another update

For me fortune i only do the tutorial like for 3 days (more or less 3/4 hours) only for obten "The Chosen One" CARD! Yes i am crazy, but i want that card again! Anyway i just do the tutorial till the day i need to speak with MC's sister.
Now i just wanna ask the developer one thing for now

If it is possible to have an option, where is it possible to change the choice of ... what employees/people/family should call us?
This kind of thing "really" they destabilize me, because I wouldn't want to use the same name for the whole game.
I mean this is some kind of management game. But also a relationship/porno game. so I tend to immerse myself enough in the plot. And it would be nice for example ... initially to let them call me normal employees Boss. Family one, start form own name, to then increase the relationship and intimacy, move from Boss to something more intimate in short
Something like... clicking on the girls/women and then say... form now you can call me... and then let us re-choice again.
Ofc if is possible.
Anyway Thank you this game is really awesome. And we are only at the start, only play the management things

cant wait to start the plot and the sex thing now