference between the two a GAME and a VN
This is a concept of work and reward something which seems alien to you, sorry but just like life everything won't be handed to you on a plate some things you have to work for
In short, if you don't like the GAME don't play it, I'm sure the dev won't lose sleep over it but stop whining that you can't fap to one of the characters in the game just move on, or even try to go out and get a real girlfriend believe me that will open a whole new perspective on your life


Active Member
Apr 22, 2018
What is the point of delaying "action" so much ? No one likes tons of grind just for another tease. I had big hopes for this game...
He's not delaying "action". For now most of his focus has been on the hotel manager gameplay mechanics.
Making sure that the "game runs well and isn't too grindy.
I believe he stated that after this update he would be able to focus more on new content as he felt the game was at a point where it ran stable enough to do so. So patience my young padawan.
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Mrs Delington

Active Member
Oct 30, 2017
Hum....too much grind for me, and too many steps are too long (like the level of satisfaction, could be just ok, you pass. No need to have a scale that take 3 second to stop). I don't how and when exactly I need to do some steps. I was in hope to have a nice update with something that could be better, but I think it's even more complicated.


Jan 31, 2020
What is the point of delaying "action" so much ? No one likes tons of grind just for another tease. I had big hopes for this game...
The reason for delaying the action is that you have to play the game, the dev here isn't thinking about you he's creating a GAME a concept that seems alien to you. So he gives you what you want and in the first few releases he lets you screw everyone okay that pleases you but at the end of it he is making a game not for here but there is an end goal
You don't put two years of work into a project only if there is some reward after it.
I’m sorry if it disappoints you but every dev on the site isn’t working for you they are working for themselves some of you need to get a grip and look at the bigger picture.

The game may well be shared on here and it is not with the devs permission, he may well talk to you and interact but that is only out of courtesy and if you have any constructive criticisms may well alter the game as to what you have told him, not just for this game but many others as well, there is a bigger picture that God forbid they will actually try to earn a living out of what they do.

This site is a Pirate site it doesn’t try to make itself into anything less, but some of you don’t realise that the devs are trying to earn a living from what they do and you coming on here and bitching about a game will either inspire or have the opposite affect of them wanting to throw their hand in

Think about that next time you have a problem with a game, it might be actually down to your comment on whether a dev continues or quits

So in response to you give the GAME sometime and it will give you what you want


Pull it!
Aug 6, 2016
Bug everytime I try build the gym I get stuck in the gym and cant leave. Lost a bunch of progress because I was lazy about saving. Got to the same point again, and it happened again. Same thing happens with the sauna. Anything that requires the maintenance room crashes me.

I walk the line

New Member
Jun 3, 2017
The reason for delaying the action is that you have to play the game, the dev here isn't thinking about you he's creating a GAME a concept that seems alien to you. So he gives you what you want and in the first few releases he lets you screw everyone okay that pleases you but at the end of it he is making a game not for here but there is an end goal
You don't put two years of work into a project only if there is some reward after it.
I’m sorry if it disappoints you but every dev on the site isn’t working for you they are working for themselves some of you need to get a grip and look at the bigger picture.

The game may well be shared on here and it is not with the devs permission, he may well talk to you and interact but that is only out of courtesy and if you have any constructive criticisms may well alter the game as to what you have told him, not just for this game but many others as well, there is a bigger picture that God forbid they will actually try to earn a living out of what they do.

This site is a Pirate site it doesn’t try to make itself into anything less, but some of you don’t realise that the devs are trying to earn a living from what they do and you coming on here and bitching about a game will either inspire or have the opposite affect of them wanting to throw their hand in

Think about that next time you have a problem with a game, it might be actually down to your comment on whether a dev continues or quits

So in response to you give the GAME sometime and it will give you what you want
Hey guy, relax, it's fine, you don't have to jump on everybody that calls these "devs" out for milking patreon to the point of abuse. The "game is stable now" thing has been on the precvious 3 change logs and the game barely got 6-7ish renders in about 4 months. He sais he fixed 50 bugs (odly round number), but none of them could have been major because I played the entire thing and it had no showstoppers. Only good thing he did here was making the satisafaction bar go faster (and it's still slow and stupid) and "reduce the grind" by not changing anything and adding another maintanance mechanic. If you have any amound of common sense you'd let people chime in their 2 cents, but since you're obiously paying for this garbage I've already answered my own question


Nov 4, 2017
Played for quite a while and think got all the new scenes, but when I went to save the game locked. Then played it again and same thing again.
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May 7, 2018
Bug everytime I try build the gym I get stuck in the gym and cant leave. Lost a bunch of progress because I was lazy about saving. Got to the same point again, and it happened again. Same thing happens with the sauna. Anything that requires the maintenance room crashes me.
This is happening to me also. I don't know if I am doing anything wrong, but I am lvl 2hotel and I have all 3 girls, and no other bugs till this one. Not even a error message just freezes after Micky finished talking,

NOTE: ok I don't know what the bug is. But I had the animation turned off, and when I turned it on and tried the sauna again it worked. So if you can not continue after the gym or sauna restoration, turn on the animations and try again.
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Apr 29, 2018
Tried everything I could think of to trigger Kay scene Far from the tree, but nothing works. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

Addendum : Maybe someone could answer a question I have regarding the lobby. Started the morning off with no guest in the Hotel. Julia was in the lobby.
Have 2 slots for quests. I suppose this is for waiting. However, I only get one quest that wants a room. Check them in. Have to wait till afternoon to check in a second quest. When you have no guest why aren't you able to check in two guest. One checking in and one waiting to be checked in. Otherwise, what are the two slots in the lobby beneath Julia to be used for. Currently, I have every upgrade you can get. Hotel is Level 2. Almost all the girls are level 3. For the life of me I don't understand the deal with the lobby. I have had 2 quest in the Kitchen, Restaurant, and Bar. SO! If someone could explain as to why we can't check in 2 quest on the same time slot I would be very grateful. Thanks once again in advance.
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Sep 24, 2017
This little different then most of these games. Question, how to load or where to load the incest mapping patch. Usually there is a game folder, but not this one.


Mar 18, 2018
Okay I am not sure If I am the only one here but I have noticed for some Guest have changed to being only having 1 Room Service event to now having 2 Room Service events and that is it. Could this a bug from the fact that I'm using a version 1.2 save file. Definitely having to overhaul the file I was working on for the Guest if true.
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