It's typically released around the last Friday of the month.Awsome thanks! Now im just sad cuz now I have to wait till end of month.![]()
Yes, I agree: the wages are ridiculously low at the moment.V0.1.3.1
Started over with the new version. Playing with UI animations off & Guest interactions off. Didn't encounter any bugs or problems until, you guessed it, the renovation of the Sauna & Fitness part of the game. The problem wasn't with renovating the Sauna or Fitness, but instead it was the Maintenance Rm. So, after renovating the Sauna & what his name told me the spill on mainrenance, I renovated the Maintenance. There lies the problem. As soon as you renovate every thing freezes up. No escape. Had to X it out & load it up again. Wasn't about to start over, so I read posts here & came across one avout the UI animation. Wasn't sure about that so I went back into the game & turned on both options, ui animation & guest interaction. With that done I renovated the Maintenance Room with no problem. Once done I turned off UI animation & Guest interaction. Now, past 100 days & no problems.
Suggestion: Player should be able or (required to) renovate the Maintence Rm before the Sauna & Fitness Rm. Mainly because everything degrades to fast. Down to 30% by the actual time Kay goes to work. Or, perhaps not have anything degrading until you've hired Kay.
Slave labor: The more I played the more the shifts & wages nagged my brain. Do to math being major in High school & College
plus being manage for a national Drug Store chain, I couldn't get it out of my head. SO! Her it is. If we have 4 time slots, Morning, Afternoon, Evening, & perhaps Night. Normal thought is morning to afternoon or noon is (8:00 to 12:00), then afternoon to evening would be (12:00 to 4 or 6:00), leaving evening to ( 4:00 to 8:00 or 6 to 8 or even 10)
This is 7 days a week. If you count from 8:00 am to say 6:00 pm, (would be later with the bar & the club when it is added.
8am to 6pm is 10 hrs. 70 hrs a week. $250 / 70 = 3.57 per hour. It's no wonder I'm getting rich. Haveing over $300,000 in profit only after 100 days.
Needs to be a way to increase their pay & give them at least 1 day off. Maybe bellying rubbing could be a nice way to give a raise. Maybe a relief worked for the weekends. Yes!, I know it's a game, but it is Hotel Management game with a little goodies on the side every now & then. Perhaps something is already planed & not yet added.
It's all just thoughts not complaint. If the latest v0.1.3.1 is any indicator of what's to come, it will surpass MOTH with no problem. The adult animation is far greater than MOTH. I truly feel that the dev is going all out on this one. As for myself I can only see things getting better & better. In my book, wasting no time to correct serious bugs is a +++. Have other suggestion that the dev may be interested in or perhaps already in his ultimate plans. But I'll wait a little & see how it goes. Thank you.
Yes, there's a link to it that was posted on the previous page.any walkthroughs? stuck on level 2 hotel :C can't gain xp anymore for some reason and I am stuck repeating days with nothing new happening even when trying to talk and explore during days and nights.
Yes, I agree: the wages are ridiculously low at the moment.
There will be some more balancing in wages vs income vs renovation/upgrade costs in the near future (probably several times still).
If you have any more ideas regarding gameplay and balancing, please let me know, as this is the phase in which I can still adjust these things and I really want to aim for a challenging, but fun gameplay.
Thanks a lot for your feedback!
Interesting approach. For the leveling up did you give a $100 raise for level 5 or was it a small oversight putting them at 1.000 instead of 850? Doubling for the final level would make sense storywise and not be a problem at all, and if the current ratio of 2 employees per serviceable customer were to stay constant, it could work, but the lower tier customers would barely give you a profit then - so the viability versus a threatening Great Googlymoogly Grind would depend on how customers appear and are chosen and how much they will pay later. On the other hand, if everything stayed as it is right now, the "business simulator" part would be pretty easy (of course we wouldn't know how the different levels will affect this).(some, actually a lot of, interesting stuff shortened to make this post appear shorter)
Interesting approach. For the leveling up did you give a $100 raise for level 5 or was it a small oversight putting them at 1.000 instead of 850? Doubling for the final level would make sense storywise and not be a problem at all, and if the current ratio of 2 employees per serviceable customer were to stay constant, it could work, but the lower tier customers would barely give you a profit then - so the viability versus a threatening Great Googlymoogly Grind would depend on how customers appear and are chosen and how much they will pay later. On the other hand, if everything stayed as it is right now, the "business simulator" part would be pretty easy (of course we wouldn't know how the different levels will affect this).
As for the money itself, we shouldn't really compare the numbers too much to reality. $1000 in 4 weeks with room and board provided for entry level employees still learning the ropes does not sound too little to be realistic to me, but things may differ in different parts of the world. On the other side, customers paying you $8k for a two nights stay will expect something more than we could probably provide. So, as in many other games, one should probably see what we see as representing more people. But since I half-assed the intro on the last playthrough, sorry: is the story still about the clients being more famous people looking for a silent retreat?
I definitely like the idea to have some kind of schooling system to (slowly) increase skills at a cost, because it can reduce grind time (at a cost). It would probably not be too easy to implement into the story without creating some narrative hiccups, but then my technique of refusing customers because they don't want to visit the restaurant or sauna doesn't make too much sense either ("I am terribly sorry Ma'am, but we can only accept customers who are willing to get naked and then get into heat.").
I never said it was unreasonable. But I made a huge whoopie in my calculations, because later I compared income to wages but counted the wages daily for whatever reason. And even then it could work, depending on customer distribution. But yeah, since wages are weekly, money won't be an issue at all.Starting salary for all employees would start at $250. Each skill raised to next level would be +$50.
Example: $250 start + $50 + $50 + $50 = $400 Now you are at level 2
$400 + $50 + $50 + $50 = $550 Now you are starting Level 3
$550 + $50 + $50 + $50 = $700 Now you are starting Level 4
$700 + $50 + $50 + $50 = $850 Now you are starting Level 5
$850 + $50 + $50 + $50 = $1000 Now you have completed all Levels.
$1000 per wks = $52,000 a year. They also get 1 time bonuses for classroom learning at $25 per Skill.
The outlined wages would be in line for a posh Hotel such as Mystwood manor would be considered. I am clearing on average a weekly profit in excess of 40K. As for myself, I could easly afford thes wages considering all the other services that are going to be offered. With 5 guest checked in you'll make more than enough to pay the girls a good wage. As fa as implemitation goes it would not be that difficult. It's just up to the dev if he wants to change or add the code.
You have to remember that once past Level 1 it takes quite a while to increase to the nest level, which gives you plenty of time to have the money to pay them with. I am on day 112 with 400K. I have had quest pay as much as 12K for 3 nights. With just one guest and my staff at fullest Level would be 3k leaving me with 9k. That is if I accepted no other gues other than the one. So, you can see that it is not unreasonable. Thank you
Thanks a lot for your feedback!Salaries:
Based onthe fact there are going to be no more than 5 tiers with currently each staff having 3 skills I did some math and feel the following would be fair.
The study will actually work that way (more or less).I definitely like the idea to have some kind of schooling system to (slowly) increase skills at a cost, because it can reduce grind time (at a cost).
Have her work at the housekeeping station. No need to check up on her. It might take a couple of tries as the game, in order to cut back on the grind , will only show 1 image event of the girls working or resting so you have to hope the game chooses her.Hi, does anyone know how to unlock Amber 5th picture in her gallery ?
Fuck yeah! If only fucking someone would fucking tell me what those fucking bugs are. Maybe I could get them fucking fixed.This game is fucking imposible to play, bugs every fucking were
Thanks for the bug report!Ran into an issue where I loaded my saved game and the gym was un-accessible. I had the gym built and upgraded earlier with guests & Riley using it. Now it won't give me the option to build it again or place Riley there. Doesn't seem to be a maintenance issue with Kay since my maintenance is at 90%. Anyone have any thoughts on how to resolve this? I uploaded the save as well. Thank you!
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